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Everything posted by BobbyC81

  1. Yes, he has a talent. Segue to the worst radio description I ever heard. Broadcaster Phil Stone had been a TV broadcaster and joined the SF Giants radio team. His call: “Here’s the pitch. Centerfielder is under it. Two outs.”
  2. Why don’t we just appreciate the poster’s information instead of criticizing the details of the post? We all know that posting on a mobile device with autocorrect can lead to unintended errors.
  3. “What a douche! What a douche! Will he do the Fandango?!”
  4. The Golden State Warriors once drafted a player, Epke Udoh, after their GM was impressed that he showed up to an interview in a suit.
  5. I know the signing of Duke Williams was low key despite his great season in the CFL, but seeing his highlights and his size, I thought he was an intriguing addition to a mediocre wide receiver group. However, after the additions of John Brown and Cole Beasley, we didn’t hear much about Duke in the OTAs and minicamp. Now, all the pre-training camp articles mention Foster, Jones, Brown & Beasley but not Duke. Could he be a diamond in the rough? At the age of 26, he should be in his prime.
  6. Not only that, they pick six every year. I thought it was great when baseball a few years ago didn’t enshrine anybody. That was the year when Bonds and Clemens were first eligible.
  7. After the ovation for Andy Dalton.
  8. You did pretty good. In order: Satan/Marcia Walsh/Montana Paul Brown/Otto Graham Noll/Bradshaw Lombardi/Starr Landry/Staubach Shula/Marino Levy/Kelly Holmgren/Favre Dungy/Manning
  9. Sorry to say they were surprisingly 7th.
  10. I watched an NFL Films Top10 on NFL Network for best All-Time Head Coach/QB duos and Marv Levy/Jim Kelly was ranked 8th.
  11. I understand Josh was not present at his sister’s high school graduation last week. I think that is a good showing as a teammate and QB to not skip OTAs to travel back and forth to the West Coast. I’m sure he could’ve Skyped with his sister to congratulate her.
  12. I was among the many that criticized Rex for taking the team bowling instead of a practice, which are now limited by the CBA. Considering the rain, This makes more sense.
  13. Plus he gets Finals MVP. I can’t disparage him winning a title. I just didn’t like his comments at the end of last season from a supposed team leader and I suspect management didn’t like them either. He may have wanted to leave but he didn’t demand a trade. He also had nothing to do with the poor return the Sabres ended up with.
  14. Does anyone remember if the NFL has a rule about territory and distance where a team could move in? The Oakland A’s stadium was occupied by them in 1966 and is in much need of being replaced. The A’s had a deal in place to build a stadium in San Jose in 2011 but the SF Giants said “Nope, that’s part of our territory”. Now the Giants got a new stadium in SF in 2000 so they aren’t going to move to San Jose but they wouldn’t budge and the A’s attempt at a new stadium in Oakland finally is in process with an estimated completion in 2023. So, if an NFL team wanted to move to Toronto, I guess the Bills May be able to say No? Of course, the way Goodell and the openers operate, i5 would probably happen anyways.
  15. IIRC, he refused getting a flu shot and this was the result.
  16. Is he a French-Canadian?
  17. I thought about him. He might fit better on the Wall of Douches, along with Vontae Davis, Dri Archer and others
  18. Rob Johnson was the first to make that play infamous. Kyle Orton for bailing out short of the first down. Ronnie Harmon for not only dropping a late TD pass in a playoff game vs Cleveland, but then trying to blame it on Kelly’s pass. Mike Gilislee and maybe the entire 2016 kickoff return team for not picking up the ball in the end zone and letting the Jets grab it for a TD.
  19. Not living in the Buffalo area, I’ve had numerous sports discussions with people where they assume since Buffalo doesn’t have NBA and MLB teams that Buffalonians are Toronto fans. When they ask why not, I’m not certain but I reply that there is animosity between Buffalonians and the people in Toronto. Then they ask why, and my response is “I guess because they’re Canadians” Can anyone confirm this?
  20. As Steven Tyler sings: “Dream On!”
  21. Yes, I am of the opinion that a player that holds out and doesn’t show up for workouts with his new team is not a team player and McDermott would likely not want anything to do with him.
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