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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Christ, without GITMO, NCIS would lose half of its plot drivers. I've been watching the reruns on a pirate site from episode #1. I like this Fornell guy. Also...does anybody now the executive order # for close Gitmo, offhand? (i mean, do you remember things like that, just to use them later?) I always thought Executive Order, with or without the #, would be a great name for a band, or a bar.
  2. Yeah...you're on target. Show me how this isn't "black box" nonsense....or STFU. I doubt you are even capable of understanding that abstraction. But, prove me wrong. Let's see you try....
  3. Yes, as observed by the guy who reads it all....yet only finds the things I want you to find. HIPPA!
  4. Holy Black Box Batman! Mr. Krugman? We don't do "stories that focus on what appears to be" in BPR/BPM. We do processes, rules, and, properly collected data. That whole article = black box thinking. "Let's put something in one end of the black box, and see what comes out the other side, while never looking into the box, or understanding what is actually happening inside it". The medicare readmit problem...was a problem. But, "bad care" had little to do with it. Again, bad process was the culprit. Paul Krugman doesn't have a clue. I'd love to debate this clown. He is so far removed from what it takes to actually understand what is happening, and the tactics we use to really find out...that reading his "work" just makes me laugh. I can tell you why it was the process, in excruciating detail, as I run into this constantly. Or, I can tell you that it was bad process, that would have been fixed with or without Obamcare, and be done. Thus, the inference that Obamcare "fixed" this is patently retarded. That is correlation = causation, a "favorite" here at PPP. I was running into the causes of this long before Obamcare, in many industries, not just health care, and I will be running into it long after it's gone. Meanwhile, Krugman was black boxing his way through the Tech Bubble long before Obamacare, and he will be black boxing his way through whatever is next. Paul Krugman : health care :: Drupal "consultant" : programming.
  5. But, it's not my "I WIN" ****. It's Levi's. And, Chef? I win. Today is the day. You know it. It's all over for you. Roll around in the mud with The Boy Google, and his dopey: "let's hook our search engine to it, that solves everything!" approach. Perhaps that's best thing about this win...The Boy Google went on record telling you something assinine, and now, both you and I can abuse him for it whenever it suits us. EDIT: That is...unless you lied about that.
  6. Incoherent is incoherent. I have no idea what you are saying, and neither do you. And, the entire post was about getting The Watchmen reference in there. But, if nobody gets the reference, then the whole post becomes trivial, which it has.
  7. Happy I WIN! Day. Except....to Chef of course. Dude, google "Obamacare EZApp". That not-workaround is the definitive I WIN. If the site was working as designed, why the need for something that doesn't work as designed, but, gives you the impression that everything is working? They are faking it. Why? Because(hopefully for the final time) the 834 transactions are still not working. As I said.
  8. Whaddya think B-Man? Do you smell a meme coming on? This game is hilarious...and shockingly...called "racist". Yeah. The original was historically accurate in nearly every way, including the real Banana Republic dictators, and their backstories, acctually adding bonuses/deficits to your ability to do things. It was especially accurate when it came to dealing with the USA/USSR. I think I should put some time in tomorrow on this.
  9. Ya know? The "king" thing used to seem like hyperbole. But, given the movement towards Feudalism, that has become obvious over the last year? King isn't that far off. A king has vassals. The vassals agree to defend the King and assert his power, and in return, they are granted stuff. Obama has: unions, much of Wall Street, Hollywood, some of Silicon Valley, and ALL of Academia. We are rapidly departing from "constituents" and heading towards: vassals. If this unholy alliance remains in place, in the end we will ALL be serfs. Our job is to expose these people for the phony ass nonsense brokers they are. So let's go out there and fight the good fight, knock on doors, make those calls, organize ourselves into an unstoppable wall of... Oh... too late...don't need us...better call the printers...because? OBAMACARE! :lol: :lol: :lol: "uhhh Hello? Hey um dude? We won't be needing that hyperbole after all. Yeah, turns out there's no room for it. Nah...Just cancel the order. Yeah. This Obamcare thing has taken up the entire space. Yeah...well maybe next time. I'm sure we're going to need you whenever Immigration Reform comes around."
  10. Yep, well, somebody's been to the bar tonight. 3rdnlng channeling wawrow. I suppose the difference will be: 3rdnlng won't wake up tomorrow thinking "man, I owned those guys last night. FTWMe!". And, not one of you sorry asses know the reference? Disappointed.
  11. My lord in heaven. An optomistic socialist? Now I have seen....a lot.
  12. Yes, but...what you support has nothing in common with the common good. First, it is about dividing the country into factions, so that you can keep each group at war with each other, and thus maintain power over all, by deciding who gets what, when. And, if one of the factions gets out of line? You can pay off the others to excoriate them. This is Feudalism, where the ruling class in DC gains, supported by their Wall Street, Union, and Silicon Valley vassals, while everybody else struggles. There's nothing "common" about it in the slightest. "Good" implies results. What results have your endlessly expanding programs gotten, really? Bad. Yeah, yeah I know all about what you call The New Deal. When SSI dies, so will your deluded nostalgia. Medicare is going to fail. Now, it's almost a certainty. "Thanks Obamacare!". That's because Medicare, as beneficial as it has been, was obsolete. Obamacare is just serving to kill it quicker. Same with Medicaid. Do you like $18 a visit? How about $18-36 that "pays" the nursing home per patient day. The operative words are "has been". What normally happens to "has beens"? Medicare was never built to last. It was built by the same idiots who oversaw Viet Nam. Medicaid is going create a crisis over the next 10 years, when it makes long term care, all flavors of business model, untenable. EDIT: There is a doctor who has done some interesting things with this...but not on a scale that will cover the need, and it's 70/30 that it won't ever reach that scale. However, what he's doing is probably the best thing, and what he's doing means decentralizing the entire system. Put that in your socialist pipe and smoke it. However, unlike the clown parade you support? He's getting: results. What happens when nobody is left to care for the elderly? Are we supposed to back to the 1800s? So, nothing "common" and nothing "good". Francis would kick you in the balls.
  13. I can't. Locked. In your basement, with 2 idiots. I'm not locked in here with them. They're all locked in here....with me.
  14. Didn't say anything about good. Did say: certainly isn't hurt by SOME of the Pope's comments. Also...it's a joke. This argument is used by libertarians to counter the "you just wanna smoke weed" argument used by the Bible Thumpers. But none of this matters. The final result is always the same: Both Libetarian and Bible Thumper will always agree that people like you are the biggest morons, represent the biggest danger to both personal liberty and religious liberty, and represent the destruction of the Republic. Given that, they will always unite against you. That's because we don't like neofascists like you birdog, trying to substitute your values for common human principles, by pretending those principles don't exist, and instead, declaring yourself as the arbiter of morality. Or, by pretending that either Jesus or the Pope have an "agenda". Jesus doesn't have an "agenda". Neither does the Pope, beyond caring for all people on earth, and attempting to help all people on earth, and being compassionate towards all people on earth. Turdbots like you have the agenda = to marginalize most of Jesus's teachings that you don't like, and emphasize the ones you do. Please refrain from pretending like you know something about Jesus or the Pope, or that your phony ass won't cherry pick Jesus to make whatever argument of convenience supports your current position.
  15. OMG!! Now, it's "workaround" time? http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/healthcaregov-tech-team-scrambling-to-create-workaround-for-site-before-deadline/2013/11/27/f5affc7c-577c-11e3-ba82-16ed03681809_story.html Summary: They couldn't get the main component to work, so they threw up a quick hack to basically fake like it's working. This isn't really a workaround at all. A workaround delivers the same functionality, but, it deviates from the intended design, and the assumption is that you will go back and correct it later. Think: a temporary bridge, while the main one is being worked on. You still get from one side to the other. It may take longer, but the basic function is identical. That's not what is happening here. Instead, this EZApp thing will NOT get you from one side to the other. Instead, it takes you from one side....to the "estimated" other side. Would you put your car anywhere near that bridge? (EZApp? Wow, what a name. They spent 5 whole minutes on coming up with a name that is countered not only by its own reason for existing, but by it's own dubious functionality. Irony. I bet they think they are being clever, and "helping" the less than informed, with this. None of that will end up being true.) Obama's team of fools is dreaming if they think this hack is going to work, or solve any of the political problems. It's only going to expose them to further ridicule. The insurance companies will REFUSE to take EZApp enrollments, once they get burned by the first one that overstates the subsidy. Who can blame them? You are asking them to essentially sign, not a blank check, but one with ($(<X),(>Y)0,000.00) on it, representing the yearly premiums they will get for the policy. Where X and Y are variables to be determined later. The day the insurance company says "no mas", is the same day that EZApp dies. What's the O/U on how many days from today that will be? 60?
  16. Here's some hilarity from that board: "I don't know where my team is playing this week, but I'm a big fan for 25 years"(says that in the other thread he started, link below). Yeah, we're the ones who shouldn't have a message board. Nice to see that playing in Toronto does have 1(one) advantage besides $ = causing confusion, humiliation, and derision amongst our opponent's fan base. The "Wind Direction: Straight out of the Vents", "weather report" is great stuff. As I said above, the same guy posted this: What is a troll? I believe my number has been called. I may just have to sign up, and educate these clowns on precisely what a troll is. The only problem? They seem too apathetic for it to work. Perhaps I could start a "Buffalo could trade Mario Williams to Atlanta" thread? I mean, it's not like they are aware of the trade deadline, right? Perhaps a nice "Falcon owner wants new stadium or is moving the team" thread? I might be able to tell them that Toronto is a city that is competely underground, and uses the process of Leaf fan preseason arrogance/midseason angst conversion as their renewable source of energy?
  17. I refer to my avatar, and implore you to "Just Try Saying It" I feel that you've already taken a good first step in acknowledging that EJ may play well, or poorly. That's excellent progress. The next step is to say "EJ Is a Rookie", out loud. After that, we can try saying it to other people. This treatment has worked well for many Jets fans, who have finally been able to say "Mark Sanchez is not Tom Brady and he's not even our QB, he's just an ESPN contraption", and gained a new-found self-respect as a result. Self-respect is the goal. Self-esteem is merely about forcing others to accept your masked and unresolved insecurity. Remember, our next session is scheduled for this coming Monday morning. See you then. And, we need to remind ourselves that "hunting people down and finishing this" is not a healthy way for us to resolve conflict. That is what PPP is for.
  18. I know exactly how you feel. There's this kid named DC_Tom who does the same thing to me all the time. He's not clever enough to understand that he's not being clever. Looks like 4mer is trying to get in on the act. As you can see: He's not very clever either. *********************************************** Also: Simple scenario for you that means the Bills can lose to the Pats, and still make it in. Step #1: Go here http://espn.go.com/n...layoffs/machine Step #2: Set the drop down to "Win %" Step #3: Week 13: Set up the games to follow what I posted in the Bottom Line thread, minus the Pats losing(doesn't matter for this anyway). Especially the Miami beating the Jets game = key. EDIT: Also, switch/don't the Jags/Cleveland game. Turns out it doesn't matter. Step #4: Week 14: Clear the ties. Doesn't matter how. Step #5: Week 15: Don't do anything (but notice, ALL of the teams we need to lose, lose. And, ALL of those results are probable, not just possible) Step #6: Week 16: Flip the Bills to win against Miami(viola! Now we are in!...but, slow your roll, there's one thing left to do) Step #7: Week 17: We are only in because of the Jet/Miami tie. If you flip this to the Jets, they are in. If you flip this to the Dolphins? (Meaning the Dolphins sweep the jets? Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! And, if you'll notice? I DID NOT flip the "Bills beat the Pats" switch. We do that, and the outcome of the Jets/Miami game doesn't matter. EDIT: So, yeah, the Bottom line for this week? Turns out those games are CRITICAL. We get them all(and even if we don't get the Jags over Cleveland? Our chances improve dramatically) ************************************************ http://www.sportsclu...st/Buffalo.html has been updated! Checkout the .4% increase from our shiny new wins!
  19. Man, the Pope is making one hell of a case for the libertarians who say "let's kick all of the Bible thumpers out of the R party and back to the Ds, where they belong. They are all just single issue conservative, Big Government everything else people." Or, perhaps there's some nuance here that the usual suspects are missing? Anybody wanna take that bet? Remember: Whether you like it or not, the Pope is the Pope for All, including Gene Frenkle. That's what the word Catholic means. That's the job description he signed up for, and that's how it's defined. He's merely doing the job. The Pope: means he has to take everybody's views into account, and not just say he "respects" them, but actually engage them all. What if we had leaders...who understood that simple concept? I don't recall a pope telling anyone, even gays or abortion docs, that there's "a bus" and that they have to sit in the back of it. O'Reilly has waaaay too many people that watch his show for them to all be right-wing. At leat 30% of his audience are Democrats. That large of group says that has to be true. And, let's understand: those are loyal viewers. The kind that advertisers can count on. Reality: I do what you are talking about with MSNBC. Every so often, I want to watch an intellectually inferior clown sputtering around trying to make self-congratulation = grace, or, stumble through talking points that many here at PPP could have delivered better, and with more persuasion, because I'm a big fan of absurd humor. MSNBC is better than Monty Python some days, unintentionally. It's like they are trying to make fun of something...that they are actually trying to do. I do that once a month = not a "loyal" viewer. The math doesn't support your argument ...lybob. You did OK that one time though....
  20. Happy Thanksgiving.... ....even to the Obots. And, Chef? Buddy, you really want to lock me, in your basement, with Gator and Gene? Once again, you haven't thought it through. Who'd clean up the mess? Consider: For that to be plausible, I'd insist on booze. How else could I get through it? If I had booze, then, I'd have to have something to do. I can't just sit there and drink = bad form. So, you throw down Monopoly. Then, Gene goes out of his mind trying to explain the rules to gatorman. Gene has his own rules, and is insisting we all play by them, but, offering no hard data to back up his demand. Gatorman refuses to understand that Free Parking is only Free Parking, and isn't free license to steal money from the bank. Gatorman says: "After all the bank didn't build that", which only incenses Gene further. This continues, and the game never gets started really because gatorman is now refusing to acknowledge that rolling doubles 3 times means jail. Gene swears to not-God that if gator doesn't start playing by his monopoly rules, he's going to do the unthinkable (Because...when isn't Gene a drama queen?). Gene says the world will end if we all don't start playing by his rules, and that especially means NOBODY can use the racecar. "Gator want racecar." I egg both of them on.(Because, when don't I?) So, now Gene's gone. Then he promptly relieves himself, as corpses do. That grosses me out, and let's remember, I've been drinking, a lot. See? It's a mess. You have to think things through Chef. If you were a project manager, you'd know this.
  21. I assure you, all I've done is roll my mouse over some "spans", and then, cut and paste, followed by using the "bold" feature of this site. If that qualifies as "work"? You're welcome. The real work has been done by the guy at my link, and some programmers, and whatever statistical software they use. I will take credit for knowing about the site at my link, and knowing that the methodology used there is up to standard.
  22. Somebody said they wanted "the bottom line" each week on who to root for. So, with nothing else to do this morning, here it is for today/this weekend. If you want details/debate go to the "playoff scenario" thread. This is the "Bottom Line" thread. That's because: it's the Bottom Line on this, period. (Home team is listed first): Indianapolis vs Tennessee San Diego vs Cincinnati Baltimore vs Pittsburgh Houston vs New England Cleveland vs Jacksonville Dallas vs Oakland NY Jets vs Miami (Jets win subtracts .1% from our chances. Miami win does nothing. So, we've "got that going for us". Dalai Lama. Bills Fan? ) Extra Stuff: If you want to know how I know this, you can do it yourself, just go here: http://www.sportsclu...st/Buffalo.html No, this is not the "scenario site". This is the statistical projection of what each team winning means for the Bills, based on a whole lot of math. Math explanation doesn't belong here either, as it is not Bottom Line. I will write a more in-depth post in the playoff thread if poster's want to know more..... and yes, I am aware that the Bills need to win out. However, I have constructed a "lose to the Pats and still get in" scenario....which is not for here either.
  23. Apparently, OFA is telling it's drones to discuss Obamacare at Thankgiving. Many are all over this, including The Onion I think this is abhorrent. Especially because my liberal aunt/uncle and my cousins are better than this: they don't need to be told by OFA to attempt to dominate the discussion and shout down dissent, personalize every issue, and offer more non sequitur than there is mashed potatoes. They've been doing this on their own. I resent that OFA thinks they need to be told to do it. So, they play their games? And, I play mine. Here's some one liners/short stuff that might come in handy this week.... Arts and Crafts: "Obamacare should have been written in crayon.(pregnant pause...don't say anything if they don't ask...it's great if that just hangs out there like a bad fart) Why? Because creating it required a child's understanding of health care, health insurance, business, and big systems..." You gotta giggle at the end = daggers. Uncle Joe: "The 4 little kids from the commercial sat around the table for 4 days with Joe Biden(or Max Bachus if they know who he is), and they made the transcript of that into Obamacare......Grapes!" ("Grapes" has the added benefit of being a "say at random times for the rest of the day, just to piss them off" candidate.) Bloatware: "Obamacare is exactly like you forcing your technically challenged (insert person X here) to buy Microsoft Word, when all they need is email." (Continuation if necessary) "And, to make it worse, you threaten (X) that unless he overpays for what he doesn't need, it's the IRS? Meanwhile, this was all supposed to help (person Y), but (Y) doesn't qualify for subsidies, and rather than let him sign up for something actually affordable, he either pays the danegold(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danegeld) for Obamacare, or pays the relatively miniscule fine? Honestly, what do you think is going to happen? Who pays the danegold when they can pay a parking ticket instead? (The Danegold will throw them off, because it sounds weird, and then it's just landing your punches...) Liberals love to help: Who exactly are you "helping" in this? 2 million people(whatever they use)? So the other 348 million don't matter, and screwing them over is fine, as long as 2 get what you want. Genius. I didn't realize Absurdity Appreciation was part of the core curriculum at (your college). Was that your minor?" Money: "Oh so now 100k(whatever # they say for pre-existing) are now on insurance, because they extended Medicaid. If that's what this thing accomplished, why not just extend Medicaid to (number) people? That could have been done in a day. No. Your clowns bought an entire car, just to use the cigarette lighter and listen to the radio some days?" The Trap: "Young millenials are not refusing to sign up for Obamacare because they don't like it, there's plenty to like. It's also not because they see it as an awful value for their money. I'm so tired of people saying that. The plans haven't even started yet. (Get the heads nodding...wait for it...) ....they are refusing to sign up because they are racist. I mean, that's what this is about, it's what it's always been about. These millenials are no different than anyone else who has obstructed this President. They are only doing it because they don't want to see a black man succeed, and I'm tired of it!" (Requires skill and situation to pull off properly. Know your audience. Works great if nobody knows your political stripe.) I am sure you guys have more...all ready to go. These are my drafts. If I'm missing something, say something.
  24. Threaten? Dude come now, you are talking to me here. Threaten? IF you can destroy my position? Go ahead. Perhaps I will learn something. But...threaten? You want factual? Getting Medicaid reimbursement, but paying full cost of care(which you still don't actually know, because you don't collect the data to know)...for a brand new 20-30% increase in your patient day? That runs your hospital( 3% margins on average), right into the ground. And, the age-old release valve? "Charge the private pay more, and offset our losses in Medicaid!" Nowhere near enough this time. Factual. Dude! It runs the Cleveland Clinic into the ground. See Here. Hey, if you're better than these guys? I will learn something. Do tell. At least before, you could grumble, and call your state association. Now? Every day you're going to learn what BOHICA means = Bend Over, Here It Comes Again. Here's the best part: If I wasn't so stupid-averse, I'd be supporting Obamacare all day. That's because I've lucked into having the only antidote for the Obamacare disease. The antidote was done on purpose, and the fact that it is applicable is no accident. The luck part? Spreading the disease to the whole country. In the entire history of disruptive change to regulation causing massive software demand: Obamacare is bigger than the de-regulation of Utilities. So, why should I complain? Easy: it's still stupid.
  25. Nah....that wasn't you. That was work stuff. I can't just hang around here and teach Intro to Management Information Systems, and Freshman Economics. I get paid to do that. Everybody and their F'ing brother has been pestering me about "is it gonna work"? So, I've been discussing this...I just haven't been doing it here. It's spread to the bar, of all places. My liberal bar "friends" are genuinely worried. They think this means the end. I told them sorta what DC_Tom says "don't worry, given the prepetual stupidity that the education system produces? Maybe it saves you.". Yeah, I got em coming and going on that. But, it's just bar dudes. Hardly worth the effort. One guy just got it the other day. 3 days to realize I was calling him an idiot. 3 days. And, I WIN! Because, they came out again today and said it wasn't going to be ready. Here's what I would say on the "magic" day: "Based on the deadlines we set for the project internally, we are on schedule, and in some places a bit ahead(because how can you know we're not?) Any other comments about the status of the project were made when we didn't have our new plan in place, so they were inaccurate, premature, and very regrettable. We just weren't ready to give a timeframe on the new plan. At the time, we were being asked to estimate one, immediately, to satisfy some external concerns. The Nov 30 date was our best estimate, given the data we had. As of today, our progress is up to standard, we are on plan, and looking forward to final delivery." Or something like that. You want to have an argument? Try to poke a hole in that paragraph...
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