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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. He said it so quietly, I thought he said ‘pen’. Then Harvey lost it. I don’t know who these people are that they poll, but some of those results are idiotic. Case in point: Question: Name an animal that if it sat on you would probably kill you. 4 answers. Team gets #1 with elephant. Next three guesses are rhino, bear and cow. None are correct. Other team wins with hippo, which is #4. Answer #3 is snake? Sure a python or anaconda could squish you to death but that’s not the question. Answer #2 was lion? Second point: fast money- question 5 is ‘Name a color found on a checkers board.’ Irvin goes 1st and answers Red for 51 points. Bruce answers Black for 46 points. So, three people answered something other than black or red?
  2. Jim Valvano: “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” I try and follow that One year I was in a Fantasy Football League and was only seemingly mathematically still in it. Another guy with the same record said “Well, we’re both out of it.” He quit while I continued to manage my team. Not only did I make the playoffs, I won the league. In general, just about anytime I get frustrated with something and think about giving up, I remember that quote and try to push through. Another one is Jim Mora’s infamous “Playoffs?!” rant. Anytime a team I follow is just about eliminated from playoff contention but someone says they’re still alive for the playoffs, I think of Mora. Like the Sacramento Kings this year. They get to play an additional 8 games because they’re only 3.5 games behind the 8th place team. Playoffs?
  3. This is nothing new with him. He was the same with the Raiders. The lack of focus also led to many drops. I was surprised when they traded him, but he is not a reliable #1 go-to WR so I understand that the Raiders didn’t think he was worth his big contract.
  4. Another way this pandemic affects lives. Can you imagine being a hot QB prospect who’s about to finally get his shot to start and the season is cancelled?
  5. There was a rookie WR for the Niners that seemed to drop half the balls thrown to him. His name was Jerry Rice. I bet they were happy they didn’t give up on him after one season.
  6. I’m surprised the mods are letting this thread continue in this forum.
  7. Yes, if not just for the 6 game streak in weeks 11 thru 16.
  8. As is often said, Belechick thrives on the last 2 minutes of a half.
  9. A flashback to my youth. We had a siren on the corner, half a block away, that went off at noon every day.
  10. Yeah, 106 NFL games for Sheppard is “out of the league quickly”?
  11. Lee Smith is the proverbial bad penny. He keeps coming back.
  12. When the kneeling started, after a period, the networks just stopped showing the national anthem.
  13. I did the same. He was fun to watch. I remember one catch at the back of the end zone where he set his feet at the end line and with full extension of his body caught the pass that was a couple yards out of the end zone. His downfield blocking for OJ and others was outstanding.
  14. I’ve been to about a dozen Bills games here out West over the years. First win I saw was against the Rams 4 years ago. I guess I should’ve stopped then, as I went to the Chargers Peterman game the following year. Seattle was different in the Kingdome in Kelly’s last year.
  15. I was at both that Rams game and Chargers game. There were so many Bills’ fans, it was a blast. Despite Peterman’s horrible game, there were Bills fans all around me and we were chanting “We want Tyrod!”
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