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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. TTYT completely covered this. But, let me add a new element by asking you a question: How many liberals were right to mock Romney when he said Russia was foreign policy problem #1? How do you think Obama feels about Russia today? Are they not his foreign policy problem #1? How's that "reset" working out? Yeah, liberals are in no position to be mocking anybody about anything regarding FP today. If I am a fan of Putin, that's because I am a fan of competence, and, of the ability to see the world as it is, and act accordingly. Obama and the ideology he represents, refuses to see the world as it is, replaces reality with fairy tales, and therefore act stupidly. I was on board with Losman, in relation to Holcomb, and in relation to Bledsoe. None of it was right, but, losing to the Steeler's 2nd/3rd string defense, and not making the playoffs as a result, meant Bledsoe had to go. Little did I know how far we'd sink after that, but still, on a redo? I'd still bounce Bledsoe off this team. Yes. Imagine Mularky attempting to assuage Rodgers's fury at calling yet another trick play, by handing him a cheeseburger.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if they got Easley in there more often. Especially in the red zone. However, Hogan is no joke in the Red Zone either. Specifically, on the last play? Hogan beat his man cleanly. He would have been open for the slant, if the inside cover guy didn't leave SJ, and move towards him. The inside guy never looked for the ball, and simply ran to cover Hogan's rout. I really don't understand why we aren't getting the ball to all of these guys, or designing plays for them. It seems this is a symptom of reducing the playbook. I think we'll see all of the WRs contribute on O before the season is out. The worst is: I don't see them opening up the playbook for the next 2 games either. Jets and Ravens D probably mean: more conservative calls.
  3. I didn't think this prediction was nuts when it was first posted, and, I don't think it's nuts now. But, let's understand that the chances of this media awarding both to the Bills being slim? That has a lot more to do with their bias than it does the play on the field, or stats. I just don't see how they will bring themselves to vote that way. We would have to win a playoff game, decisively, with both Alonso and Woods/EJ contributing, and even then I don't think they would do it. Yeah, notice I said Woods/EJ. I think that either has an = chance. In fact, if both are hands down better than the rest of the OROY candidates? They will give it to Woods out of spite. They will never forgive us for the EJ disinformation campaign that Buddy and Whaley ran.
  4. No way. And, we are talking draft day trade here. Walker was traded during the season. I can see your point, but, here's the difference: The Dallas Cowboys used their Herschel Walker picks and players to win SBs. The Redskins squandered their picks, although you could say Arrington was decent, but only for 3 years. That's based on what they did with what they got. I'm talking only about the "what they got" part. In terms of value? The Ricky Williams trade is the worst ROI.
  5. How do you figure? The Rams chose McDonald, with Goodwin still on the board. That was a choice, that we gave them, by swapping 3s. No. It is exactly as I laid it out.
  6. Fair enough. It remains to be seen. But, #1 is Ricky Williams.
  7. The trade, in it's final form: Rams get: Tavon Austin and TJ McDonald Bills get: EJ Manuel, Kiko Alonso, Marquis Goodwin and Chris Gragg That is already a raping. Every way you look at it. However, I believe it can be the 2nd biggest draft trade massacre of all time. We'll see, but, every indication says it will be. (Hint: #1 will always be the Ricky Williams trade.) The only potential competitor? The raping the Rams gave the Redskins in the RG3 trade.
  8. We are on ignore. It's inexcusable. It's bad behavior, and in the end, there will be consequences. But, in a way, I don't mind being on ignore. I'd rather have EJ be able to focus on the game, and spend all his time with his coaches, and none with the media. The first will make him better, then next impedes that. Let's have Geno Smith do all the interviews. Let's have RG3 get all the questions. Keep our guy on ignore, clowns, and we'll see what happens.
  9. You can forget getting anyone, media, or their parrots here, to admit they were wrong about EJ. (Parrots do not include people who saw EJ play live. Our Seminole posters did a fair and good job, imho) EJ has already shown that their analysis was poorly done. His numbers in college refuted so many things that were said about him prior to the draft. All of this was Bills disinformation, the media was duped, and now, rather than making it worse by continuing to spout their idiocy.... ...it appears EJ is now on "ignore". How else can you explain the behavior I have seen all day/night from them? I haven't seen a single Bills highlight. For that game? And, considering the stats he's put up so far?
  10. There's not a thing wrong with how they are using them. In fact, unless I missed it, I believe they used this to fool the Panthers on theat second half big CJ run. CJ was in the game, and we lined him up with a "pass look" but, EJ handed it off, and CJ was able to gain the edge and get up the field. They were looking pass on that, because CJ was in the game, without Fred, IIRC. Meanwhile, throwing to Fred sneaking out of the backfield also netted us some WIN, especially on the last drive. They're expecting him to pass block, because they are looking pass, and, it was obviously a pass on the last drive. Fred getting it in the middle of the field allowed us to move to the 50 with ease. We ran it with him as well out of that look as well. Only a fool doesn't see the team game/deception aspect of this, and frankly, I don't think they've even begun to develop it. Breaking tendencies, and doing the unexpected, is going to create havoc for teams all year, if we can keep doing it.
  11. 1. Reasonable: "Brady can make his teammates better." (I have 0 issue with this, because not only it is true, it may happen, with SOME of their players, even this year.) 2. Flat out arrogant, and disrespectful, and worst of all, illogical: "It doesn't matter who is playing WR, Brady makes them good". And, while we are at it, let's play out the rest of their argument: "Therefore, the Bills have no chance, and let's just hand the AFC East to the Pats right now. I'm taking Tom Brady"..."[no matter what the Bills have done to improve their team, which I have no clue about anyway, and, I am freely ignoring the Pats skill position losses, because my 'analysis'....isn't]". Guess which one we've been hearing the media say? Guess which one the parrots say? That's right: #2 It's just fun to see emoting fools, like these media clowns, get served by logic. Always brings a smile to my face. Hyperbole is hyperbole, and parrots are parrots. Logic, and those who know how to deploy it, are the mortal enemies of both.
  12. Kiko Alonso can kill this thread, just by looking at it.
  13. I don't know...sometimes they do the highlights in the order of when the game ended. Plus, this is a big story, they want to get it right.
  14. That drive had great playcalling. Bad execution by EJ on 2 throws. Edit: yeah, I don't know what they were doing on the last 3rd down though.
  15. Cool. Thanks. It's going to be fun lurking that thread, because there's a good chance they know practically nothing about our team.
  16. I'm gonna come down on the side of: this is funny, so it's fine. Yes, the jokes about Bianca are funny. They are not dopey, or hate masking itself as humor. The Oreo thing is hilarious. Thus, I see any complaining as misguided. There are plenty of things to take genuine offense at in this world. This woman brazenly plasters the Oreo logo on the side of her head, and laughing at that is not one of them. You want offensive, how about this, since the notion of "20 years from now" has been raised? ~20 years from now we're all going to be picking up the Medicare tab for this woman, if she lives that long. If she does: it won't be cheap. How's that for offensive?
  17. My expectations are irrelevant. I am not the one who made the claim that "It doesn't matter who is playing WR, because Brady can make them good". That claim has been made, repeatedly, by the media this offseason, and, maintained by many others. Those making the claim bear the responsiblity to back it up. The passage of time, and the realization that "yeah, it does matter". has made that claim look foolish, and thereby, the people who made it as well. It's is as simple as that. Whatever Brady is, he is dependent on his skill players. He never was, and never will be, able to transcend that dependence.
  18. Yes, when I apply logic, correctly, it's "emotional". Nothing like Hate Facts. The reality is I am doing the opposite. If we posit that something is always true, but, then it fails empirically, it simply cannot be true. Or, at least not "always". You are adding the condition "if they were doing their jobs". No such condition has ever been added to the premise "It doesn't matter who is playing WR, because Tom Brady will make them good". If you want to change the premise, by adding your condition, to: "It doesn't matter who is playing WR, because Tom Brady will make them good, provided they are competent.'" Then, that premise is no longer the same, is it? EDIT: In fact, that premise contradicts itself, so we should simply reject it as: nonsense. This is what happens when a dopey hypothetical(the original premise) is thrust into the real world. It doesn't survive its initial contact with oxygen. Or, this is what happens when poor analysis, is met by reality. As far as who is looking to do what? I am applying logic to poorly thought out analysis. What are you doing?
  19. Sure I do. And, we all laughed at that when he did it. The man seems incapable of abstract thought. Thus, he ends up looking hypocritical all the time. Or, perhaps when you take on a set of ideas, that were poorly conceived and not thought through to begin with, and drive them all the time, rather than taking a problem solving approach, this is what you get? Yes, China and India better look to space/sea. What is China going to do with 50 million men that can't get laid? I keep saying that this unintended consequence(yet another from the statists) is perhaps the most dangerous global risk we face. Put them all on the moon? Under the sea? Perhaps while they are all down there, they can find the Global Warming that's been hiding there. I mean, it's not like they would be short of manpower.
  20. Hmm. I missed that, probably because I was looking at that gross picture. Anyhow, we all have to suffer because of these people? It's impossible to brew the Tea at one temp, and then store it at another? I don't drink much coffee, but, since when has it been more about flavor, and less about caffeine?
  21. Oh right, I forgot the Johnny Quest aspect of this. Yeah, that's no different than the Lousiana Purchase. It's the same thing. I'll get you a grip. There's no place for a country like India to expand, without starting a massive war. The "game" was over before they got a chance to play. Now, they are stuck with the Baltic set, and don't have any more room to put hotels. Meanwhile, we basically have the Boardwalk set, and we haven't even put up all the houses. Frankly, sea and space is probably the best they can hope for, but, does that mean that they would pass on a chance to take Austrailia, or parts of Africa, if it comes up? Nope. The natural resources, never mind the open space, mean they would do it, if they thought they could win. But, without any of that? And, without Johnny Quest? The geopolitical deck is stacked in our favor, and it always will be.
  22. No. Illogical. If it doesn't matter who Brady is throwing to, then it doesn't matter. You are saying it does matter. You can't have it both ways. These WRs aren't good. I am aware that they can get better. (Thompkins for example) However, that's not the standard that has been set. The standard is: "It doesn't matter who is playing WR, because Brady can make them good". We are seeing that it does matter. He has not made them better, from preseason until last night, never mind "good". Therefore, the premise that "Tom Brady always makes his skill players good, to the point that it doesn't matter who they are" is false.
  23. And, Weiner hasn't handled himself well.
  24. Normally, I can't stand these kind of lawsuits. However, I've often wondered why they have to make coffee, tea, so hot. Was a marketing survey ever done? Was there ever a lot of complaints from the "I like having to wait 10 minutes to drink it" people? I don't get it, and I never have. It's like there is some standard that was set up years ago, that none of us ever got to vote on, that says coffee, etc. has to be near fission reactor temperature. How did we get here? Do we have to stay?
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