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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. I like the idea. While there are no real good excuses for the way the defense played last year, they could've been better if the offense did more. So, by drafting Davis, maybe keeping Moulds is not as big of a deal. If Moulds is kept, what offensive potential!!
  2. LOL!!! The 1st one was a sign that said: "Dont't Drink and Drive" which included the misspelling. The 2nd was a ground level grave marker with the name: "DUMFART"
  3. Let's try this one, which now is a little appropriate.
  4. Duh, now it shows but obviously it wasn't a good choice anyways as it's illegible at this size. Back to the "drawing board".
  5. I tried to setup a picture for an Avatar and it still doesn't show up when I post. After my initial try, I shrunk down the size. It showed up in the Controls section when I updated it with the reduced image but still won't show up when I post. Any suggestions??
  6. Generally, it's "Those that can't, coach. Those that can, why tarnish your image!"
  7. I.Bruce has been very injury-prone. Things like turf toe and hamstrings that linger for weeks. I don't know if he can be counted on. I'd rather keep Moulds.
  8. Runyan isn't on the list at all??
  9. If TD was still GM, that would be a good possibility. Doh!!!
  10. AVP of TSW reports Leo Roth could be right on some of these reports. Of course, he could also be wrong.
  11. Sounds like someone TD would've picked. He drafted a few players (McGahee for one) coming off injuries.
  12. In my opinion, the way the NFL CBA works out could have a huge impact on the Bills. If they don't come up with a new agreement and 2007 has no salary cap, how many attractive free agents does anyone see coming to a Bills organization that hasn't been winning and been in somewhat of a disarray, when the sky's the limit on salaries?? You might still have a couple cheapo organizations, but we know the likes of Snyder, Jerry Jones, Paul Allen and the like will probably throw out the cash freely. I don't think the Bills would be able to compete.
  13. And Bennie came to the Bills from the Bengals so they wouldn't be likely to want him back.
  14. Wait a minute. Why is everybody saying it's too good to be true?? JP was a middle to late 1st round pick. The Bills would be trading the 8th pick in this year's draft and a former 1st round pick (in essence two 1st round picks) to move up just 6 spots to number 2. That would be too much to give up in my opinion. So getting an additional 3rd and 4th round pick would just even it out.
  15. Also, remember that a 3rd round pick was used on Kevin Everett last draft.
  16. Good list. I think the Bills can get a decent replacement for Moulds from that bunch. Jurivicieus anyone??
  17. gone?? Isn't one of the New England receivers about to be a free agent??
  18. I want him to stay if a better cap friendly contract can be worked out. We all saw what happened when Pierce was traded away and there wasn't anybody decent to replace him at the time. Despite his diminishing skills, his knowledge of the game is a big plus to keep around. If he refuses to restructure his contract, then they have to decide if they can find a decent replacement at a lower cost.
  19. I'll have to admit that was a tough one to get used to. Donahue is a common name and I had never heard of a Donahoe before. ALso, at the same time, the Niners here had Terry Donahue. It was hard to keep track of which one was the "-hoe"??
  20. If people watched the games, they could see 'Tarkenton" on his jersey, on graphics, and newspapers and magazines. Yet, they would still say and write "Tarkington" Sort of like "Tarkington. I'd rather fight then switch."
  21. If the CBA remains the same as it is now, there would be no cap for 2007. So, I interpret that to mean that teams could then sign players to contracts with small salaries this year but big money for 2007 (The NBA limits by percentage how much of a raise a player can get but I don't know if the NFL does). However, this is because it's the last year of the CBA agreement. I remember this being how it was going to be for the prior CBA but they signed an extension or something before the last year so the cap-free year never materialized. So, backloading of a contract could actually come back to hurt a team then if a new CBA was signed and the cap-free year eliminated. From what I've read, the NFL Management doesn't want to end up with a Cap-free year because then the NFLPA will try to eliminate the cap.
  22. No, as the Bills learned when they traded away Peerless Price, don't get rid of a player like Moulds until you're sure you have a replacement. I'd only cut him if he absolutely refused to do any kind of reconstruction of his contract. Who knows, Reed could sign quickly with another team. Then what would you have, an unproven Aikens, and an undersized Parrish.
  23. The Forty-whiners's coach, Nolan, supposedly convinced his boss that they needed more help in the front office so there's an opening there for a position like VP of football operations or something.
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