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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. No. You are exactly right here, in terms of having an equitable position. I was just goofing...as I am wont to do. But, back to the equitable thing: tolerating( to include having class, being respectful...which does not include the invective you posted above), but at the same time, absolutely refusing to accept gay people, is the very defintion of equity. It is absolutely fair. In fact it is the definition of equitable. And, equity is supposed to be the predicate for our law. You, going out to purposely embarrass or harass gay people, is unfair. But, it's equally as unfair as WCIP demanding that you accept gay people. Freedom, at its most basic level, it the ability to say "this ain't for me". Notice: that's not saying "this ain't for you", or worse, if you are WCIP: "I think that this should be for you, because I've decided your views are unimportant, because I've decided they are immoral". There's a fundamental difference there. Just a slight one. If you are truly free, then you have the right to say "I don't accept this", without a single consequence. This is why: before I support anything, I support liberty. Just imagine if we all had to live every aspect of our lives based on WCIP's understanding of the world, and petulant, naive, moralizing. I said it once, and then it was misinterpreted, so I clarified. Not a shock that you can't see the distinction. The funny part is: you don't see the basic logic I applied, using your own words. Go back and read your posts. Then read mine. They are your words, I just exposed them to logic....and that's when they fell apart. So, really? I wasn't listening to myself at all, was I? After all, I had to listen to your words, in order to use them against you. But, please, keep talking, I am hoping this turns into an "epic PPP thread". It has all of the makings.
  2. If you are ever in the line for Pats or Genos(south Philly)...remember, neither is "better". Somebody is just tellling you that to try and get you out of line.
  3. Do you know the emoticon story? Do you think all these are by accident? Or better, what is my propensity for wiseassery? I will tell you this time only. There is a poster, who is still here, who demanded I insert more emoticons in my posts. It was after ~ my 20th post here. Ever since, I have been obliging him. I doubt he will ever cop to it, but, every time he reads anything I write, he has to live with the knowledge that it is he who perpetrated the swarm on you all. So...you tolerate...but don't approve? This post reminds me of a south park episode, sort of. And, isn't a queer fagoot = a double negative? (Or double absolute positive, if you are We Come in Peace?)
  4. Actually, it's more like "He's either thinking of the next prank he's going to pull on us, or, something much, much darker, so...let's distract him with legos". It worked...mostly. Move up? I've been trapped in the Mensa division for quite some time now, as in my whole life. And yes, I was the captain of the Knowlege Master team. 14th in the entire country, bitches. However, Mensa life hasn't been all hot chicks and the champagne room. There's even some residual bitterness: my prior highschool was 12th...and I still really haven't gotten over it. I can just picture this kid Justin's face, having seen our results and laughing at me for losing to him. I've considered talking to somebody about it, but then, who can really understand an astronomic failure like that? I think maybe only you, DC_Tom, could understand and help me. But...never been to the Mensa events though, because I'm not a nerd, and, being forced to laugh at things like the above is exactly why. Yeah, that's what I want: hanging out for two hours in a montage? collage? of Far Side and Dilbert humor. I have to be smart during the day, so I'd rather balance that out by being a complete dolt, wiseass, and debauched looney at night. Since I've been around the Mensa crowd my whole life, I know that my proclivities don't go over that well with them.
  5. Funny? Of course. I just spent about 2 minutes...trying to think of myself as an "anti-gay activist". Like...would I end my sentences with "and that's fine, as long as you're not gay"? What's the first thing on my mind when I wake up? "What was the overnight gay activity, and what can we do to reverse it?" Seems like a lot of work for little return or point. And really, having known many, many gay people(remember no suburbs here, only cities), having somebody be "anti-them" would only encourage them, give them attention(yeah, and culturally, they hate that, ), and cause them to be more flamboyant. Basically the exact opposite of what the "anti-gay" activist intends. However....the logical position as well as the political position for the left on this is: pedophilia has nothing to do with butt-!@#$ing(you're words)/gay activity. So, if that is the standard...then, pedophilia also has nothing to do with anti-gay activity.
  6. That's...sorta what I said. However, the only person attributing special treatment to gays here is: WeComeInPeace. Specifically, for WCIP to be right, ALL gay people must act alike at all times: all of them are perfect angels who never do anything wrong. That is his logical position, or, that is a premise that his position is based on. That is also, inconveniently for WCIP: bigotry. Now, in WCIP's obviously F'ed up little head, there's nothing wrong with that, and he might even refer to himself is being "sensistive", since he is doing his level best to empathize his way through this. But, that's the trouble: when all you do is empathize...you don't do any thinking. And that's why he's failing at logic here. Can't do logic without thinking. In the real world, and in the world where logic matters, WCIP has argued himself into an untenable position. All that remains is whether he recognizes it. And really, it could be worse, he could be running around here telling us all that we are the bigots...for thinking, rather than emoting like him.
  7. Acctually, I was never an access developer, loser and I guarantee you I've done bigger systems, for more money, with larger scopes and more users than you have...by a lot. So as far as justification goes? You aren't even close to me, pal. Get a grip.
  8. Right, those jokes aren't accurate at all. Edit: Frederick the Great didn't start most of the wars he fought in, due to f'ing around with other countries, and have to rely on his military skills to cover his ass. And, Monke baby isn't widely accepted as the coiner of "the battle plan is the first casualty of the battle". You're still having trouble with the fact that you are no longer the only poster who knows history here? Dude...I've been here since 2005. Time to get over it.
  9. Cluster F_ck. As in: In trying to ask me a loaded question, WeCometoPieces, has created a cluster f_ck for himself, as identified by 3rdnlng. Or, WeComeToPieces lame attempt at chasing me around the board...is merely a CF waiting to happen for him.
  10. So...non sequitor and more embarrassing yourself, because now you've failed at logic as well as history?
  11. Well how about you try to be cogent here: How is anything improved by the US leaving the area? Are you suggesting that things will be the same if we leave? How is anything improved by Obama, yet again, choosing the greater of two evils? What is the history of sonic booming, every day, a particular regime, and what psychological effect, proven, historically, did that approach have on negotiations? Or, does reminding a dictator that he is not omnipotent, every day, have a positive effect on life in general? JtDB won't answer the first one, and therefore, nobody is taking him seriously in this thread. Perhaps you can do better, take a shot at providing...cogent...answers to the above?
  12. "No, no, the people who use the slippery slope argument for guns are all conspiracy nuts, but it's perfectly reasonable to support a no compromise approach on abortion, because there IS a conspiracy against it: Christianity! That the lion's share of big donor $ for an entire political party, wants all guns taken away, and has explicitly stated so on numerous occasions? Nah...that's irrelevant. Besides, most of that big money comes from Hollywood people, and we shouldn't take them seriously, right? Well, we should take their $ seriously, because $ has proven to be the deciding factor in elections, but, we shouldn't take what they say seriously, because they are only actors. Actually, let's forget about the $, and only focus on what they say, Ok?" Thus concludes the MSM's idiot argument on this. It's like: How, as soon as the gay/Hollywood $ was in doubt....Joe Biden comes out and says he's for gay marriage, and "dragged" Obama into "evolving". Then, it's "mobilize the useful idiots and pretend this is about morality" and not $. Btw, nice work crushing the phony here, B-Man. The whole thing...is sooo phony.
  13. Funny, I read that 3 times, and each time ended with the same question: Am I supposed to feel bad that there's one less of these guys? I read the latest post, and while it's funny, again, I'm sitting here asking: "we are paying people to have discussions like this, rather tasking them to train displaced workers?" I mean, it's not like I want to have the elderly lady teach powerpoint, but, she could help with public speaking, how to do research, etc., right? The paragraph you quoted could be: "Former giant tool, who was wasting his life f'ing about with 'intellectual' discussions, now stealing food from the employed giant tools, who f about wasting their lives". with 0 change in meaning. Perhaps the guy will look at this as an opportunity to do something actually useful? I mean, look at how he characterizes his own existence: ridiculous and pathetic. Do we really need this? Does he? Frankly, we do the same thing on this board, for free....and we get the same or better results.
  14. Of this, I also have little doubt. Does that mean your approach is to constantly interfere with the affairs of your co-workers, but then rely on your superior skills in the conference room to save you from their wrath? And, whoever runs the project plans and status reports...must be in love with you: since "the plan" is always dying, as soon as the first line of code is written, right?
  15. No, you've missed the point. Bad behavior is bad behavior. Lack of class is lack of class. It doesn't matter where it originates. Being gay doesn't mean you're not an a-hole. Neither does being straight. How do we know that, given the history of the man in question, bouncing his ass is NOT an entirely appropriate response? You have no idea of the history of the man, or patient, or anyone, in question. Hilarious hypocrisy and phoniness here. Perfect confirmation of what I said above. So, apparently gay people, being a specially protected class, in your mind alone, don't include any a-holes. No, they are a homogenous group who all think/act uniformly. Thus, the only characteristic here that matters: the guy is gay. He cannot be an a-hole, because he's gay. He cannot be unwelcome based on his history of behavior, no, he is only unwelcome because he is gay. Or, flip it: apparently only straight people have a-holes in their family? No, gay people cannot have just another day where they fight with each other/their families. No, ONLY straight people do that, which is typical, every day behavior that is not newsworthy. Gay people do not have typical, every day behavior...because what? They are fabulous? By your definition, gay people '= straight. Nice work. You are being an unmitigated moron here, the only question is: whether you will realize it time to save further embarrassment.
  16. Yes, as I said, Bitcoin, the software, is one thing. Bitcoin, the idea, is a whole other thing. As an IT guy, you know that a requirement is not the same thing as a design approach. Software projects may fail, but requirements persist and...change. As an IT guy, you also know: if the requirements are pressing enough, no small amount of stupidity will be funded and supported, by the highest levels, in an attempt to address them. The hope is that enough smart also gets supported, to cancel out the stupid, and actually get the job done. It's all dependent on either the requirements posing a real threat/opportunity, or, more likely, how the threat/opportunity they present is perceived. In this case, the more stupid we get from liberals, the more likely Bitcoin, its evolution, or something else entirely, are to be supported. As I said, there is plenty of stupid with Bitcoin, but the question is: how much smart is there? If liberals keep giving cause, they will get: effect. Of course, I don't expect them to understand any of this, because liberals think we live in a zero sum world, where there's no such thing as creating wealth, only taking it from somebody else. I expect them to heavily tweet this, btw, and do it from an Ipad. I also expect the irony of the last 2 sentences to be completely lost on them. Thus, if and when these new architectures become established, the liberals will howl "look at what the libertarians did to us! Now we can barely tax anybody but our own constituencies!". That will be a hilarious day: when the only people who can be forced to pay most taxes are: the public sector.
  17. Not so fast there buddy. I have seen a wife get into it with the family, in both a hospital and 2 times in SNFs, and I'm just the software guy. I am certain the nurses here can tell you all sorts of stories. In the instance of the hospital, it was 3rd shift, the bars were letting out, I almost got arrested, because the cops thought I was the guy who pushed the wife.
  18. That is....entirely too tacky for me. Really. "Hey let's put up a pirate flag and, just for good measure, a confederate flag as well? Write MENSA on my jacket?" Please. Elite doesn't require decoration. Starting to understand my objection to scarves? Besides, why would I want anyone to know I was a pirate, rebel, or absolutely coming to pillage them, until it was too late?
  19. Much has been made of "character" and "judgment" in this thread, yet you are saying other things are also important, or even more important. Therefore, it should be on you to define the "test", "standard", whatever that proves to those with these concerns that weiner has learned his lesson. If you pick fair one, then I am sure these guys, some of whom live or work in NYC, would be willing to go along with it. Then, it's merely a matter of seeing whether weiner measures up.
  20. Yes....YES! Give your kids to me! I will run them, and run them. They will hear nothing but whistles in their dreams. That serves my purpose, and the + for you is: healthy kids. Then, I will teach them to shoot paintguns, wrist rockets, and super soakers. I will educate them in basic ambush tactics, and tactical maneuver. Rest assured, I will identify their strengths, and any interests they have, and those will be folded into the plan. For example: if little Suzy has an art capability, we will use it to great effect. If little Jimmy likes music, we will use that too. Any potential strength will be exploited fully, and directed towards the enemy's weakness. Why? I will transport your kids, tactically and with the highest level of security, to DC and unleash them on...the media. In fact, the following weekend will be a field trip to NYC, so we can get the rest of the media. Th MSNBC b_tch who said this? She gets it 3 weekends in a row. Do not fret. I will cover all travel, lodging, food, and training expenses. If some of you want to come with, for the lulz, that's fine, as long as you don't interfere with my operational control, or F about in the AO. And, no, you can't shoot any paintguns. The conditions of the operation is: deniability, mobility and ease of egress. Therefore, I can't have you stumbling around getting us caught. And yes, everybody will get a trophy upon successful conclusion, but, only if you pay a nominal fee prior to start of training. Edit: And...when asked, I will simply say "What? You turds said they belong to the community. Well, this part of the community has used the resources that apparently belong to me...with great effect, and now you are crying and all pissed off at the parents? I thought the parent's weren't responsible? Make up your mind".
  21. Well, then on days like today? I envy you.
  22. Finally somebody busts my balls ...and it's actually funny. Laugh all you want, but every single one of you manage the way you do, in part or completely, using methodology we created. You use systems every single day, using architecture we originated, and the best part? All of you know that whatever "new" "businessy thingy" you will be doing..."going forward" ? Like..the one I am working on right this second, at 3am, preparing for ze Germans? Yeah, it will come from us. Even you LA: because one day soon a school system is going to say to you "why can't we order/make requests/whatever from you in the cloud"? The real schit-your-pants is when 3 of them do it, at the same time. And, that is the day you WILL call somebody like me, or it's your ass. We will solve your problem, and subject you to superior attitude, which will piss you off. But, your kids will go to college as a result, so you will live with it. It ain't braggin' if you can do it, and if you aren't cocky, then you don't belong in my job.
  23. My very existence disproves what you wrote, which is my favorite way of disproving things. I exist, therefore, you are wrong. And, if you actually understood what I wrote above, you'd know that NONE of it hypothetical. I also said: the politics and power is the challenging part, but that any consultant PM, merely operating "as expected", knows how to deal with that aspect. Enterprise Consulting means: you will be dealing with large groups, led by powerful people that hate or envy each other, and have good reason to fear each other. I've only ever done this kind of work. For you to be right, I have to un-know what I know. Perhaps you still don't get it? The system I've described is the opposite of "consolidation". In fact, decentralization is it's chief premise. So, I don't know why you keep talking in terms of consolidation, because that's not what I am talking about. I am talking about giving everybody what appears, acts and operates in every way as: a custom system.
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