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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Today I met and talked to the last USC undergraduate QB who was the next best thing but has been a journeyman so far in the NFL, Matt Bradley. Nice guy.
  2. That would be 47 seasons in the NFL. Yep, only 13 times in 47 seasons is pathetic. And like you said, 10 came in a 12 year period. As an AFL team, they made the playoffs 4 times (all in a row) in 10 seasons. So, that's 17 playoff appearances in 57 seasons. How about this: the Bills have been successful and made the playoffs with only 4 head coaches. Lou Saban, Chuck Knox, Marv Levy and Wade Phillips.
  3. I thought McDole also but I looked it up and he was traded to the Redskins for a 2nd and a 3rd round pick. Still, the Bills thought he was over-the-hill so he was sent to the Skins and played 8 more solid years.
  4. And we drafted who instead of Gronk? Torell Troup? He was out of the league after 3 seasons.
  5. This commercial was great!
  6. You could of let that one go.
  7. What Bills' receiver went on to have Pro Bowl seasons with another team, and also has had a successful television career?
  8. Understand. Sometimes it's difficult to resist the temptation to be a smart a$$.
  9. Here in the Sacramento, a small group of people are pushing for public money for a tournament-level bocce ball court and it looks like they're going to get it. Talk about catering to a small percentage of the population.
  10. We got a puck in return? Was this possible because the Pegulas own both the Bills and Sabres?
  11. Calm down, K-9. Of those that didn't get it the 1st time, some may never get it.
  12. I was there sitting near that goalline and all the Niners fans stood up, as did my Bills' fan friend. I just sat there and told my friend "Please tell me it's being called back"
  13. But let's keep going with the dumb Thursday games where for most teams they have only 3 days off between games. Their history has had most games be a home team blowout. It's gotten ridiculous how the greedy owners just care about making more money and don't care about the product on the field.
  14. Despite being a long-time Bills' fan, I had previously seen numerous replays and I thought it had been proven to me that the call was correct. I just looked at a few replays again, and based on the stated interpretation of the rule it is again shown to be correct. However, I don't think I agree with the interpretation of the rule. They say it's based on the flight of the ball. Wychek is standing just behind the 25 yard line and turns perpendicular to the end zone before throwing so they say when he released the ball, it was over the line. Where Dyson catches it, it is over the line. From certain angles it appears that the ball does travel slightly backwards but I'm not sure. Of course, the optics are affected by Dyson reaching back for the ball so when you see Wychek's feet behind the line and Dyson's feet are over the line, it seems like a no-brainer forward lateral. Had Wychek thrown the ball where Dyson was standing, it would've been an easy call. As far as the rule being based on position of the ball, I guess it's similar to the goal line. A player can be stopped with his feet outside the end zone but if he reaches over the line with the ball, it's a TD. If a player's feet are in the end zone but the ball doesn't cross the goaline, it's not a TD. On this play, where the ball is when it's caught is the decider. I'm just not convinced that where the ball was when Wychek released it is further over the line than where Dyson caught it. The play lives on infinany. Hope this doesn't bring back nightmares for anybody.
  15. With all the firings, maybe the dog thought he was next?
  16. There's also the angle of the Chargers coach was the Bills interim coach for one game and got thrown to the wolves to have to answer about Tyrod benching. Doubt he had anything good to say about the Bills and wouldn't be surprised if it was along the lines of "We want you here but if not, you don't want to go to Buffalo"
  17. Training camp isn't for another 2.5 months. I guess these 3 did not show well at the veteran minicamp?
  18. I think they may have to also throw in a 7th in 2021.
  19. Anybody know if he's related to the Oakland A's Billy Beane??
  20. So, he had Ralph's ear and that's why they kept overpaying Kelsay?
  21. Were the games televised or did you just read about it?
  22. So has Vic said anything about the GM search??
  23. The former Sabres defenseman?
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