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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Isn't that the truth. I was just thinking about that the other day. I started following the Bills in 1970, then moved to the west coast in 1980, so I was only a fan in Buffalo for 10 years, but it was my formidable years. Thirty-seven years later, they're still my main team and will be for life.
  2. Yeah, I really don't like what it does to the speed at WR. Matthews is best in the slot. At this point in his career, Boldin is best in the slot. Zay is also considered a slot receiver. Sounds like this may force both Matthews and Zay outside. Maybe due to poor protection, they didn't take many deep shots last night anyways
  3. Well, it's a new regime. They have no reason to consider what the initial cost was to get Sammie. Even if it was the same front office, it's smart to forget the past and look forward.
  4. How about Ragland since it appears he may not be suited for a 4-3 defense?
  5. Plus, do you think Boldin would've signed if these deals happened last week ?
  6. A friend once read an article about a new technology helmet somebody came up with but it seemed to be squashed. Anyways, a helmet made of concrete still wouldn't stop the brain from sloshing around in the skull. You'd almost need an Iron Man or Robocop uniform where the head can't be moved side-to-side.
  7. I agree. Too many people have a hangup with similar threads. Who cares? If you don't like it, don't read it! Like most posters, if I post in a thread, I like to go back later and see if my post had any responses. When I see that a thread has like 50 pages, I don't bother. Who wants to read thru all that crap?! Then there are those that point out that you should use the search function. Depending on the subject matter, the search also can return dozens of related posts. Again, who wants to look thru all of them to see if your point has already been made?
  8. Well, let's see. Since you spelled 'feet' backwards you may be dyslexic, your avatar is a muppet and you're still an avid Bills fan after 17 straight years with no playoffs, you may have actually taken too many hits to the head.
  9. "It's just keeping him on the same page, listening to his feet, getting the ball out on time. http://buffalonews.com/2017/08/07/bills-oc-tyrod-taylor-cant-wait-route-open/ I didn't know feet could talk.
  10. I like their pronunciation guide.
  11. Anquan, Welcome to the Bills' family!
  12. It's the only one I have with that uniform style.
  13. He fits the "open when he's not open" moniker so hopefully he can convince Tyrod to throw it and he'll catch it.
  14. I still like the run against Chicago when Freddie stiff armed Chris Conte twice with the 2nd one knocking him on his butt
  15. Competition is good but how many do they need? Tate did very well last season, ranking in the top 10 in both punt and kickoff returns. They added Taiwan and wasn't T. White supposed to have been a good returner?
  16. Yes, when Holmes was signed some people were excited but I had posted that my friends that are Raiders fans said he was frustrating because he'd make a great leaping catch and then drop an easy one.
  17. With the game being so different back then, if u look at the QB stats, each season there were like only a couple QBs with stats approaching even close to what we see now. Jack Kemp was a championship winning all star QB but he'd have like 6 TD passes and 20+ INTs.
  18. I've always thought Steve Young was borderline. After a couple of underwhelming seasons with Tampa Bay, he sat for a few seasons behind Montana and then only had like 4 really great seasons. But I suppose if Warner is worthy with a Super Bowl win and a few great seasons, Young was also.
  19. I was listening to local sports talk radio earlier and the 2 guys on the show were both on the side of Kap should get another NFL job and they thought he was better than someone like Cutler. LOL! This, however, was the opposite of what I heard on COMCAST Sports Bay Area yesterday where the host, also the Raiders play-by-play broadcaster, doesn't like Kap and thinks he can't play.
  20. Yeah, sometimes it seems like it's Hall of Very Good. Same with baseball
  21. Wait, there were hilights in the 1969 season?
  22. And what is the difference between the three days being Thursday, Friday and Saturday vs Friday, Saturday and Sunday as it used to be? I guess having the meaningless game on Sunday, it was an afterthought following the Saturday inductions? Still, will people show up on Thursday to see the game or just wait to show on Friday? I hate when they do that on NBA broadcasts with the head coaches following the 1st and 3rd Qtrs, especially for playoff games. They split the screen but you miss the play-by-play.
  23. I saw just about all their games. Yeah he's inconsistent but IIRC he was a true freshman. Let's see if he makes a 2nd year jump in productivity. Good to see he worked to get in better shape and improve his speed. His size and raw talent are comparable to Cam.
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