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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Yeah, but he can’t be out of control like he was on two plays yesterday. Turning your back to a defender in an attempt to gain another yard is not a good decision. Hurdling over a defender to end up out of control is not a smart move. Fun to watch but not smart.
  2. How can everyone let that go when they gave us a deja vu moment before halftime? I thought I was dreaming a nightmare. At least they squib kicked this time to leave only 12 seconds on the clock. Just like the playoff game, they take a timeout on defense after the Chiefs line up. Just like the playoff game, they have everyone playing back and a quick pass to a speedy receiver gains about 20 yards. Just like the playoff game, they don’t man up, (much less double team, Kelce and he again runs straight between defenders to pick up another 10 or so yards. This again leads to a game tieing FG. Watching that, it looked like they didn’t learn anything from that debacle in the playoff game. Other than the squib kick, they played it all the same with the same results. Thank goodness for Von Miller’s pressure and Taron Johnson’s aggressiveness to get that interception or we may have seen the same game result.
  3. The Miami coaches and players had no influence on the stadium being configured that way. I railed against this after the Bills played there, but you can’t really blame those that decided to set it up this way, with the home team in the shade. Baseball teams do this also with the placement of the dugouts, although those players have some cover and they can sit. As you mentioned, the real issue is player safety being disregarded with respect to protection from the elements, in this case being the heat and humidity. Nobody should be forced to endure 120 degree temps without some protection.
  4. And he was aggressive in going for the ball and tearing it away from the receiver.
  5. Yeah, like the Holiday Inn Express doctors that all offseason insisted Tre White would be able to start the season.
  6. Yeah, could use someone like Wyatt Teller.
  7. I still recall watching the draft with a bunch of guys and when the pick was made, saying to the guy next to me “Not the Josh I expected “ Glad I was wrong!!
  8. They already had Hopkins and added Hollywood Brown.
  9. Apparently there are some people thinking Carolina will trade McCaffrey before the deadline. https://pantherswire.usatoday.com/2022/10/06/panthers-rb-christian-mccaffrey-trade-deadline/
  10. So, I took advantage of Pause functionality in grabbing some dinner and doing some loads of laundry. I had watched thru the 3rd Qtr when I went to put the last load in the dryer and put the prior load away. I come back, hit Play, briefly see a picture of an orange fish like Nemo and then it takes me out and there’s a message that “The game has ended.” I then found the Replay but when I selected it, the only option was ‘Add to Watchlist’. It was at this point that I thought “Oh, OK football gods, I get the message.” So, then I looked online to see that this lousy game went to OT? Bwahaha! Any fan at the stadium who stayed for the whole game should get a free ticket to another game. But, of course, that would mean they would have to watch this Broncos offensive offense again. Maybe also give them an option of free tacos from Taco Bell. So, Amazon Prime, why have an option to watch the game at your leisure if you’re going to shut it all down when the game ends?
  11. That Poyer INT in the end zone was almost as good as Hyde’s come out of nowhere pick in the New England playoff game. Almost.
  12. There was a previous game vs the Ravens where Trent Murphy, of all people, was mirroring Jackson and did a good job.
  13. As I’ve said many times: “DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!” You feed them responses and they keep coming back.
  14. I’ve been against bringing in that prima donna in the past, but, other than Diggs, I don’t think opposing defenses are too concerned about facing our WRs. I really expected Davis to shine this season coming off that awesome playoff game. He’s been dinged but has only 8 receptions in 3 games, with only 1 in this game. He was only targeted 3 times. Did he only play a limited number of snaps, was he not getting open or did Josh just look elsewhere?
  15. It’s probably been mentioned, but this thread is up to 39 pages, so: do the Bills have a QB sneak in their playbook? 4th and one, your QB is 6-5, 240+ lbs and he rolls out to the left then has to outmaneuver defenders and runs about 30 yards to get the first down? He should be able to lean left or right of the center and pick up a yard. Great run to watch but it’s ridiculous to not run a sneak.
  16. He’s sat next to him since the start of the season. I don’t know why he wasn’t there last week when Dorsey lost it.
  17. So many people say McDaniel is refreshing because he’s a straight shooter. He apparently got defensive and upset when questioned about Tua having a concussion on Sunday and allowing him to play 4 days later. He said he’d never do that to a player. So, is he lying and his “straight shooter” reputation false? Or is someone above him working the strings? I’m not a doctor but regarding Sunday, I’ve never heard of people getting rubber legs from a back injury. We all saw the back of his helmet hit the turf. First he staggers, then collapses, and they put him back in to start the 2nd half? So, if it truly was a back injury, after that behavior, it still doesn’t make sense why they put him back in that game. Now, Thursday it’s considered neurological and they say he’s flying home with the team? Geez! If Dane Jackson was hurt in a road game, I wonder if he would’ve flown home the same day?
  18. Thanks for the info. In another game this past weekend I witnessed something I’d seen before regarding a 10 second runoff. Reviews in the last 2 minutes are from the replay center and not called by a team. They reviewed a close play and afterwards did a 10 second runoff. Why should any team be penalized with this runoff when neither asked for the replay review? The ref says “By rule…”. Well, they definitely need to change the rule. I remember this happened to the Bills in a game a couple years ago, where they were near the goal line and there was stoppage for a review to see if they scored with less than 10 seconds left in the half. Had there been no replay, they could’ve run another play and maybe scored. The refs said replay confirmed the Bills didn’t score and “by rule we have a 10 second runoff. The half is over.” How dumb was that?!
  19. It was funny to see him in the locker room after the game. He’s so small in comparison. He reminds me of those guys on crime shows that are on the team because they know all these stats and techno stuff. He comes off looking strange in those press room interviews. Definitely not comfortable.
  20. How about the end of the first half? Has anyone explained that? If the play was to fake the spike and throw to Diggs, why didn’t Josh just spike it after bobbling the ball to allow a FG try?
  21. Other than the Bills games, many of the games these first 3 weeks have been poor quality. Yeah, let’s sit all the starters in preseason games so we can watch crap football until they get it together.
  22. And how did the Dolphins get away with configuring a stadium that puts their team in the shade and the visitors in the sun. Talk about unethical. It’s like Red Auerbach turning the hot water and heat off in the visitors locker room in the Boston Garden.
  23. Having watched this game, if you do look at the stats, it is mind boggling that the Bills lost this game. Big advantages in yardage and time of possession but they only score 17 pts? The Bills had only 1 turnover (fumble) and punted only once. They were 11 for 18 on 3rd downs and 2 of 3 on 4th down, the only failed 4th being the Allen pass into the ground. That 3rd Qtr drive is 87 yards in 20 plays, using 9:28 off the clock and all they get is a FG. That 4th Qtr drive is 73 yyards in 17 plays, using 8:19, and they don’t score a point. You have 2 long impressive drives and get only 3 points out of it? Hindsight is 20/20 but if they got 3 points on that long 4th Qtr drive, they still had the 2 timeouts so they could’ve got the ball back, as they did after the punt safety. Main point, of course, is that a team’s play calling is different when they’re backed up to the goal line than if they’re at say the 25 so the Bills defense could’ve had a bigger challenge to stop them on 3 downs. Has anyone heard an explanation on the Bass missed FG? It looked bad like the timing was off or did he just miss it?
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