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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Your warning: Keep it up...and see what happens. How many times have I said "there are already systems in place today that can make any internet taxation schema instantly irrelevant, most of them just need to be re-tasked/configured? How many times have I said "people are just screwing around with these ideas, but if (insert dopey, newly elected Democrat here. Spitzer for example...remember that 2 day whimsy? ) goes ahead with their plan, they will create an instant investment market and these ideas will go from experimental to deployed...overnight? Well? Here you go, from my predictions(not really as they were actually inevitable) to your reality: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-05/bitcoin-really-is-an-existential-threat-to-the-modern-liberal-state.html Now even Bloomberg knows about this, which is hysterical, because if there ever was a goup of finance ludites...they just come right out and say "liberal state". Yes, liberals, this means you. However, apparently Bloomberg, given the hysterical tone of this article, doesn't understand the inherent flaws in Bitcoin, the software(don't bore me with "but it's open source" as that has no bearing on a: currency). Here's a well written, but overbearing, article that dances on the periphery of issue http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/10/why-bitcoin-is-a-bubble.html, but completely misses the point of Bitcoin, the idea. First: The wirter is guilty of "point in time" thinking. Yes, at this point in time, some of what she says is true. However, OVER time, and especially if government spending continues as is/and or the Elliot Spitzers get their way, then the line between what is worth doing, and what isn't, will move, and Bitcoin will easily be put on the right side of it. Internet Banking failed miserably...once, in late 80s/early 90s...too. How many here use it today? How many realize that the reason they use it today is: the idea was always sound, it was simply a matter of finding and applying the right technology? Apparently the writer doesn't realize that ALL of her objections are merely: change requests, to people like me. Apparently she also doesn't realize that her chief complaint: lack of a central exchange, is merely...a feature request. Worst of all: she doesn't understand the technologies involved. P2p is anything but "centralized". She assumes there is only one approach to the requirements, i.e. "central bank", because she's looking at it from "what she knows/what we do today" perspective. Again, because she can't conceive of something, doesn't mean it can't be done, or doesn't exist. I've just gone to get a drink, and come back....in that time, I've thought of 2 ways to solve her "death of Bitcoin" problem. In all cases, Bitcoin, and all the rest of the ideas + some of my own ideas, are out there, liberals, waiting for you to push. Because, when you do, I guarantee you: you will be pushed back, twice as hard. This is your warning. Fail to heed it at your own peril.
  2. What exactly makes you think what I wrote above is "hypothetical"? I don't do hypothetical. That's for college professors. Buddy, I've "consolidated usage" for 20 US and 13 global divisions, at one client, and that was the "proof on concept" scope. And, we did that at 1/3 the cost that the big consulting firms quoted. So please, just because you can't conceive of a solution, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, or costs too much. I already work with enough of those !@#$ers who believe that if they can't understand it, something must be wrong with it.
  3. ...than our own awful media? http://www.dailymail...se-Horrors.html Yes, nothing like baby beheadings. Look, as many know, I'm no "right to lifer"...but this is disgusting. There is no excuse for, or anyone that supports, this behavior. And, yeah, this is about breaking principles, not values. Thus, we must have 0 tolerance. Oh look, a Democratic strategist http://www.usatoday....column/2072577/ even understands that the media is failing miserably to do its job here. That's right, as of right now, the top links on this story are from F'ing Thailand and Britain. Planned parenthood, the media, and anybody who supports either, should be ashamed of themselves. This is despicable. And, I thought this was about "safety, and the health of the mother"...cat piss? Morons.
  4. More, non-sequitor. Dude, when I say something is nonsense, I prove it. Albeit with long posts, but I make sure I prove it. And, that's not what you said above edit(I will post it again): You said YOUR political views...which has nothing to do with making fun of me(another lame attempt at playing it off) The simple fact is, anyone on this board knows I bash socialism with the vigor that endeavor richly deserves, and, anyone with half a brain wouldn't call N Korea anything other than a socialist government.... ....especially when one considers that socialism is Communism's, by the book now(ahem, the material), interim form of government. Thus, N Korea is a socialist state, working towards Communism, if we are going to be 100% accurate. So...where's your point? And, why do you keep trying to play things off...with me? Don't you know that's never, ever, going to happen? And, you still don't know why sonic booms are relevant, do you?
  5. Let's try this again: But...if you were making fun of me...wouldn't the primary material to use be: what I have said about North Korea? Not: your political views, or North Korea's. Reading comprehension: Exposing idiots trying to look smart, since the first alphabet. It's either that, or: Poor recognition of tense/proper use of grammar. When I said The Real comeback to me is: "If you say socailism...." That would be said, in your, or somebody else's voice. Anybody who said it would say "you" to me. Because it's a comeback...to me
  6. Nope. I just summarized it, because if I had written it out in full: 1. You'd have to pay me 2. The tears would be flowing about "long post" The modeling here is easy. In fact some of the NoSQL tools already did it for you. To accomplish the second part: have you every heard of ETL, the concept? You put some api and framework(pick whatever event-driven one you like) together with calling ETL scripts/instantiating ETL objects...in polymorphic functions, as as parameters...meaning I can have a library of 20k ETL scripts/classes, but only 20 in play atm, so, it's doesn't matter how many I have, because I can just make new ones, or replace with existing, and none of that is clogging up memory. There are minimally 20 ways/tools to approach ETL that would work here. The only thing you would need to do for a group that has vastly different "purposes"(if you mean requirements, then say: requirements)? Build a new inheritance branch. Storage is simple as well use Riak for your run time, and something like redis or mongodb for the "settled"* data. * I have been using the term "settled data" as a way to mock this one dude I know is a global warming nut. So far he hasn't caught on. Oh, and btw: there's even a wiki page for this...who woudl've thought? = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_ETL
  7. Hehe, and if my uncle was a bear...he'd be catholic.
  8. I should hope that we can agree that there is NOTHING trivial about a fresh set of recessionary pressures hitting this economy, given that this government has done practically nothing to solve the structural unemployment problem. "The Pat Buchannan View" , stands in contrast : "A war in Asia would be great, because then we'd have to start manufacturing pollution-heavy things in this country again...and that would set up the mother of all battles between the people and the EPA. The EPA would lose, quickly, and I'd dance on their grave. That a plastic comb would cost $10 as a result...means nothing because those would be $10 going to an American company." The fastest way for the green agenda to die: war in Asia. Actaully, the fastest way for the entire liberal agenda to die: war in Asia. Our poor/middle class purchasing power is dependent on exploitative wages paid in Asia. That's why it's hilarious when I hear about people protesting Wal-mart, yet self-congratulating about their environmental "wisdom". It's the ulimate Fox Butterfield, and it proves that they aren't familiar with either set of material at all. War in Asia kills all that "wisdom", immediately. But not Wal-mart. Wal-mart will just buy a buttload of American combs for $7 and sell them for $8. Preaching to choir. It's not the military threat, because really? It's a minor threat(again, until it isn't). The constant threat to our economy...which gives N Korea power it would not have otherwise, and whose government would collapse without it,is the real threat. Sooner or later, China will come to the realization that N Korea is bad business, and support reunification. It's all opportunity cost. Non-sequitor now? You don't know why I would say sonic boom because you have no familiarity with the material being discussed. The real comeback for you: "If you say socialism is so bad, then why would you think N Korea has any windows, or any that aren't already broken, moron?" See, I can argue with/make fun of myself better than you could ever hope to, and why? Because I am familiar with the material. Because..."It'll make you feel good...it'll make you feel good". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v2qmMe8tHQ So what are we up to on this? 4 posters, 8 times, same question?
  9. Saw that, was gonna start a thread on it along the lines of "Paul Krugman speaks ill of the dead, because he knows the narrative will be 'The Iron Lady' or, 'yet another history lesson in why Krugman is wrong' so he couldn't help himself but to try and head it off, what a shocker". But then I thought: why? The turd gets enough play around here anyway, and why would I want to send him web traffic? This is as good a place as any for that link.
  10. 1. Maps: I, or any competent technical architect, can solve that problem with an object layer approach. You find commonality. Then, mutually exclusive commonality, limit your data set to that, initially, and make that your "base/parent" map. Work from there. The "changes"...aren't...since via some form of inheritance, all you'd be doing is modifying one object(s) for one group, without affecting anybody else. Not a change....merely iterations of addition/replacement. No interfacing, no integration. I provide with what appears to be the data source you have today. As far as you are concerned...NOTHING changed. The only time you see any change: I get back to you with the "new" or "modified" things you need in a week, instead of...never. Map data...is the least complicated, and least likely to change, relative to other areas/industries, data there is. So.... This isn't even hard. I would assign this to a rookie, who I think may be ready to move up. It would be perfect for that purpose. 2. But...the REAL reason why everybody has to have their own ketchup? If I get my maps from you, I now depend on you, and I have given you some of my power, because now I can't do my job unless you give me something I need. What's worse, if I start crying when you don't deliver, I look weak, thus, losing even more power. "No. I have to have my own map, this way I am self-reliant." How ironic! People who tell us we need more government...as soon as they get it...suddenly become Daniel Boone?. Yes as soon as the Democrat gets power? It's F "the collective, I'm a rugged individualist, and nobody better tell me how to live". We have this sort of douchebaggery in corporate America too, but, it can be resolved in a meeting or 2, if you know your business. The solution in government is simple: nobody gets control of the maps. Make a small team of people whose only job is the maps. DECENTRALIZE it...such that if there is a real need for wildly different maps, then create 2 groups. One-size-fits-all only works in the Milk business, and even there they split it into 3 groups.
  11. http://www.rotoworld.com/articles/nfl/42904/309/wow-now-thats-rich-13 Yikes. After reading that, it's almost as if I don't want us to sign anybody ever again. Do you agree with this list?
  12. I wonder if these "cautious" people are simply behind the times? 1. Again, for the 5000th time: We live in a GLOBAL economy. Frankly the only place where a war doesn't matter? Mid-Southern Africa, not including South Africa. And even that is starting to matter, which is a very good thing for them, btw... Call me whatever you want, but when you get done talking, it will still be true. Everywhere else, and war can easily spark a downturn, if not a recession. So the question for Democrats, that they want nothing to do with but faces them all the same, how many American middle class jobs is letting a war happen worth? 2. Have they even considered what happens if Japan re-militarizes? Do they know any history of the region at all? Do they realize that American...yeah, I'll say it, military dominance of the area is the ONLY thing that keeps Australia, Japan, S. Korea...and for that matter, Viet Nam, Indonesia and the entire South Pacific from aggression by a country like India? People are seriously fooling themselves if they think that's not possible, or even that it wouldn't be likely. What, do they think, would be the cost of a war in the area, in total, vs. doing something, now, to maintain things as they are?
  13. Not to worry, he's still under 50 on the RCP average. Although the latest ones all have him right at 50. And, how? Simple: Obama is the first ever American Idol President. "We took an ordinary, albeit above average intelligence, and excellent speaker...from every day life...and gave him the opportunity of a life time (cue music). Watch as this man tries his best to impress the judges (cut to 2 dopey fan judges clapping and saying "you've worked so hard to get here") and then cut to simon cowell...the Republican judge...saying something negative .....boooo!
  14. That's it? Man...the next time I open a door like that...I expect a lot morebetter. No that means you don't know why I would say "sonic boom"...in Asia.
  15. Principle? Wrong. You mean value. Other people may have made a different decision, for many reasons i.e. "I will not go to Viet Nam no matter what, because going would mean I approve" or, "I will go, becaue I have the ability, so I have the duty to go, and I would go regardless of the effect on daddy's campaign". Or how about Gores' REAL REASON for going: "I want to be President some day, because that's what my daddy has been telling me since I was born. So, the best thing for me to do is get some combat service in, because then I can be a Democrat, but nobody can call me a kitty". Different values, and all could be defended as reasonable. None being more or less moral than the next. Or...all depenedent on opinion. Principle = The 10 COMMANDMENTS. No opinion allowed. Principles are higher than you, and whatever you think. It is in fact immoral to cheapen principles, by treating them like values.
  16. Oh ...lybob....the problem for you is: we know that you wouldn't be able to distinguish a 13 year old boy's understanding of war from a West Point cadet's. So your whole argument just...dies...right there. Too late "We Come in Peace" I even waited extra.
  17. As I said...Intellectual....you... Do you even know why I would suggest the concept of a sonic boom...in Asia? You have no idea. And, yes, this is yet another setup. So, by all means, reply and walk into it again. But do it quickly(you have 2 minutes), as I have to get to the gym. Edit: and ironically now that I look at it again, I have to see a chick that isn't too far off the one you posted. Mine has a better face tho...less nose.
  18. Oh, so you posted Milf speaking cheerleader twice? Great, now more posters can see your unfunny, ineptitude.
  19. This is now...full on embarassing for you. And...a Milf pic, but speaking Cheeleader? Your ineptitude is the only hilarity here.
  20. No. Um, yes. Um...I don't know. How about we instead look at this way: 1. I see the job of the President correctly, as it is defined by the rest of the world: Commander in Chief 2. You see incorrectly as defined: as some sort of consensus thing, when the fact is that the rest of the world doesn't care about the details and especially not the nuance. What they see: weakness. A man so affected, on permanent campaign, that really? Doesn't understand the job he has. And even if he does: doesn't really want to do it. Best example this week: how do I explain to my German friends, who don't understand why WE would attach Obama's name to this "cleary awful(their words)" thing our Congress created? They want to know why we are being unfair to Obama! I explain that we are being accurate: Obama's refusal to lead on that issue is indicative of his presidency overall, and Obamacare too: entirely political, with 0 real efffort, and therefore, crap results. We can get all Constitution this, and War Powers that, but...clealy ...that's waste of time when we are dealing with: world perception. He looks weak, because he is weak, and that's the take. Wishing things were true solves nothing...and that is whay most of the Far Left agenda = FAIL. Here's what I know: a despot, especially one who is born and raised to be one, spends their entire life believing nobody can touch them. As such, they never develop any real self-control. Therefore, they never develop any real self-respect. Therefore, there's little chance they have any real courage. So, the first time this kid hears a boom? Cowardice is the most likely response. Followed by: "I'd rather stay a despot, than actually try to have courage, as I don't know what it is". As I said above, this very well could be just a new variation of the same old theme: "We are out of food, gimme some". (Heh, another ringing endorsement of "activist government" and the far-left agenda") See, the media only wants to report about the "nuclear " part. They never want to talk about: socialism is idiocy, and these are the results, so we gave them more food, in return for STFU. As I also said above: this could also be a new thing.
  21. Your lame attempt at playing it off will not work. Own it. Move on. Intellectual...and you?
  22. what? Guys like me, whatevethe!@#$ that is supposed to mean, support 2 things over all things: 1. Results for the country 2. Winning, so that you can be in position to get: results. You have never paid any attention to me at all if you think I care about anything else. You think I care about the Republican party? You're an idiot. I care about not letting people I KNOW have 0 ability to get results: the Far Left, be in charge, of anything. Why? Because their agenda '= results for the country. Their agenda = payoffs for their supporters. That's exactly what we have today. Sure there are reasonable Democrats, but your party, which you do care about, just got them all kicked out of office, 2 times in a row. The only people left are the and that's my problem? What, honestly, do you think is going to happen in 2014, you think more reasonable Democrats will be elected? You think you will gain seats? You had complete, filibuster-proof control of government for 2 years...and what did you do with it? Exactly what I expected you'd do: FAIL. Do you really not see the FAIL that is your agenda? Do you really think that, unless every Democratic Presidential candidate, forever, is black, Democrats aren't going to pay for this FAIL? And even if there is another black presidential candidate, the law of diminishing marginal returns will be in play? Or, how come everbody knows John Glenn, but nobody knows Alan Sheppard? Go ahead and claim your "race victory" now(and call yourself not only morally superior, but not a racist while you do) and watch what happens to the latino vote...after 4 more years of your empty suit, that you told yourself you were being "more moral" by supporting.
  23. Yes, if the word "strawman" needed further defintion, our "testing" and "war gaming" program would suffice. Starting to get out of hand in country X? We will run some "war games" nearby. It all, usually, just a game, because the political consequences for the leader of country X...are usually enough to get things back in hand. Like this: we can do tests or not do them, as they are just poker chips. All of this is a game, until it isn't. A good President understands that. A good President doesn't go to places like Russia, and give away both the gameplan and the game. Just basing that off the quick responses prior. As we know, phones ring, meetings start, etc. But still....do you deny his idiocy?
  24. "No reply. There's no reply at all. No reply at all, there's no reply at all" How's that for a "poor trolling attempt"? Successful troll is successful! And I certainly am, especially since I don't wear silly scarves.
  25. First: Bat pans? WTF. Oh...I always think health care first when I read your posts, so I was thinking "bed pans". Silly. Second: Who is antagonizing? We were just minding our business. Now we are RESPONDING to antagonization and threats. Theres both a distinction, and a difference. Third: Nobody does queston American military strength. What the entire world is questioning right now: American Presidental Strength. The world watches their news channels, and ours, as well(FOX much more than CNN or MSNBC btw). The see this buffoon running around predicting sequester disaster, and then having to walk it back. They see the lack of leadership. They see that he can't even get universal background checks, which EVERBODY, including me, supports (90%) passed...because nobody wants to be seen as politically on board with this guy. You think its a coincidence that at the same time President Obama looks his weakest...they are rolling out trouble?
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