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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. It's interesting that these same media outlets who have been supporting Obamacare from day one...are now treating this as some "human interest" story, as if they've never had anything to do with it, this is all some wacky thing that came out of nowhere, and that it didn't orgininate from their party, and their people. Also: Wanna hear my new joke? We are just about to the place where this joke is dead on: The media decides to hold a memory contest for its members. After multiple preliminary rounds, only 3 contestants remain. The first rattles off the name, address, and phone number of everybody named Murphy in NYC. The second one names all of the cities and towns in California, and their populations. But the third won the contest, and why? Because he could remember supporting Obamacare.
  2. Do you deny the fundamentals we have? Do you deny that there is no more frontier, and that the lines are now drawn? Do you deny that the basic consciousness of most of us includes expecting to win? Do you deny that when you take all three of the above, you have a much higher propensity for exceptional outcomes? If you deny any of these things? Then you are an unmitigated moron.
  3. Every myth begins with some truth. Or, I bet the day the Berlin wall came down was an "exceptional" day for Putin. I bet he wasn't talking about us being a myth on that day. We have, and likely will ALWAYS have, exceptional fundamentals as a nation. It's what we do with these fundamentals that make the difference. 8 years of one guy trying to destroy these fundamentals? Good. All that does is prove that he, people like him, and all fo their ideas on how to make "progress": are stupid. All it really takes to re-capture our exceptionalism is one good President. By good I mean Reagan, not Clinton. Thatcher was led by Reagin. Clinton was led by Tony Blair. It's only bragging if you can't do it. Most of the world knows they can't do it. They know we can. That's unsettling for them. I don't blame them, but that doesn't make it less true. The other thing: we don't care. They act like we do, they want us to, but we don't, and they know it. We spend 50x more time/resources keeping them from killing each other, and handing out food, than we do messing with their governments and exploiting them. And, even if that wasn't the case? We still don't care. They know that too. That makes some of them even more crazy. I swear half of this Islamodouchebaggery is merely about getting our attention. In that respect, it's no different than Canadians close-talking politics to me while I'm taking a leak at the Sabres game: getting my attention. Why my attention has value? I don't know, and, again, I don't care. ****** Also consider: I saw "Independence Day" at a movie theater in London, then, I saw it at one in America. The English, and many non-English tourists could talk about? "Well, of course it had to be America that would save the day" as they rolled their eyes. In the US theater? Everybody just enjoyed themselves...because it's a F'ing movie. Of course I rolled my eyes right back at the Eurodopes at the pub after "Well apparently only you would go to a movie, and rather than enjoy it, you try to derive political meaning out of Independence Day, of all things. Yes, War and Peace, Independence Day, it's the same thing. You know, there was a hilariously incongruent, political, enviroweeny message in that movie...I don't see you complaining about that! Yeah, the producers were going for the USA! thing, and not Global Warming." Owned them all. It's funny, for all the schit they talk about Americans? When held accountable by a real one, live? They can't hang. Not even a little. That's another thing we're better at, and, Obama's failure doesn't change it.
  4. I don't think people have prepared themselves for the reality that there are jobs that match their skill set, just not in this country, or, in the state in which they currently live. The Dakotas are dying for people. Austrailia too. Perhaps it's time for them to consider a move? Or, it's time for them to realize that they are useless Fs, who thought it was cool to blow off school, and generally be D-bags, and that the only person who is responsible for rectifying that situation is them. With the amount of $ we spend on adult education: they have 0 excuse. Or, they went the other way: going to college but majoring in something equally useless, like Women's studies. These people are even more problematic, because they are trying to create a "market" for their "skills", via the government.
  5. Are they really still trying to pretend that Spygate didn't happen? Yes, the original "phony scandal". I'll make this as simple as I can: How many Pats fans know why 1985 is a significant year for their team? Answer: The same # who've read the Spygate book, or have any clue of what actually happened.
  6. I figured that would start a thread. We'll see what he has to say in 4 weeks. Could easily be 3-3 or even 2-4. ATL, NO, and CIN could all be losses. Tampa's CBs are better than the Jets...that could be loss #4.
  7. Never mind Rexy, Geno may have just set the Sanchize up. 3, in all likelihood, game winning drives killed by INTs? Not good. All of them were awful throws, not on the WRs.
  8. Ah, so you are a #2 man. This invalidates #1.
  9. Well, if that is so, then #2 is valid. Because, he is throwing lasers like he always does, but, the skill players aren't getting it done. This invalidates #1.
  10. How about some logic? 1. Tom Brady makes all pass catchers not only better, but playoff ready (that is why he is a HOFer, better than Montana ( ) and that is why Bill Belechick's awful draft and FA decisions aren't that bad.) 2. It's not Tom Brady's fault all these WRs are playing so horribly, both last game, and this game. Only 1 of these 2 can be true. What are the announcers doing on NFL Network right now? They have chosen #2. I love the tools that keep fluctuating between 1 and 2, as though they aren't contradictory.
  11. How about some logic? 1. Tom Brady makes all pass catchers not only better, but playoff ready (that is why he is a HOFer, better than Montana () and that is why Bill Belechick's awful draft and FA decisions aren't that bad.) 2. It's not Tom Brady's fault all these WRs are playing so horribly, both last game, and this game. Only 1 of these 2 can be true. What are the announcers doing on NFL Network right now? They have chosen #2. I love the tools that keep fluctuating between 1 and 2, as though they aren't contradictory.
  12. I'm setting the O/U on this thread being deleted at 24 hours.
  13. I don't know. The D has shown it can hang with these guys. All we need is for the O to get it's act together. And, I don't imagine that will happen until the 2nd half. These guys came out way too pumped up. Spiller especially. I hope he doesn't try to do too much.
  14. Takes 4 quarters. That was a nice run until the fumble.
  15. Marrone's first challenge. It would be nice to see a replay.
  16. "You cannot RTFM!" EDIT: For those who don't know: "You cannot read the F'ing Manuel".
  17. Perhaps the dumbest "preview" I've found this morning is Pete Prisco talking about EJ Manuel. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/gametracker/preview/NFL_20130908_NE@BUF He, and whoever the guy is with him, were talking about how EJ is going to see things he's never seen before, from Bill Belechick. As if EJ hasn't been seeing things he's never seen before...all spring and summer...from Mike Pettine. Who knows how well he will deal with it, but, talking about FL St. "1st read offsense", and completely ignoring what our new D looks like? That's just ignorance. Or, the inability to think in the abstract.
  18. Let's see....53 projects before I started my own thing...all dependent upon me having a laser focus and complete understanding of the business model...at every level, and across 30+ divisions...my specific specialization in the proper application of CRM, workflow, analytics and supply chain, to the point that I still am asked to speak about it... Yeah, I don't understand business models. Actually, you're right, but not in the way you think. One of the premises for starting my group is that: even with all my ability(whatever that is), there's no way I'm ever really going to get it right. Yeah, and for all the $500/hr bills I've dropped on people, there was always a better than average chance that my understanding of their business was merely functional in many areas, and nowhere near the level it needed to be to speak at a real philosophical level. I found this to be annoying, and a rip-off for clients. Make no mistake, I could still be running with that. I chose not to. Thus, first I created a philosphy that says: "we are going to be wrong about this business model, both now, and especially when things change, so let's not focus on building off the assumption we have it right, let's focus on minimizing the consequences of being wrong, and, moving rapidly, or not (depending on readiness), towards getting it right". Then, I built code around that and other premises. EDIT: Emphasis for the turds: my entire ethos in this is predicated on the fact that I am probably wrong, at least someplace, if not completely F'ed, and, even worse, that I have led both my people and my client down the wrong path. Yes, mind boggling...for some of you. But, in order to have that vision, I had to be standing at the peak, or, down in the lowest gutter, depending upon your interpretation. I didn't get there because I don't know businsess models. I got there because I learn quick, and listen well, and: because you think you're special, when you're not. I've seen you 20 times already this year...5 times this past month. You may have some variance, but that's all it is: variance. Sorry, but if I had $50k for every time I've had to listen to guy tell me how much better his model is than the next guy's? Oh...wait...we did get $50k every time I had to listen to that. That was the pre-analysis phase. Never mind. EDIT: So I guess we can forget about you ever coming clean on how post-Prohibition Mafia exactly = post-Drug Legalization Cartels....
  19. This is the root cause of the idiocy that now confronts us all. Obamacare, refusal to do anything about entitlement reform, all of it, boils down that that one liltte phrase: It's a zero-sum world. Utter nonsense. You know what is zero-sum EII? Tax accounting. Auditing. Yes, the same people who did your firm's taxes and audit last year, are going to be the same people who do it this year. There's only a tiny fraction of growth in that market, if and when small businesses turn into big ones. But, in comparison to all the big businesses that are already there? Tiny fraction. That is zero sum. Now, pretending that the entire global economy = the Tax/Audit maket? That is zero brains. We are talking to each other on a message board. That means one market: letters(can you imagine if we tried to do this with letters ) is going away, and being replaced by another: message boards. The destruction and creation that is markets, and markets will ALWAYS exist, even under totalitarian communism, will never stop. Thus the world economy, unless we are talking about mortitians, or, tax/audit people, is NEVER zero sum, and it NEVER will be. [This message was posted by...a friggin laptop, which is the next market to go extinct sooner or later, in favor of Ipad-like devices. But, since it's a zero sum world, that won't happen...right? ]
  20. Yeah, yeah, because you know your answer is: 0 Go ahead and share your experience on creating real time analytics for distribution on an international scale. Perhaps I can learn something more than I already have: in doing that 5 times. People hire me to change their entire philosophy of how the communcate their work effort, enterprise wide. And, they have, for years. IT is merely a part of that. This is what being an enterprise, full service consultant is all about. I don't stop at delivering 3 ring binders full of "advice". I do the whole job...because I can. EDIT: And, I can't help but wonder why you got past the "you don't know your history" part...but then decided to end at "I've". Seems like you're ducking the history part. Or, do you actually know it?
  21. This is a point that has flown over many heads thus far. I believe they now have 14 rookies on the roster. In fact they are now one of the youngest teams in the league. So, it's not just us that is going with the young guys. Brady is the difference. Both in that analysis, and, in the larger analysis that says: "how do you get away with drafting so poorly, and having so many bad FA signings"? Tom Brady. As soon as he leaves, Belechick will follow, and the Pats will go right back to being in the bottom 5 of the league....where they normally reside.
  22. <------- (Read my avatar)
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