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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Wow. Holy "I am going to parrot the wishcasting of every leftist columinst I can find, and ignore the poll data" Batman. Have you even considered the data that says: this ain't 1996? Hell, I was gonna do a whole thread...but...for once, the media(right, left, everybody) beat me to it. But then, ever since 2 days ago...they are trying to spin the data that says this is 1996...when 0 suggests this is reality. Instead, I chose to spend my time with some Asian trouble-makers. It's an all-girl thing. I win, you fail. Get used to it. You know, every time you/somebody says this? I'm reminded that The Stimulus FAIL/green shovels that weren't ready(thanks to corrupt city politicians...like in Detroit/Chicago)...wasn't the Democrats fault. I am reminded that DC_Tom, in clear language, told us all that Obama would be re-elected...based on nothing more than: people are idiots. Yes, a theory, per se, from Tom, that was predicated on nothing more than behavioral psychology, and Tom's, "path of least resistance" reasoning.
  2. You know? I have yet to call in my ultimate PPP card...a high-placed source at NBC. I've now deleted the rest of what I wrote, because I need to consider whether I should bother. I am drunk, and Lord knows, that's not the best way to encounter buffoonery... Here's to titheads that will never have to consider this question, drunk or sober, that has 20 years worth of implications, because...well...you know why. Or, you don't.
  3. No dammit. Jim in anchorage wants to talk plumbing, so we are talking plumbing I don't think that's too much to ask.
  4. Or, he saw an opportunity for power, profit, and easy conquest, like L. Ron Hubbard. If you look at it objectively, Muhammad has a lot more in common with Hubbard than he does with the other prophets. Now, that could merely be a coincidence, but, a guy who spends most of his life as a pirate suddenly has an epiphany, and that epiphany, when you distill it down to what matters, says he can go conquer entire countries now, rather than just mucking around with one ship? Meanwhile, we have science ficton writer Hubbard, who has an epiphany that his science fiction, isn't, and that he can now found a religion based on it, and use that religion to enrich himself and have command over tons of people? Seems like a pattern to me.
  5. Oh, don't worry B-Man. Long before you got here, we knew that Global Warming was an exercise in leftist religion. This is why I've been calling them Environtologists(Scientologists) since 2006. This is why dev/null's standard response to these articlses is "Heretics! Burn them!" They demand faith from us, and refuse to explain themselves with data. They attempt to ostracize any scientist (and any engineer, like me) who disagrees. I have been called a "denier" on this very board. IF they had the power, they'd "excommunicate" the skeptics of their theory, by making sure those skeptics never see any more research money, and that all of their work is discounted. IF they had the power, I'm sure they'd ban me from this board. They have to silence us. How totalitarian of them. They don't care that it's a losing battle. See the "Popular Science removed comments" thing. Losing battle. The reason? Global Warming is simply too good a vehicle for implementing socialism on a world scale. They want it to be true, they need it to be true, they "know" it just has to be true. Otherwise? The aging populations of most of the 1st world say: Socialism is going down. We cannot support, or sustain, these Big Government models any longer....without a major, redefining event, like Global Warming, that says we must. Global Warming is perfect for this. IF the left loses Global Warming as a viable issue, then they HAVE to deal with their economic failures, and that means: either admit to them and say they have new ideas that are better(which means, SSI/Medicare/Medicaid WILL be reformed), or, continue to deny reality. Neither choice is a political winner for the left. In fact, they stand to lose significantly as a result, regardless. Thus, there is nowhere for the left to go, but Global Warming. They have to have it. If they lose it, they are done.
  6. Apparently somebody decided they were tired of hearing about us, and, it was time to discuss what they do for living? Suits me just fine. Let's talk plumbing. I haven't sweated a pipe since I was in high school. But, I think I remember how. If we don't have to do that anymore? Cool. And, perhaps I should ask one of my plumber clients how valuable I am. Ignorance breeds idiocy.
  7. Nothing like being beaten by something you could have solved by hiring an Accountemp. This is the worst thing about government: they can't even do the simple things well, because they are spread all over the place trying to do too many things. Does anybody really believe that the State LCBs can't handle 90% of the ATF's role by themselves? What do we need a Federal presence for? Isn't this mostly the local sheriff's job?
  8. Fixed. I went with 'connerific'. That's how I'm feeling today. This IPCC "hide the truth" process story has me feeling quite connerific. We already know the report is a lie, even before it comes out, which is why they are running to the press and trying to distract from that...with process stories. I also know that a whipping is coming, and I know when and where it's going to be. All that's left to do is break out the tailgate gear. Rich stuff? It's a treasure trove. Especially the "fear" thing. I'll be using that quote above all others, for a year at least.
  9. Read: http://www.spiegel.d...ments-box-pager This is from the Germans, of all people. I particuarly like the fact that the attitude is on full display: These fascists aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Fear. The motivating factor upon which all socialist/fascist totalitarianism is based, and, this turd just comes right out and says it. How nice...for me. I now a have a new weapon for all futher threads on this subject. Thanks idiots. Also, how deliciously hilarious is this? So, now, supposed "Global Warming-causing" pollution is the reason Global Warming isn't happening? Pollution, is preventing the effects of: pollution? :lol: And of course, there's my favorite: it's all hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Do the words "disappearing temporarily" find themselves being used by scientists a lot? Aren't these words more likley to be found in use by fairy tale writers? Doesn't intermediate physics suggest that in fact, NOTHING, dissappears, never mind temporarily? And, of course we aren't allowed to see the minutes of their PR strategy meetings, because then we might use them against them. How scientific of them. Remind me? Which group does this sort of thing, scientists, or politicians? Who has secrets? Who is supposed to be about free thought and free expression and freedom of the press? But, it's not like there aren't more weapons for me, they just keep handing them out like samples at Sam's club. Read: http://ww.dailymail....redictions.html For those who are used to only reading books with pictures in them(you know who you are): WTF IS THAT? WTF is that, clowns? How did that happen? I know! I know! Chinese Pollution! :lol: This just gets funnier every minute. I can't wait for the IPCC report to come out, so that I can have a great laugh. Foolish desperation is alway good for the lulz. EDIT: The entire theory of AGW is now predicated upon the speculation that: either pollution is preventing effects of pollution, or, energy is temporarily disappearing at the bottom of the ocean. Think about that for a second...ALL of the modeling, ALL of the data, ALL of it...is only valid if one of these two speculations proves correct. So much for "settled science". The theory is now 100% dependent upon speculation, for it to have a chance of being true. You know what this is called in poker? Being short on chips, and going all in, because...there's nothing else you can do.
  10. All "true" ...until the day they realize that their union/university/government union pension.... ...owns stock, and in fact is one of, if not the, biggest shareholders Corporate America has. Then? It's all about the wins, baby! CEO that doesn't return higher than expected earnings? FIRE HIM! CEO that does? PAY HIM! Who makes these decisions? Board members, many of whom are placed on the board to represent their union/university/government union shareholders. And then? These are the same people who talk about wage disparity. Yes, the union board members vote to pay these CEOs outrageous salaries, and then turn right around and howl about it. It's F'ing hilarious to listen to these people talk about business, and then talk about it when it affects them personally, and then talk about it on a higher, "philosphical" level. Idiocy in stereo.
  11. Again....my avatar.
  12. Dudes like TYTT's advice is typically worth about $150-200/hr. Just sayin'. Based on my experience, that's what we pay good-elite SMEs....here...in the real world.
  13. Yeah, keep rolling with that. Perhaps next month we can sign you up for the Conservative party, maybe even get you a spot on talk radio. I'm sure they'd love to hear how inflation crushing the poor, is no big deal, as long as the rich people make money! If I am getting like Chef, that's a compliment, if not a life goal. Chef doesn't feel the need to troll idiots like you as much as I do. Oh, yeah, I forgot, Elizabethian literature is part of the standard business administration degree now. So far you've done nothing to disprove this premsie: "Most people on the left know nothing about business, or how the world really works." You and Obama, adding credibility to that statement by your every word and deed.
  14. Yep, there it is again: another argument of fallacy. Can't argue with the content, make it about me. So weak. Typical Democrat. Weakness abounds.
  15. Hilarious. In the last 2 posts I believe you've used 4 distinct logical fallacies, and, there's a good chance you don't even know what that means. Here's the best part: Yes, the "rich" guy, who owned a 146 acre farm benefits from high prices, and sells his land, benefits Another "rich" guy, will buy that land, and either use it to grow corn and/or feed corn for cows, etc., and, since he paid a premium for the land at auction, his business model says he can, and must, now charge a premium for the output. (The next step here should be obvious, but, since it's you: The new owner "rich" guy now raises his prices for corn, milk, and anything else that is produced on his land. Why shouldn't he? The market will bear it, and the inflationary pressure is headed in that direction anyway. All of these dopey green agenda things have now seen to it that food costs more....for the "poor". Nice work liberals) So, the "poor" guy now has to pay more for both his Corn Chex, AND, his milk, perpetually. Unlike the rich guys above, he has no way to protect himself from the price increases, AND, he has little/no way to change his income. Example: The average Wal Mart employee can only work so many hours/get so much of a raise each year. Thus, the rich guys have benefited from inflation, as they, and anyone who holds assets always does. And, the poor always gets screwed by inflation, as they, and anyone who holds debt, or must pay for things in real time, always does. gatorman: staunch supporter of the 1% here to tell us inflation is no big deal. Unmitigated moron, arguing against his own supposed goals, screwing the poor and elderly, rather than helping them. And, telling us all that we don't know, what we so obviously do, at the same time. Priceless idiocy.
  16. You can't see it, but, do you feel that little bit of heat on you, center mass? That's the targeting laser I fixed on you yesterday. I come back today, and I see that you've been blown up quite nicely. I don't have time this week to teach you basic economics, but, I was sure that somebody else did. Perhaps someday we will cover how regulations in health care are designed to create a paying constituency for Democrats, on the back of raising cost for the rest of us. But, that requires accounting, finance, and perhaps even some management class. These are 200 level courses, and thus, not for you just yet. For now, let's see if you can pass TTYT's "Economics for Morons" class first, before any of us waste any more time on you. Nothing like "disagreeing" with everyone...and basing that position on nothing other than "OCinBuffalo is dodging my question!" Perhaps I will try to get attention by disagreeing with gravity? Do some youtube thing? Anyhow, this is precisely what I hoped to bring out. Well done TTYT. I wonder, does gatorman think himself Columbus? That we are all arguing the world is flat, and only he has the vision to see that it is round? Or, is that giving him entirely too much credit? A fanatic, at the very least, understands his own fanaticism. Perhaps gator is a fanatic...parrot? Perhaps his brand of fanaticism is more based on how well he parrots, and is devoid of all understanding of what is being parroted? I mean, in a sense you can't say he's being unoriginal, when he has no idea WTF he is even saying, right?
  17. This is the thing the left never wants to talk about. It makes them look quite ridiculous though, so I don't mind that they refuse to acknowledge that their ideology, and not religion, has caused the most deaths worldwide. Ignorance, or purposeful ignorance, of history is one of the easiest ways to prove that the are either uneducated, or phony. I've been using it for years. Every time they bring up the crusades...just say the word "purge". Cultural Revolution works just as well. Laugh at their ignorance, and dismiss them. Goodwin's should be based on Stalin. He killed more people. The only reason it isn't? The Poles, Russians, Fins, Ukranians, and pretty much everybody else in Eastern Europe...don't control Hollywood/the rest of the media. And, none of the Hollywood/Media people want to admit that the extreme left has killed more non-white people, than the KKK, by a geometric factor. They are doing it in this country, but just using different methods, like Planned Parenthood, and keeping Africans and Latinos subordiante to them with their handouts. This causes crime, and ultimately, dead non-white people. The means don't matter, the results are the same. If you live with the belief that centralization of government and planned economies, or, for the idiots, running everything from DC, is the superior approach, then you MUST submit to the belief that one size does, in fact, fit all. Thus, all gun owners MUST be treated the same. Otherwise, the ass falls out of the thing. It's logical, yet stupid at the same time. The same thing is true with Education, Medicare, you name it. "There is no terrorist threat" - Michael Moore That reminds me, where are all the clowns from 2005 here who where so wise and knew the "truth" about fascist Islam? They said Moore was right, and that this whole thing was about Bush making excuses for war mongering and controlling us. How embarrassing the last 8 years must be for them. How embarrassing the IRS scandal is for them.
  18. Yeah, that's the answer I was looking for. It exposes you for what you are. It's hilarious that you actually think this "I'll accuse him of not knowing something I don't know, that way everybody will focus on that" tactic is working. You don't seem to realize that while I am toying with you, I'm also offering you the way out. Everybody on this board knows I know econ. I've demonstrated that countless times. However, we are rapidly approaching, if we haven't passed it, the point where everybody on this board knows you are uneducated, ignorant, and/or stupid: take your pick. The way out is obvious for most poster's here. Let's see if it is as obvious for you.
  19. Answer your own question. Go ahead, give it a try. I assure you, I know the answer. I'm giving you the opportunity to prove you have command of basic macro economics. Here's the extra credit question: when people have non-government related income, because they now have a private sector job, and are no longer on assistance, and/or they get a better job, which means more private income, what does that do to tax revenues? If you think Keynes is out of context, when the context quite literally is: taxes, spending, and the role of government vs private sector jobs? Man, you are stupid, and I refuse to support you at all. Try again. Something isn't out of context, just because you say it is, and you know how to repeat a cliche.
  20. Oh really? Point out the flaws. That will be interesting. For all of us.
  21. My dad wouldn't have had the chance, as he'd be away on business, and my mom's wooden spoon would have made an immediate appearance. In all cases, when my dad did get home, I'd expect nothing less than indefinite assignment to the guy's house, on cleaning/fixing detail. Frankly, I'd expect that guy to at some point say "Ok, I appreciate it, but having your kid here all the time for the last 10 weekends is getting weird". Expectation, my ass. That is a certainty. And, that's what this is about: I never did anything so stupid, because, I was absolutely certain what the consequence would be, and if I wasn't? It would be something worse. That's what's missing here: for all these kids know, their parents would threaten to sue the victim, and they wouldn't get in any trouble at all. They don't have the certainty that their asses would be in a sling for something like this.
  22. Nothing like doubling down on stupid. Your plan creates poverty, because it creates inflation. Period. I can explain that whole thing, but, when I am done, that will be the conclusion. Your inflation prices those, like the elderly, and those on your precious assistance programs, out of the market for things like milk. That is because while the prices increases, the income you provide them is: fixed. In that alone, you are being woefully stupid. The poor need private sector jobs, period. The middle class need better jobs that they can work hard, and earn. Whatever we can do stimulate private sector jobs, at all levels, do it. The Stimulus of 2009, wasn't. That merely kept state/local governments afloat, or blew money on green, or "shovel ready" jobs, which either failed, never existed, or were removed in favor of union/Democratic political bosses back pockets. That's why it had no effect on private sector jobs. You aren't even getting Keynesian economics right: Keysian is about spending ON THE PRIVATE SECTOR, by buying stuff, not taxes. But, it's also supposed to be SHORT TERM! Keynes himself said: "In the long run, we are all dead". Unfortunately, none of you morons have realized that: they ARE all dead, and we are alive, right now, dealing with their 70 years of short term solutions.
  23. Interesting. Sort of a "you're not a great historical figure, you're just a dipshit" thing? Perhaps you're on to something here...let's not mock their religion, let's mock the presumption that their acts are relevant, or are ever going to change anything.
  24. Careful, your mindset is showing. Right, so everybody that want's to expand, and make more money, isn't...so that they can cut jobs/hours, make some short term cash, but lose out on long term opportunity? Did you think this one through at all? Great job of proving you don't live in a health care bubble, where the number of beds you have is the number of beds, and the only way you get more and expand? A major capital outlay, which needs board and regulatory approval, which takes years and requires full enterprise commitment of resources. So, of course you only see F'ing about with/cutting staff and materials, and posted as such above...because that's all you can do, in your job. (It isn't, and I've helped many health care people see that it isn't...) If it is this way for you: it must be this way for everybody, right? Careful, your mindset is showing. I think I see a bubble forming... You support Obamacare, because, in your mind, the only way to expand/make major change DOES involve the government. That's because in your job, that is true. This is not the case for the rest of us. Most people think up something, or, more likely, are given some broad/general goal to accomplish, and it's on them(which then means, it's on me) to come up with the how and get it done. They do this quickly, and without much supervision. They aren't bound by regulations, and, therefore they can't blame them when they fail. They have the freedom to succeed, or fail. But the changed, good or not, comes from them, in their own little corner of the economy. However, regardless of what they are trying to get done, when they run the #s, Obamacare, more often than not, makes all approaches involving human resources, unreasonable. That's when I, and many others, get the phone call. They choose IT, rather than humans, hence, no new jobs. As I've said 1000 times, Obamacare is a windfall for the IT industry, but, in the long run, all this IT, and not enough humans, is going to burn ALL of us. I see we are now 2 for 2 on the irony count. If the end result of Obamacare is: 30 million uninsured, and, we started with 30 million uninsured.... What has this accomplished? People are stupid? Hell DC_Tom could have told you that. Why put is through this whole rigamarole, which doesn't solve any of your industry's cost problem, and if anything exacerbates it, just so we can end up where we started? Do you really think anybody comes away from this...more healthy? Health, and maintaining it, is job #1. Healthy people don't cost as much money as sick ones, thus, the more healthy we can make people, down goes the cost. (No different than the healthier I can make your hospital's business process evironment, not just the processes themselves, the less the cost). The same reason why drugs should be legal: less bad drugs = less sick people, is the same reason why Obamacare is idiocy: it doesn't make anyone healthier. We aren't going to get more providers out of this, we are going to get less. We aren't going to get less unhealthy behavior out of this, we are either going to get more, or, as you stated above...30 million of: the same.
  25. This is what I'm talking about: we have to stop supporting stupid in this country as if it is some sort of physical/mental disability or disease. No. Stupid must be punished severly. I'm not talking about wounded vets, or orphans, or children of any kind. I am talking about vets, orphans, children, and anyone else who makes stupid choices, repeatedly, and expects the rest of us to clean up their mess. Compassion is one thing, saying we should raise taxes and create more government jobs? That is quite another. That, is stupid. And, gatorman deserves to be scoffed at here, and anywhere else he espouses that stupidity.
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