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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Let's add some logic here. Premises: 1. Freeman's #1 goal is to latch on someplace long term, and get back to making starting QB money, because he has starting QB opportunity, yes, but also, reasonable starting QB assistance from the rest of the team. 2. Freeman's #2 goal therefore, and it's a progressive goal, in order, is to: prove he can play at the NFL level, prove he's not the reason for Tampa's troubles, prove that he can be trusted with the ball, prove that his is a good QB, prove that he is an MVP level QB. 3. Some teams have better opportunities than others long term, however, some teams have better opportunities in the short term. Freeman's goals...are they oriented towards the long term, or short? I would argue both, but, he needs to turn this around as fast as possible. He DOES NOT WANT to wait until next year, because doing that means going through a training camp battle, and that, in and of itself, lowers his value. No. That is stupid. Therefore, just because there may be longer term opportunities to play, that are better than the Bills? That is no reason for Freeman to not consider playing with the Bills. In fact, it's an idiotic reason. Consider: Jags, Vikes, whoever. Do any of them have a better D than the Bills? Do any of them have a better PASSING supporting cast than the Bills. (The Vikings have AP...no schit...how does handing off to AP improve Freeman's situation?) Do any of them have head coach/offensive coordinator that are as likely to put things on Freemans' back, immediately? No, No and No. So, again, in the short term, who is going to give Freeman the ball more often, and in better situations, so he can prove 1 and 2? Which team is most conducive to Freeman acheiving his short term goals? I would say the Bills are, more than any other team. The objective for Freeman is to sign a one year deal, shine here, and then starting a bidding war in the off-season. Unless he really thinks he can change minds on EJ. In either case, this is about getting into a place and changing ALL minds about Josh Freeman, immediately. ********************* All this? And I don't even want Freeman here. And, no, the FO are not idiots if they don't sign Freeman. And, no, you wanting Freeman doesn't mean you know football, or know it better than them. In fact, there's a good chance you want Freeman for the wrong reasons, and therefore, you don't know football at all. Thus, your opinion on the FO is entirely: worthless. If they don't bring in Freeman, it's because there "premises" do not match his. If so, it would be illogical to bring him in. After many many years of this team being run on emotion, and not thought(see: drafting McGahee and Losman), I would think we would welcome the logical approach.
  2. The TEA party is not a political movement so much as it is an attempt to bring common sense, and business sense, to a group of people it sees as completely lacking it, DC. Or, worse, the TEA party sees many of these people as intentionally corrupt, living off of their influence, trading it, etc. In all cases, the country would be better off without the establishment left in DC. They are the real danger to the country. They are the people who make $ off of every single new program the Democratic party creates, because they have the inside knowledge of that program, if they didn't help create it. The only ideology they truly believe in, is how to line their pockets, and that is also why they are so anti-religion, as they don't want to be reminded that their entire life is wrong. This is not the "revolving door". That is a different problem, and the TEA party wants to end that as well. In most cases, the country would be better off without the establishment right when it comes to DOD spending. Most of these DC clowns have created a sceneario where corporate handouts to their constituencies are a constant, and not competitive. So really, the TEA party, as best as I can tell, is looking to break the establishment hold on endless spending via contemptible influence trading. They want to destroy a lot of people professionally. That, and no other reason, is why the TEA party is constantly attacked by the media. That's because: there's an 80% chance that this DC media person's wife/husband is a TEA party target, and will be professionally destroyed if the TEA party has its way.
  3. It figures that a clown like you would be unable to distinguish Chicken Little from a straightforward argument. Prove where any of this is wrong, or STFU. You want Chicken Little? Your party's belief in Global Warming is Chicken Little. Funny 2 issues we'd be better off without, both created by Democrats.
  4. Read: http://www.realclear..._wet_dream.html This time, do not laugh, because I assure you: this schit ain't funny. Not in the slightest. Yeah, yeah spare me the "Tech talk babble" and, the destruction of the messenger arguments. This guy is talking IT architecture, or, what passes for it when you put government/politico/lawyer-types in charge of building systems. Therefore, this is not about opinion, this is about expertise(or staggering lackthereof). NOTE: This is not "my" argument. This is a different angle of attack on the same design flaw. My argument? Outsourcing of buidling these sites/architecture WILL be done. None of these "navigators" have the first F'ing clue how to select technology, manage consultants, or design workflow. They are not even qualfied to administer these systems. Therefore, they will hire outsiders to do this. Even if we ignore McAffee's valid points, if those with access to it are free to do as they like, which includes hiring bad guys, or, just generally F'ing things up, then it's a nightmare. A serious nightmare. McAffee is talking about the tech-side exploits of the flaw, as in external exploits, as I would expect an anti-virus guy would. I have been talking about the social engineering exploits, the implementor people side of this, and the inherent internal threats. It doesn't matter, because either point is enough for rational thinking, serious people, to demand, at the very least, an immediate stoppage, so that qualified professionals can get in there and assess the threat, make recommendations, and implement something. But really? A rational, but also, experienced, person would demand this design be thrown out, the desinger fired, and a new plan. If we are going with the "very least" plan? 9-15 months delay, for a system of this size. That's right for the technical part of this. Unfortunately, there is no solution for the people side. IF 1 bad guy gets access to the entire system, (and make no mistake, he will), then most of this is a moot point. He WILL bring it down. Then, all this becomes academic. All it takes is for one guy, who thinks it will be hilarious to force a bunch of liberals to explain how their baby was so easily raped by a simple, well-known attack. I know of guys who would do it just to see the look on your/their face. Nothing more. EDIT: If Democrats want to see what REAL anachists look like, and stop calling Republicans something they really aren't? Wait until the real anarchists begin taking their shots at Obamacare. Then they will know real anarchy.
  5. I was gonna post: "How the F am I signed up? I didn't post here, dammit!" But then, I realized that I would be signed up, by posting that here. Which...sucks. So, I guess I'm signed up. And, oh yeah, what were you thinking? Of course I have a plan. Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth commence! "He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain when he smarts from it".
  6. But, what fun is there without the law/dictatorship/petty-Junta power structure of TBD and PPP? I mean, imagine if we could just do whatever we want? Then hammering idiots would be so brutal, constant, and so easy, eventually it wouldn't take any effort at all. I'm highly interested in seeing how all that goes. And, please, it's not like I'm insensitive to what you are about to go though. Rather, it will be yet another example in: "why the far let must not be put in charge". I'm really looking forward to Federal oversight of the NYC police. That's a loser right out of the gate, and the left is going to have to eat a lot of schit over that. I'll be there, with my bucket and ladle. Perhaps I'll make some rice, and make a full entree out of it? The polls I've been paying attention to say that no, in fact, this ain't 1996. If it isn't, I don't see how the Republicans wind up as losers here. Certainly, at the very least, Obama/Democrats lose here as well. Despite the lies and histrionics from the left, the data says most people know why the governemnt is shut down, and why the Republicans are doing what they are doing. We have the new media to thank for that. I'm therefore uncertain about where this is all going. But, I wouldn't discoun the WW2 memorial thing too much. Images like that have power. Oh BS. Of course you believe it's an either/or: you just said so in the very next sentence. Overutilize/stopping/slowing means "take away from those who don't "need" as much, and give it to those who need more". This is the result of dopey, Liberal zero-sum thinking. What about a program/legal reform that puts more doctors/PAs, whatever, in the field? No, we can't do that, the trial lawyers(where we get huge political contributions) might lose money! More supply means more supply...doesn't that mean more for ALL? Doesn't more supply reduce price? (Go ahead and tell me it doesn't). We have created an tiny supply chain of new American doctors, and even creating conditions where we steal eveybody else's doctors hasn't helped. In your world, we can't ever make more of something, we always have to move something from one place to another. Like I said: dopey.
  7. Never happen, and, do you know why? (Who the F am I kidding, of course you don't) The institutional share holders, like the unions, retirement plans, etc. have board members. They have board members, because they use their preferred stock votes(or common, depends on the corporation's "setup") to vote those board members in. EDIT: Whoa....I should back up. Do you have any idea what % of ALL investor $s are represented by institutional? (Hint: more than half) Those board members are the very people who not only hire the CEOs, but, also PAY them. So, do the unions want to admit that THEIR guys, rather than actually contributing to the company in some way, simply find a guy who can jack up the stock price, overpay him for success, and immediately fire him for failure...all in the short term? Nope. This idea, just like "tax the internet" is a "solution" that is based in fundamentally not understanding the problem, or the current, albeit failing, solution.
  8. No, No, No and No. The exact trade is as follows: The Bills got: EJ Manuel 16th overall, RD1 Kiko Alonso 46th overall, RD2 Marquis Goodwin 78th overall, RD3 Criss Gragg 222nd overall, RD7 The Rams got: Tavon Austin 8th overall, RD1 T.J. McDonald 71st overall, RD3 Yes, that is exactly correct, period. And, no, Goodwin for McDonald DOES count, because they chose McDonald, when they moved ahead of us by swapping 3s with us, instead of taking Goodwin. (So that is quite enough of that) That is the real trade, and yes, it's already a wipeout. Unless Austin significantly improves(let's see where he is two seasons from now, could happen), this is perhaps one of the most lopsided draft trades of all time. However, if Cragg can improve? It doesn't matter what Austin does.
  9. I think they have tried to address the TE position in the draft, with Kevin Everrett, Derek Fine, and now, Chris Gragg. They also tried to get it done in FA with Robert Royal, and Scott Chandler. They've just had crap luck with the people they've brought in. Everett was widely considered a sure thing at TE. But, his injury problems, before the near-death/paralyzation thing, never let him get it going. Robert Royal was a darling here and elsewhere for a while, but, ever since the drop to lose the game...he just disappeared. It's not for a lack of trying. It's a case of bizarre circumstances and awful luck. EDIT: I like Chandler, and I think he's starting to develop some trust/chemistry with EJ. We'll see. Chandler's biggest problem right now is: he keeps F'ing up his blocking assignments, and either we lose yards, or he gets a penalty. This upcoming draft is going to be a lot of fun, because, for the first time in a LOOOONG time, we don't have any glaring holes(don't even bother with LG...we just ran for 200+ yards on the Ravens). We can afford to take a deep threat TE a little higher, we can afford to take that extra O lineman, we can afford to take that extra CB. If anything, I would be for trading back right now, unless somebody is slotted for us. Get a bunch of 2nd round guys in need of coaching, and get some real depth.
  10. Especially if those decisions are made in a serial workflow. Perhaps the most disturbing thing: Would Kiko's press conference be any different after? Nope.
  11. ANYBODY(now that's the end of the caps) can thrive in this D, if they have NFL level abilities. That's because Pettine adjusts/designs things around the players he has, rather than trying to fit them into a system. This is how a superior coach operates. Period. This also pays huge dividends in terms of drafting defensive players. Rather than reaching down for guys, because the guys ahead of them aren't "system fits"(how we ended up with Maybin), you can take the BPA. You can also find value in other team's castoffs. Here's an example: Brandon Burton steps in and makes a game-saving pass breakup in the 4th quarter against the Ravens. Huge play, helped win the game play. Yes, that Bradon Burton, the guy who had great cover ability, but, had a hard time in a cover 2 zone system. All sorts of DB injuries? Let waiver-claim Burton play press, which is what he is good at, and, we win ball games.
  12. I don't agree at all with this. The fact is we don't know much about anything when it comes to RB on this team, other than Choice is #3, and we could do better there, IMHO. The reason we have Choice is: we can't have rookies/2nd year players in the majority at every single position. Regarding Fred/CJ? It's WAY too early to make sweeping conclusions about either. Let's see where we are 4 games from now on this.
  13. There tons of truth to this if bothered to understand the real problems. See, I purposely wrote the way I did(drunk mind you) just for you, because I knew you wouldn't get it. And, you've proven that above. You are talking in terms of care...and not cost. Cost is the issue here, not care. When Medicare says it will now pay X for service Y, a private insurer takes notice of that. Not because of improvement to care/coverage(let's call that the marketing side) but because of price/risk(operations/profitability). They look at it, because now they know what every single provider in the country is getting from Medicare. If Medicare keeps saying it will pay X1+(.12-.33) every year, for service Y, that is where "increased cost" comes from. Medicare reimbursement increases are voted on by Congress. They are part of the increasing % of spending increases, that aren't tied to anything at all other than: spend more...because. The private insurer now knows he must pay the new X...plus a little more, because he is not Medicare, and in every way, is competing with Medicare for care. Thus, by literal default, a lot of insurance cost is generated with no increase in care/quality/efficiency. It's litterally the same Y service as last year. This is not about inefficiency. There is literally nothing about efficiency here at all. Medicare loves to brag about its "4% adminstrative costs"...yeah, because they literally aren't administering anything, and they are 100 times the size of the biggest private insurers. They are literally handed new blank checks every year. This is about bad government. Period. Efficiency? I'll show you inefficiency: In order to pretend that government is responsible, the Feds/State send out their surveyors, and what do they accomplish? They raise hell with the efficiency of my clients, by interrupting their service, so that we can all listen to them ramble on, using childish instruments of their own design, all of which offer a less than 0 value-add to the business process. I have personally attended many, many meetings with these people...they offer NOTHING in terms of BPM improvement. They waste my client's time, and their money. They don't know the first F'ing thing about quality assurance, or how to provide it. Often what they "know" is patently retarded, and therefore counterproductive. ISO9000 people at least add value far more often than not. They know enough to make those meetings somewhat useful. But, NONE of this solves the problem that Medicare creates, by constantly increasing rates, and without tying them to any sort of real quality/efficiency increase. This means the production function works in F'ing reverse for due to these people. It's the perfect storm of idiocy: ever increasing government spending, with ever increasing legions of government tools being put on the payroll, none of whom are qualified to do anything about improving care, or stopping waste/fraud, which means even more cost is added. After all, somebody has to pay for all these people to pretend to do my job. Well? We can always raise Medicare mandates, and the states will follow suit! Yeah, that's hilarious. I wonder why professors keep asking me to speak to their classes, yet, I have never seen the need to ask them to come speak to us. How funny is it that this thing may end up being the straw that breaks Harry Reid's weak little spine? God bless those vets, and the guy who thought up this little stunt. Once again they are serving the country when it needs it most.
  14. Yep, and as soon as one Russian black hat gets hired? It's going to be interesting. All of a sudden these government employees are going to be thrust into the real world, and have to deal with real world problems....like customer service, real management at many levels, etc. But, then? All their data is gone, or, someone finds their data has been sold...when they keep getting targeted ads for cathoder products sent in the mail/to their phone. Did I say interesting? I meant hilariously bad.
  15. Yes, I imagine the OWS training, or the Environtologist training, isn't much different in terms of substance vs. ideology. I can't imagine why I think that. Perhaps it has somethign to do with them telling us that increasing productivity is good, while decreasing it is...also...good, at the same time.
  16. Looks like you can't do this right at all, really.
  17. Yep, hence the title of this thread. The difference between: The observational data supports our models and The observational data doesn't support our models is virtually indistinguishable, in terms of the IPCC's report. What would that report say, if there was no 15 year lack of warming? What would it say if the models were accurate? How would it be any different at all? Liberals, bested by logic, again!
  18. Oh, so you suddenly understand that value of productivity now...when it suits your purpose? People sitting on their assess, producing nothing, hurts productivity. So, yeah, supporting more food stamps/disability claims/welfare and telling us that "consumer spending" while saying that this: = good points? Obnoxiously phony and/or idiotic behavior on your part. And, this guy's argument is practically tautological(and therefore, worthlesss): Of course technology, in a vacuum, doesn't hurt productivity. Of course it produces more/serves as a multiplier. A pack of matches is better than rubbing sticks together. Thanks clown. The current American corporate environment is better than the Guild of Bankers. Thanks clown. However: Technology, not in a vacuum, but rather, as an alternative to the consequences of hiring a human wrought by the idiocy that is Obamacare? Yes, technology is being used to kills jobs. Or rather: companies are investing ALL in technology, when, without the idiocy that is Obamacare, they would at least be investing SOME in new people.. It's happening right in front of me. Every day, all the time. How could I foget though? You Liberals think you know better than me, so, my own life isn't happening right in front of me, right? Dumbest people on the planet. And now? Let's add "most ingorant of material, causing self-contradiction" people on the planet
  19. If Kiko Alonso knew he was gonna be a Bill, he would have stopped Nordberg....
  20. "That's right. Big daddy...bets...the pot" Is this your first time here? Just sayin'. Jimmy Leonard was..... ....a "terrible" DB draft pick. After all...the 28th best O lineman was still on the board! Kiko Alonso sucks? How dopey is that right now? ALL WIN! no fail. Yep
  21. Right doctor. Let's ask you a doctor question: If a system of a patient is beginning to fail, do you tell us that the disease hasn't been implemented fully, or do you recognize it as disease, and move to eradicate it immediately? Perhaps DC_Tom can tell you about knowing something is going to fail, and going forward with it anyway. Hehehe...while we are at it...let's talk Medicare! He works with the government. In my world? This kind of excuse/pretend reason for bad behavior/performance? This gets you fired. Yes, real fired, not assign you to a new job someplace else in the mess...no. Real fired. Amazing. How little health care providers know about health care insurance providers....and how willing they are to buy the crap form a non-effected union employee. Apparently none of you unmitigated morons realize that Medicare. Yes, Medicare. Medicare is Reason #1 why health care costs have continuously increased. Yeah in and year out. Either that, or, you do know, but, you don't want to tell the truth about it.. Simple example: If Medicare, out of the blue, decides it's going to cover a treatment for liberal D-baggery...what happens? Be honest. What exactly would happen, in order, with that, and what does that do to cost, system wide? Medicare is NOT the solution here. Medicare is the ENEMY!
  22. Upon further review, I completely missed this. And, I had no idea this was true. I ain't lying. I tell the truth. I am clueless on this issue. I spent my junior manager wonderboy years working for Valley startups....whose shameless internent pumping of stocks was done contnuously, by apparently bad actors, including myself. Should I have done time? We spammed the schit out of people. That was called: doing the job. What exactly defines pumping, in an internet setting?
  23. Hehe..But, you know what really works? Assasinating the "formative" leader of your movement, in favor of yourself, and spreading totalitarian socialism(because, we must first be socialist, before we can be Communist) for 70 years...based in part on "religion is the opiate of the masses". I wonder: how many of the masses that have been sacrificed on the alter of socialism...would otherwise be peaceful Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Rastafarians, or even Muslims? Who is taking the opiate that is power, and who merely wanted to be left alone? Where is the real harm here, in terms of absolute value, all time, historically? Is it relgion, or socialism? Whose behavior most closely resembles that of an addict? When we talk about "rights"...and compare that to "values"...who comes up short?
  24. Well, at least you have your priorities in order. Life without Twizzlers is simply: not. Now, if we can get this same passion for Twizzlers...oriented towards providing information, to those who are low in information? That's a plan. Perhaps it starts with Free Twizzlers?
  25. What part of: I don't care if you talk plumbing, because we spend plenty of time talking (my) systems work here, and, respect for the real deal world/decentralization of business process...is essentially WTF I am about, in body and soul: do you not get? You telling your story: enforces mine. In fact, it wouldn't suprise me at all, if a right-leaning plumber/handy man...was banned. You represent the same existential threat to their ideology that both LA Billz and I share. They must fear/attack us. Our mere existence proves them wrong. Just remember, they have to kill him first. Thus, the leftist, small penis rage approach? Giving warining points without explanation, or notification. Why should any of us fear that? Is it really that hard to start a new account? Would any of you not know exactly who the F I was.... ....if I was suddenly BobinHerndonVA? How about PalinFan? Here's a deep one: PeterInBethesda Yeah, that requires thought, and, even in my drunken state, I get that one. Thus....the retarded "overpopulation" theory is entirely without merit. A simple google for facts yields the following: We are, WITHOUT LEGALIZING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...going to face a significant shortage of farm workers. There is a global birthrate decrease....which means...demand-wise, you may be in trouble, long term, and, in the aggregate. But, I say BS on those analytics. We NEED you, because you are the kid who is going to teach/manage the kids(who will be in short supply) willing/capable of doing the farm work...in 20 years. The whole "overpopulation" scare, is just as damaging and irrelevant, as the "Global Warming" scare. Here is fact: The #1 reason why the EU is importing Nigerians, and selling all sorts of leftist crap as to why? They know damn well that they need slaves, (that's right, I F'ing said it), to work their fields. Consider: Why does Italy have a "you're not Italian until you turn 18, and only if you have a job" law? Simple: It's their douchy little way of not admitting that their leftist "multicultural" foreign/immigration policy has failed, big time. They need people to pick tomatoes....but...they don't want to give them the time of day, unless they can prove they have a FTE. Ponderous...who will be playing striker and and stopper for their World Cup team? But, only because they aren't employed as pickers? Going forward, farms, and, those who can oversee/train/manage farm workers, will be in short supply. However, compared to those of us who can take projects that are 6 months behind and deliver them on schedule? No. There are less of us, than you, by a factor of 10. That will always be true, so, no WE WIN. Worse comes to worst? I can figure your thing out, given a few years without war. Can you figure out mine?
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