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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Not worth the risks. Too many red flags with accuracy, consistency, reading defenses and pocket feel.
  2. How many times are they going to announce the signing of Hankerson? Is it official this time?
  3. Exceptions to your rule: players like DE Erik Flowers (Thanks Wade!) and TJ Graham. I believe that Maybin would've been taken by another team later in the 1st round.
  4. These are the Ultra-greedy NFL owners we're talking about. You know, the guys who won't pay their cheerleaders, force customers to buy PSLs, ask for volunteers to assemble and disassemble the stage for Super Bowl halftime show and wanted the halftime performers to pay them, etc. And also hid $100 Million from the NFLPA.
  5. "They must be good players. They beat us twice last season and ended up with a better record."
  6. Shows I guess that some people tuned out before the season was over. Way to go, Rex!
  7. If you ain't cheatin', you're not trying!
  8. The way the NFL does replays adds too much dead time to games. I don't understand why they can't do it like the NHL where an official in a central location looks at the replays, makes a decision and communicates with the game officials. MLB is also ridiculous where the entire umpiring crew marches off somewhere to look at replays.
  9. Heat the Bills bring? Were you not watching this past season? 21 sacks and Mario released. I haven't seen anything yet to show me they're going to do any better
  10. They should've given Mulligan another chance.
  11. So now the Bills need to draft QB Kevin Hogan to keep Hogan's Heroes alive.
  12. As long as they don't misuse Dareus. He should not be tieing up O-linemen or going back in coverage.
  13. Yet we were still able to smell how bad the defense stunk.
  14. Hopefully TT will increase his level of play with a whole offseason as starter.
  15. As a Bills fan I have a hard time being critical of this Bronco offer when my team has (1) Traded 1st and 4th round picks for a QB, Rob Johnson, who had one start and (2) signed Fitz to a huge extension after a half season's worth of good games.
  16. Andre Reed 2nd: Bob Chandler (7th round pick). If Chandler played in today's NFL, he'd have 100+ receptions each year.
  17. Having just started following the Bills in 1970, the emergence of the Juice under Lou Saban was awesome. I hated losing to the Dolphins twice a year during the 70's but there were some exciting games in that series where they almost won. Since the Cowboys were on TV every week, they were my 2nd team and they were good in the 70's with Roger the Dodger, winning 2 Super Bowls. The Steelers winning 4 Super Bowls in the 70s was a little over the top but they were an impressive team to watch.
  18. Why would they need Evans now and why would he want to sign as a backup?
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