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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Mularkey's going for two and the lead late could've hurt him if they didn't hit that long winning FG.
  2. I would've expected the Bills to win this game because of the history of Miami struggling when they play in Buffalo late in the season. However, the cold in NYC didn't seem to bother them Saturday.
  3. I agree 100% Rex was very vocal that he wanted Tyrod and he got him. He's had some pull with Whaley. Chances are, if you asked him to rebuild his staff, he'll balk and then walk. That would take care of the public relations of firing another coach.
  4. Yeah, I have Crowell. Unfortunately I lost my playoff matchup this past week.
  5. Do you guys remember when Bruce Smith was arrested for the same thing back in 1997 when he was with the Skins? That's freakin' hilarious! At least both of them stopped in the intersection.
  6. Where do you get that from? He hired Tim Murray, didn't he? TM is far from being a Yes man
  7. Speaking from the West coast, where those games started at 6 AM, I only got up to watch that stupid stream-only Bills game, which I couldn't record. Some real attractive match ups there, maybe Saints/Fish.
  8. Also, Miami usually can't handle the Buffalo cold in December and the Bills win, no matter what the records are.
  9. Who negotiates these stupid contracts? The Niners and Kap had the same thing in his contract before they renegotiated it. Word was that was why they stuck with Gabbert for so long. They didn't want Kap to get injured and be stuck with him for another year.
  10. I was laughing so hard, my eyes were watering, too. Ahi! Hahahaha!
  11. Ok thanks. I thought the Bills used their last timeout after 3rd down play but it was before. My apologies to Rex. Nah, forget that!
  12. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention the end of the game. I know the clocks we see on the broadcast aren't official but they showed the game clock with one more second than the play clock. If that were true, the Bills would've had the ball for one last play. The announcers were saying that was the case. Instead Rex led the team onto the field after the Steelers' kneel down on 4th down. The players were all on the field as the play clock ended and then the game clock just zeroed out. I know the odds of having a successful Hail Mary at the end in that weather were astronomical but they didn't even try. That was a defeatist and loser attitude by Rex. He should've recognized that one second should be left and argued for it. I would fire him just for that move. For the rest of you that watched the broadcast, did you see when they showed Pegula in his box I believe late in the 1st quarter? He did not look happy.
  13. And some how he was in on 11 tackles today. I remember at least 2 runs by Bell where P. Brown just reached out and tried to hand tackle him. Also, the Bills have played enough on their turf to know what shoes to wear yet they seemed to be slipping and sliding more than the Steelers.
  14. Thanks for the link. Once I got in there, I was sucked into the scouting report vortex for about an hour but luckily found my way out. Interesting report on Seantrel Henderson also.
  15. A torn bag of used worn out deflated footballs.
  16. Who ever thought the Bills would sign Mario Williams? Whoever thought they'd make the trade for McCoy?
  17. That's obvious by all of Rex's old players they bring in.
  18. So, they'll be likely drafting a WR to replace one that leaves and drafting a safety to replace a safety (Aaron Williams) that will probably retire. They'll need to use free agency to actually improve the team other than individual player improvement.
  19. And now is the time to go for it. Take advantage of the fact that the Redskins would only give Cousins a 1 year deal and sign him to a free agent deal that they can't match (he's actually going to be a UFA). Of all the QB options that have been discussed, I believe Cousins is the best one. It may cost $25 Mil but I'd rather spend it on him than TT.
  20. I agree. They should play well but not pull it out. Then with playoff hopes dead, they win the last 3 games to finish 9-7, ruin their draft position, save Rex's job and they keep TT as QB. For those of us that want Rex gone though, I would think that a loss at home to Cleveland would be hard for the Pegulas to overlook. And I'll see that and raise you a Supertramp "Dreamer" highlighted by the lines: "Dreamer, you stupid little dreamer" and "Take a dream on a Sunday"
  21. It didn't end the way we'd like but I wouldn't call it awful. The Bills ran all over them for 2.5 Qtrs. I never expected the Bills to win this game so the 24-9 lead was great. They just couldn't hold on. What was the deal with the Bills flying out on Saturday? That was stupid. I've flown coast-to-coast many times and always needed a day to recover. Did they do the same for the LA and Seattle games? With 3 west coast games this season, I'm glad I picked the right one (Rams) to go to. It would've been a long drive home back to Sacramento if I attended today's game.
  22. Not going to happen. Ryan thinks TT is great. Whaley thinks EJ is great. However, since we don't know how Cardale has progressed, at least he's been with the team all year so he's probably just as good at this point as any rookie they could get in the next draft.
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