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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. That's the "root cause" of the media's, and Obama et al's behavior here...since we are looking for "root causes". It's liberal projection of behavior, on millions of people they don't know, and would never take the time to meet, that says if we call things what they so obviously are, these people will go hog wild and start lynching people. It represents yet another example of liberals refusing to see the world as it is, and it's also yet another "short-cutting of reason". Why actually think through something, when you can just project your conclusion of how you think people, you don't know, will behave, declare it's absolute validity, and then start attacking anybody who asks you to show your work? If the "scary white people who don't live in cities and will attack Muslim's on sight if we tell the truth" were black, then this behavior would be called: "bigotry".
  2. I don't see "guts" having anything to do with trading down. I see plenty of guts when you choose not to trade up. Buddy had plently of guts, when he took Gilmore at 8, and then stood pat, and didn't trade up to get Glenn. In contrast, trading down is easy, because everybody says "oh look they got picks". Standing pat also takes more "guts" because when you make your pick at your spot, instead of trading down, you are sure to hear "waaaah! they could have traded down!"
  3. Kelly keeping it real. I would add: it takes 15 minutes to learn how to play in the snow, if you have a strong arm. It takes 10 minutes, if you have a strong arm, and are mentally tough. Playing in the snow or not...is nothing compared to skill set, and attitude.
  4. Heh...I've considered modifying the title...
  5. Interesting. We are exactly one year out from the RG3 trade. Are you saying nobody would be willing to do it now? As I said, interesting, because I wouldn't have done it...then. The Rams are really hating that trade . http://www.washingto...c4b4_story.html It's the dumbest trade in history, and, it isn't even over yet. It's going to be very fun to see what people say, who should easily have known better given that it comes from Dan Snyder and the Ultimate Leader, and if they say it's..."amazing"...if/when Jeff Fisher's Rams win a playoff game, before the Ultimate Leader's Redskins.
  6. First of all, I don't mean "ruin" in the sense that we move up from #8 to draft JP Losman(or insert QB here) and you drink yourself into the hospital. If that's the case, then you won't remember anything anyway. No, I mean "ruin" in terms of completely destroying all plans and activities you might have had, because you will have little choice but to cling to whatever media you can get your hands on, because you may very well miss what the Bills do next. For me, "ruin my weekend" starts with this: http://www.drafttek....raft-Round1.asp If Lane Johnson is there, all hell will break loose, and we are almost definitely going to trade down. We will get a mitful of picks from the people who need O line(even the Chargers might consider trading up, to get past the Jets), especially the Bears, Rams, Saints. Another? If a bidding war starts for Tavon Austin, and we don't want him. You have to get past the Jets to get him. With both of these we end up with a slew of picks, and then we could do a ton of different things with them. What's your "oh man, I am ordering out for the next 48 hours" scenario?
  7. If they want a QB, and they have one rated significantly higher than the other(s), then I would say there's a 3.5% chance that they trade down below the jets, and let them pick twice, before they take him. But, Buddy has shown some serious nuts in the past, see: sitting tight on Cordy Glenn falling to our 2nd pick. He could very easily stick to his board, trade down and figure that even the jets aren't dumb enought to ignore their board, such that the Qb he wants will be available at our new spot. IF they have so/so grade on these guys, then, as you say, it's wide open, and literally anything is possible. The fact that the Jets pick 2 times, means that somebody has to think that they have to get ahead of the jets, Chargers and Dolphins. The question is: who needs to do that, because of who they think those teams will take?
  8. Fire: There is obvious, and correct, concern that the jets need a qb, and they have 2 picks in close proximity to us in the 1st. Gasoline: I just saw a VERY feasible scenario on NFL32 "mock draft room" thingy (Polian as GM, McShay as College Player guy, Mangini as Head Coach...and Trey Wingo as...administrative assistant? ) where they worked through the Jets moving from #9 to #6 Cleveland ....right after rejecting the Bills trade up offer. :o
  9. Tom is not wrong. Not even close. Fox News is the...only, logical...outcome of a media that was entirely biased. And, once again, Fox News is what happens when the far left is allowed to run things: they get the exact opposite of what they intend. But how did this happen? Easy: When Ted Turner is stopping Bernie Sanders(CNN) from doing his job, walks on his live set, hands him a note, and demands that it be read verbatim...way back in 1994? 2 things happened: the real pretext for Fox News was born, and a good man like Sanders said "F this schit". Something had to be done, both here and abroad, and Rupert Murdoch, said: "I will make big $ based solely on the fact the media is completely biased." Was he right? Billions later? Yup. Jon Stewart is the only liberal I've seen so far that has been honest about the situation: "Fox News is an overreaction to what was clearly a liberally biased media." Think about that for a second. Who else in the media has ever been honest about the flat out bias? Only John Stewart has publicly defined and recognized the bias...as bias...and not added an excuse. How bas is it, when the most serious, about this issue, person on the left, is a comedian? We can debate how much of an overreaction Fox is, but, given the ratings and the state of the media, since the 1960s...nobody can honestly argue that the reason they exist...isn't directly due to liberal bias. Who here believes that they will get an honest report of things, the way they actually are, from PBS or NPR? Or better, who here believes that you will get an honest, non-ideological answer from birdog...on anything? Even if they didn't purposely set out to deliver a leftist message, which they clearly do, you are the biggest moron in the world if you don't realize that government funding = say nice things about the government. Birdog: perhaps you should ask Juan Williams about the quality of NPR. Perhaps you should ask NPR's board, who has had to fire both the CEO and #2 guy in the recent past, precisely because the bias they have, caused them to act stupidly. PBS and NPR may have quality straight news people, I am sure every organization does. But, that doesn't matter, if the bosses are choosing not to assign a reporter to Benghazi, at all, now does it? How are you a "quality" news organization...when you refuse to report the news?
  10. No...I had to take a phone call. Now, I have to go to the gym. And, no wonders you can't answer "what makes a joke funny"? That is your final response. Poor showing.
  11. You really want me to respond to this? Waste of "before I go to the gym response" 2, you have 1 ...remaining.
  12. What questions? I just did a quick scan...I didn't see a single question in any of your posts that wasn't rhetorical. You might want to actually have questions, before you demand that I answer them. Such a moron. Edit: That was "before I go to the gym response" 1, you have 2...remaining.
  13. I am wrong all the time. And, I am right a lot too. Neither of these things matter. What matters is: what can I do with it. So far, today, I've done plenty. But, again, as you know it's going on time for me to go to the gym. I think I have about 3 responses or so left. Use them wisely.
  14. Yeah...that's what's happening. Ohh...looks like somebody answered my question for you. Hmmm...
  15. No because: he'd cry when I snuck into the bathroom whille he was showering, and turned off the hot water....every single day, not realizing that the reason I keep doing it, is because he keeps crying, and that it has nothing to do with showering, him, or anything else. I imagine he'd eventually have me arrested. Is your name WCIP? Doesn't matter. Actually it works quite well. Here we have: the rational person, when asked a question, answers it reasonably. Over here we have: the alternative.
  16. I'm going to try something new with you, just to satisfy my curiosity. Why is that joke...funny? What makes the joke work?
  17. Yeah. Even the serious threads I start, are about me being right. They never contain any ?s only s
  18. Ahem (coughing loud enough to get local attention, but not loud enough to distract the entire room) In whisper voice: The topic at hand is in fact Obama's gun control failure and why it failed. I mean...the title of the thread has "Kitchen Utensils" in it. (giggle) Now, by all means, carry on...
  19. Good. Hehehee....yeah, that's what's happened.
  20. Yeah...somebody posted a mirror for you( and is pissing me off by doing that btw, so cut it out you are going to ruin it), but I am the one who is in "too deep". You don't think....there's anything to what I've posted and how...over the last .5 hour? Jauronimo...read it again. Read it again.
  21. (Psst. The topic IS the reason why Obama's gun control gambit failed.) Ok, now you can go back to operating per normal.
  22. Why would you assume, that I assume, that? Nope...I operate quite differently. It's based on long term patterns, fairness, and is exactly symmetric, I promise.
  23. hehehehehe....see? The amount of ridicule that can be instantly attached to an argument, indicates the validity of the argument.
  24. What was the purpose for the event? Was Bush sitting at his desk? Was he raising money? What was he doing there? As I specifically said, of course there was politicization of it, or stupidity or both. But, why was he there? I'd love to see you try to identify the root cause of "why did the Democrats get their ass kicked in 2010". I imagine you'd end up with: "because Republicans lied". Really? You really don't see the difference. I "invented" Obama's 2014 strategy now? Yes, I will remember that it was I who invented the fundraising, the sequester-fail, and of course, I made the Senate Democrats vote against the gun control bill. This is really hilarious now. I...invented this.
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