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The Destruction of North Carolina
OCinBuffalo replied to TheMadCap's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
True, but, if 95% of the Global Warming scientists are using the same research? Can we infer that this means at least 3.5 out of 5 of them aren't doing any research? Have we thus observed the elusve non-research science in the wild? Is that its natural habitat? Who would have thought an obscure politics board on football website could have spawned a new form of scientific endeavor: the non-research sciences? Of course, many will argue that "women's studies", or any identity major, has been non-research science from the beginning, thus invalidating our claims as a debasement of science. After all, we don't have any research to back up our finding of non-reserach science. I am not worried though. They will not have considered that asking for research, that backs up non-research science, creates a paradox that proves our findings as valid. However, there may be some harrumphing that comes from the identity major people, as this discussion would necessarily ridcule their academic pursuits. But, nobody takes them seriously anymore anyway. We should be just fine. -
Hehehe...I wonder if it would be torture, or helpful, for you to spend an hour with my mom talking about this. All OCinBuffalo idiocy aside for a sec....and I'm not kidding.... Seriously, she has kids that literally behave their way into summer school, so that they are assured of getting breakfast and lunch. The principal and the teachers always worry about taking too many days off/snow days, etc. The've recently restructured holidays and added 3 day weekends instead of the traditional week off in the spring, because they have many kids who simply won't eat very much, for 9 days in a row. This is why I am sick to tears of hearing assclowns talk about "more $ for the kids". These kids come from families that are already on assistance. That's right. They already don't pay for food. But, these "parents" can't be bothered to take what they are given, and use it to put decent meals on the table for their kids. They say "the rich" are selfish? If they only paid their "fair share" all these problems would go away? Horseshit. Safety net? No. Selfish net. Nothing is going to correct this selfish behavior, other than punishment. We've had enough carrot. It's time for some stick. I've seen these 10-15 year olds, personally. You see a young kid who is clearly malnurished, or covered in bed bug bites, or is constantly itching, because the bugs are still with them, or smells, or has dirty clothes that haven't been washed in a month, but, still in there trying to learn(because my mom is a great motivator, flat out), despite distractions you and I can't even imagine? All I think about is "stick". Stick. For the parents, and especially stick for the phony D-bags who have been enabling this sin to go on, while telling themselves they are "more moral" for supporting it. Throwing $ at this = throwing the money, and the kid, away.
"What if Obama can't lead?" :o
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Do you really think #Why things that suck are: bad, and, #Not my fault, aren't useful as tags? They are reusable and they are distinct, are they not? How many posts/threads could we tag with them? Hell, you could even make a case for #Introspection over. How about I use #TheScarfMakesTheGirl from now on? That would be perfect for you. Ok...ok...I will come clean. I miss the second subject line. -
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ah yes, the "Civil War was only about slavery, and had nothing to do with larger economic issues" argument. Yes, and when the North started putting tariffs on English/French manufactured goods, in the hope that American manufacturing in the North would be able to catch up, thereby cutting into the South's profit margins, and making them buy inferior goods which would cost them productivity? "Well, that has nothing to do with slavery, so...it never happened. It's not history. And even if it did happen? The South wouldn't have cared, because, they only wanted to fight a war about slavery". The only revision going on here is: attempting to take everything, that doesn't have to do slavery, away from the history of that era. EDIT: But, then, why should we expect those with advanced degrees in slavery, see anything other than slavery? It's like asking one of the Mac store tools to explain streaming video. Are they gonna say anything about Flash? "Flash? What's that? Does Flash even exist anymore?" -
The Destruction of North Carolina
OCinBuffalo replied to TheMadCap's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
That's pretty much the only useful piece of data in your post above. The funny part, for me, is that you have no idea if any of it is made up or not, do you? In fact, there is one error in there that I placed purposely. Purposely, to see if you were a serious person, or a yet another clown who's only capable of ....now watch this... only parroting whatever they see on MSNBC, DailyKos, Huffington Post, because you're not smart enough to take whatever theme Media Matters is running today, and modify it, so as to make your posts look like orginal thought. See? I can make a list of leftist media, and attribute you to it...too. It's not a new trick. Yawn. I also wrote a long post(and some here are familiar with why, while some are still too dopey to get it), for the same purpose as always. And really, talking schit about grammar? With me? Of all posters? You are new. Fine, let's run it down : 1. "I’m very new to these message boards, I have" = You're missing an "and" after the comma, tool. 2. "they might have missed or to enlighten" = You're missing a comma after "missed", moron. 3. There's no such thing as "factual" based wisdom", you idiot. Fact-based wisdom? Yes. 4. "Well, because you know, everything you read" is flat-out incoherent, twit. 5. "free advice so you do not come off as such a complete moron while trying so very hard to appear like an intellectual." And you are talking about grammar? Unimitigated moron. 6. "Go purchase a 6th grade grammar text book and go study it" Double use of a verb, and no comma after book? Yes, now we've gone round the bend on you not only being an idiot, but also a giant hypocrite. 7 "reseach science" I will defer to DC_Tom on this. Is there another kind of science? One that doesn't involve research? In any case, poor use of an adjective = yet another example of your hilarious idiocy. So, yeah, that's the last time you talk grammar here, isn't it, moron? I suppose there are examples of non-research science. I imagine citing Bill Nye as an authoritative opinion on Global Warming might fall under this...what is that exactly? Category? I mean, non-research science isn't exactly a discipline, is it? Buddy, go help yourself. And, when you get done? Try to figure out where the error is in my post above. I swear to God that there is a single(1) mistake in there, and only one. I put it in there just for you. (Man, it's as if this guy was custom designed...thanks God! I don't know what I did to get such a gift, but, I swear I'll keep doing it) -
I saw that and I know about "run till somebody pukes day". There was a time for me when that was simply known as: Wednesday. I can't remember such a thing coming from any Bills camp, ever. Perhaps with Lou Saban? Maybe the seasoned fans can tell us?
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
There was no doubt as to either the intention or the context. I think that we should all ask ourselves if they are necessary, and leave the bad/good to those who are morally superior to us If I can make fun of my buddy lots of ways, why do I need race? And yeah, I'd be lying if I said I never told a black friend a racist joke. The friend part of that sentence is more important than the joke part. But, any grown up knows the difference. Besides, making fun of entire groups is easy because it is mindless. I'd much rather make fun of individuals. -
Perhaps, but the choice to relate that story here? That was yours alone. I'm not saying it means anything. But, you did respond.... Self important? The reason for that facet of the writing style is: to draw attention on the posters here who really do have this problem, and to make fun of them. Or, do I need to go over the whys and hows of the "Great Gay Marriage Troll"? Incidentally, it appears there's another fish that can be hooked with that here recently. I could do the same thing all over again. The problem is: time. Boy, you know, you say "self important"...and look who shows up?
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When the joke is said right after a black fellow employee of that client guy leaves the elevator? What are your thoughts? EDIT: And we are on our way to a meeting to discuss how many employees my project may allow us to lay off? -
Jeff Bezos buys Washington Post
OCinBuffalo replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Oh please, "the point goes right by"? It's clear that the point hit home for some, and, rather then leaving that be, they decided to try and distrort the point, and then tried to distract from it with a tangent. The funny part? They think they are being clever. It's like a 4 year old "tricking" you. But, to the reader of this thread? All they've done is succeed in underscoring the point they don't like. Forward! How Obama Administration-esque. This thread could be used as a simple example of "why they can't move the needle up on Obamacare, and why most of what they've tried moves it down".They strain and overreact to an unpleasant fact, and make that fact 10x more powerful than it would have been, had they simply kept their mouths closed. -
Ok, Gooogle.
The Destruction of North Carolina
OCinBuffalo replied to TheMadCap's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Since we are the subject of your PPP training? Don't use the word "carp", unless it is absolutely necessary. In this case, you could have used "ham sandwich", instead of carp, and still got it done. I am not going to explain why, or say anything further, in the hope that this dies, right here. You don't want the alternative, I assure you. -
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Right. Looking at ALL the facts, and demanding better peformance and/or dumping what is clearly not working, in favor of something that might, and in all cases demanding that we stop repeating the same activity over and over while expecting different results and/or that we end "throw more money at it" idiocy? Yeah, that = ignoring the issue. So the choice is: either we keep doing stupid, or, "you are ignoring the problem". Nothing like a false choice argument: 1. To ensure that nothing ever gets done to fix these problems 2. Which ensures that leftists get to keep their precious "we are more racially sensitive, and therefore, are morally superior" laurels 3. Which ensures that leftists can keep a permanent underclass, to derive votes, while at the same time never be held accountable for doing so...because...they are the "more moral" people, "just trying to help". I wonder if the average African American gets up in the morning, goes out on their destroyed streets, in their crime-ridden neighborhood, with 13 year old gang members, rife with moral insanity, never mind corruption, and welfare supported junkies and drunks... ...and says to himself "where would we be without the last 50 years of LBJ Democrat's help?" Perhaps he should ask himself: Was this ever about help for him, or, was it about power...for them? -
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The answer is: a society doesn't. Individuals do. Example: When I hear somebody say something racist, because it's "safe" to, in an elevator of just white guys? I have a choice. I can ignore it. I can say something like "hey I don't need to hear that". Or, I can laugh. The first 2 don't help me work-wise. Saying something may cost me. But, I'm not a pansy, so, I have said something, every single time, and that includes clients. I haven't been rude, obnoxious or judgemental. I've simply framed it as: "I'm not sure you saying that helps you professionally." If it's a personal setting, then it's "I'm not sure saying makes you the person you want to be". Yeah, it's a mind F. Good. As intended. The answer here is: white racism is not a problem that is going to be solved by not white people. Does anybody really think that Al Shapton et al is going to make any sort of real difference, by calling for unrest and justifying violence? No. If it is solved by anyone: It's going to be solved by white people, in the elevator, in the pisser, and in the backyard. It's not going to be solved by Al Sharpton making sweeping genralizations or other black people on TV howling nonsense. All that does is make the next guy in the elevator say "why bother? If Al Sharpton is goning to call me a racist no matter what I do, then where's the upside for me?". The reason Al Shapton et al do what they do? They aren't interested in "society going about completely eliminating it". It means more payoffs, more extortion from corporations, and more power for them. -
Proof racial battles aren't "history" yet
OCinBuffalo replied to SBUffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
(Yes I will resurrect the famous) But...but...but...We had slavery! Yes, and the people who say that are either Europeans, or are heavliy influenced by Europeans. Europeans talking about slavery...when they are the ones that instantiated it in the New World , never mind their entire colonial history, is the definiton of hypocrisy. Anybody who supports socialism, anybody who supports Communism, and, anybody who says the government has been a positive influence in the lives of African Americans? Either blatant hypocrites, or simply too dim to understand history, objectively. EDIT: How could I forget? Excuse #1 for why Communism fails, is also extremely racist: "Communism failed because those 3rd world peole don't know how to run it properly and aren't capable of doing the things it requires. IF we ran it in the US, it would work great" Ask a Ukranian about slavery...but, be prepared to be there for an hour. Ask a Korean about China. Or better, naively ask your Chinese project manager if he is Korean(because his last name is the same as your mammasan's was when you were living in Korea)...and see what happens to your next 5 weekends. The fact is that INGORNANCE of the rest of the world, and how it really is, drives the dopey conclusion that: "we're somehow uniquely evil and backwards". -
If I did, would I describe, out in the open? Look, Goooogle, you tried to propagate what you thought was a cripple fight argument, for your own peronsal enjoyment. That's obvious enough, isn't it? Unfortunately for you, it wasn't. Tgreg is basically useless as a poster here. He never posts anything thoughtful. The reason why is also obvious: he can't. Everthing is an extension of BushBad. Or, an extension of whatever Media Matters is pushing today. Summed up: it's always "somebody else's ideas", cut down and reformatted in commericial jingle format. Yes, he is a TV guy, and: there you have it. Bridog has more credibility.
Hackett Will Have Box Seats
OCinBuffalo replied to BringBackFergy's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
"It's hard to score a TD" = setting expectations. There's nothing wrong with setting expectations properly. That is a sign of intelligence, not pretext for failure. The only "realistic" assesment of this team thusfar? We are going to have to accept that we have a rookie playing QB. Accept, as in use our brain, and deal with this intellectually, not emotionally. EJ messing up doesn't mean it was a "wasted pick". EJ messing up doesn't mean Buddy Nix Bad. EJ messing up doesn't mean Doug Whaley FAIL. Immediately jumping to these conclusions is not being "realistic". Jumping to these conclusions means trying to prove an agenda that existed long before anybody knew EJ Manuel would have anything to do with the Bills at all. Now, 3 years from today? That's a different story. What on God's green earth makes you think advanced technology like that...would be written for a Microsoft OS? (And, no, it wouldn't be written for Apple either) Nope. Perhaps Windows support would be added later. Perhaps. And, only if you needed a lot of developers, and the model was open source. -
NFL to examine quality of preseason, lower ticket prices
OCinBuffalo replied to papazoid's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
So you're a 3 birds with one stone kinda guy, huh? Hmmm...interesting. The TV revenues would be neutral, and I figure that alone would cover most if not all of the cost of the 16?(right?) international games. The gate would be the difference maker. I wonder if you'd lose some novelty by having so many "off-site" games in one year, and doing it every year. Might hurt the ratings some. However, when we are talking about the entire world, that's a lot of cities that can easily support an NFL ticket price, or, even an inflated NFL ticket price. I wonder if the NFL marketing people have this configuration on their list? I'm sure they have to, don't they? I would imagine they have every combination possible, and have evaluated and projected each one. That's seems to be the right thing. Of course, these are the same people who have been unable to find a fix for the Pro Bowl. Maybe you should submit this idea? -
Tom tries to troll. The trouble though? Emoticons are a troll. And if there's anything anybody's been over on this board, it's me going over why I use them. All it takes is one poster copping to demanding that I use them, and even telling me how many to use ...but...it's been years, and nothing.
"What if Obama can't lead?" :o
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes, in the midst of every other way Obama has F'ed up, "the reset button" = is like classic rock. The original liberal grievance against Bush was "he's lowered us in the rest of the world's eyes"...and that Obama was going to come in and right the ship. (Of course, no mention of HOW exactly Obama was going to do that) That grievance, if we are being HONEST, is just as valid for Obama as it ever was for Bush. The question is: will the clowns own up to it? Or, will they keep lying to themselves about it? At least with Bush, everybody knew where they stood, and where the line was. With Obama, why shouldn't both Russia and China keep pushing? There hasn't been anything close to a line from this WH. They are doing a hell of a job enforcing the stereotype that far-left Democrats are weakness personified. Confirmation of this: John Kerry, the moderate Democrat(if you believe his Prez campaign), gets the job, and in months does 2x more than Hillary even approached talking about. My fear? The wild punch Obama throws when, after months of getting his ass kicked on foreign policy, misses our adversaries and hits our allies. -
Dude, you...suffering fools? Let's clarify: on this board? You are the fool, and we decide if we will suffer you. You are a somewhat amusing toy to play with, but that's about it. That's because: just like right now, you never provide anything worth discussing.... If you actually has a history of posting insight here? Then you could talk about who is a fool, and who isn't. You're merely a parrot. And parrots suffer everything, and everybody, because all they can do is repeat.
Nice. From way down town...bang! Yes. Ridicule. It's how they learn. I will reciprocate:
Hilarious. Thanks for proving my point. Nah, you're not a hateful prick at all. The only thing we've been over is: you make my point for me, or make easy for me to ridicule you, in 8/10 threads.
Ahh....and yet again we see the difference between you and I, and most libertarians and liberals as well: I'm not a hateful prick. Or, I don't see Obama losing = me winning. Unlike Bushbad people, like yourself, I see this entire thing as terrible for all of us. And, if he was able to accomplish things/had his approach, on pretty much everything, actually worked? I'd be the first to give him credit. I wanted the guy to succeed, because I wanted the country to succeed, and, I wanted liberals to succeed as well. For about 9 months, I thought we might be seeing a historical event happening in real time. They had a great chance to get a lot of things done that were important to them, and us as well. Rather than taking the opportunity and being practical, they squandered it on...perhaps the single biggest act of masturbation in human history. It's all terribly sad, really. That doesn't mean I won't laugh at liberals for being stupid. On the contrary, subjecting them to ridicule is not only appropriate, apparently it's the only way they will ever learn something.