Since I was also in a job/career I didn't like, I suffered from depression which resulted in numerous hours of therapy and various antidepressants. My daughter was born a few years later which helped tremendously. Then I had a career change where I got into something I really enjoyed. Now, retired early, I'm enjoying not working, still at an age where I can enjoy other things in life while I still can.
Still, the cloud of the Bills never having won a Super Bowl exists with each season beginning with hope, as always, but ending without a title and of course the last 17 seasons without even making the playoffs. Not living in the Buffalo area, and seeing friends and co-workers experience their teams winning the Super Bowl has been tough to take.
At the time of the first Bills Super Bowl appearance, only 12 different teams had won the Super. Since the Bills last Super Bowl appearance, 7 more teams have won the title for the first time. So, the Bills are now one of only 13 teams to not have won a Super Bowl title. As Super Bowl 51 approaches, it seems more pathetic that the Bills have not won one.
I have finally come to accept that, like many Cubs fans that have gone before us and did not see their team win this last World Series, I probably won't experience a Bills' Super Bowl victory, which is definitely not my thinking back with Super Bowl 28.