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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Awesome, Astro! It's tough to do but I think you outdid yourself with this one. Thanks.
  2. Yes, this would be the worst for this season. Yates could fill in for a couple games but would have major impact if whole season. They have shown in the last 2 seasons that they can still score points without Sammy and run the ball without McCoy but the games without Tyrod were ugly
  3. Or he could be a douche and try to collect from the uncle's survivors.
  4. Don't even suggest that he join the negative nancies at the News! Yes, we have had too many coaches that didn't properly use some of the talent (Spiller, Roscoe, Goodwin, etc.) in the past by getting them out in space.
  5. I don't agree with it but with travel from one coast to the other, it could be more like 3 days. We know Rex would let them go and probably go with them.
  6. Starting out as a dictator? His "mentor" Rex not only would've let them go, he probably would've gone with them. Of course, flying coast to coast, they'd likely miss 3 days.
  7. I thought that from the start. Did anybody agreeing to that consider the impacts on getting players ready to play regular season games? Then you have the limited time coaches let starters play in preseason.
  8. Thanks Astro! You're descriptions are awesome and almost make it seem like I'm there.
  9. Awesome, as usual, Astro! Great to hear about some action .Those 6 weeks from the minicamp were too long.
  10. That's about right for the Bills. Draft a guy in a certain round then get rid of him for a pick 3 rounds later than you drafted him
  11. So, I guess he was "Lucky" that they figured out he was the wrong guy and charges dropped but "Unlucky" that he got cut. Sounds like an opportunity for a good lawsuit against the guy using his name.
  12. I agree with Bmore. Sammy doesn't yet have enough games played. Also, for me, being so injury-prone is a big negative.
  13. They seem to do this every year so I start the recording as early as I can, ending it as late as I can bug it made no difference this time. Luckily it was shown again later.
  14. Wait. What? When I saw Draught I thought somebody was pouring beers.
  15. He also wasn't always used properly by the Bills. I couldn't believe how many outs they ran with him, especially at home. First of all, he's short. Second, the field at New Era slopes to the sidelines for drainage. Third, Tyrod is a short QB who struggles with accuracy on those throws. Result: not much of a window for Tyrod to get the ball to Goodwin and pass usually incomplete.
  16. I thought he was overrated. He made a couple of Pro Bowls but I seem to recall that he'd get a bunch of sacks in 2 or 3 games against weak teams and then not do much in the rest of the games. He also was usually shut down by better than average OTs.
  17. Yeah, that's why he's lucky that reaching for his gun didn't cause the officers to shoot first and ask questions later.
  18. I remember early in his Bills' career he was supposedly trying to make too many moves after he caught a pass so the coaches created like a wind tunnel for him to practice running thru so then he just started running away from the defenders.
  19. I'll never forget one time I was listening to his ESPN morning show on my commute and a woman on the show was talking about him stealing people's food. Apparently he took someone's lunch off their desk. He said "Anything left out is fair game!" What a tool!
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