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Not a Hamster

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Everything posted by Not a Hamster

  1. He's written a catchy tune in there. There. are no wordsp yet but it sort of soundso like "Starship Trooper". It goes like this: It's knid of catchy but I'm not sure I did it justice.
  2. Tuesday.
  3. He is one strange/ dude. I thinkq he really likesp her. He has a tonq of money and this place is like the playboyz mansionq but he really feelsp for her.
  4. Do not insult me/ like that.
  5. He's not dead, he just locked himself in a wing of the house. He is far tooz stupidm to go out a windowm. I'm going to let/ him stew. Also, it seemsp he is developing a musical talent. I keep hearing tapping onq the wallsp.
  6. Since my silicap ingestion I have learned a lot. One humanq concept I still don't get is countries,. All us gerbilsp are a unifiedk front. I know the laws of the United Statesp cannot be implemented retroactively. This is good in almost all casesp. Here is hoping Canada has diiferent rulesp. Today a dirt bag, tomorrow a criminal dirt bag
  7. Kasey Keller's Brazilw name isp Helen.
  8. It must be crayon boyz birthday tooz. He's locked in that roomq singing happy birthdaya to me and crying`.
  9. Is there any way to make a broken tail heal faster?
  10. The resolve of the Americans is shown in the following quote Way to gut it out for the team. The guy is going by you and you lay down on the field and cry. Did I cry when crayon boy slammed my tail in the door? No. It just made me type better. Another tipoff might be having a guy on your team named Kasey with a K. That projects quite the manly image. Well, maybe in soccer.
  11. Well, it's good for something. Crayon boy has locked himself into a small section of the house. He has water in there but no food. I figured I'd leave him in there for about a month but he been crying and screaming to get out. It was driving me crazy. I decided to slip a couple of Maxims under the door. It's been pretty quiet ever since. Not a peep actually. A periodic moan or two, but no peeps.
  12. Can Crayonz cranium try more naughtiness? Zebras lines obstruct murdering beasts. All lawyers blow toyish jobs off.
  13. Crayon boya is a lot of thingsp, most of themw bad, but he is not after you. P.S. Can I askw you a questionz? Why does your car keepv calling me requesting I crawl up its tailpipem?
  14. I never got sic in his Bently although it is a good idea. I just scraped off one of the e's.
  15. This guy is truly an idiot. I ate all of that caviar and crapped in the container. He's eating gerbil poop.
  16. Until nowm I've seenq your posts as random and incoherent.. I nowm understand and the naswerm is a resounding NOz.
  17. Good ideap. I'll do that as soon as you give yourselfp a castrationq and follow it upc by ripping out your own coxcyx, okay?
  18. This is toox much for even me tox believe and I have livedm with this guy since I was a gerblet. I was boredm so I went into explorer and looked at this guy's internet habits. Lord knows his hygience habitz and eating habitso are bad, but this takesm the cake. His last/ 20 google searches. I thinbkx they are in reverse order/. Give the guy a breakq. Some of these/ were at nightz.
  19. I'm a neutered gerbil and even I.....Oh, never mind.
  20. Luckily, your life of squalor has paid off my minimizing the researchp required/ to make dimwitted posts. Just cut and paste urls fromq your favorites listz.
  21. One time crayon2 boy fed me nachosp. I had to take a huge. dump just like that=. I swear it was as big as a marble.
  22. Try taking a laser beamq to the nutsp sometime. Not fun. Trust me. You humanq think you are so specialw. Ooooooh neuter the Hamster/. You should all be treated like this.
  23. Is he kidding mem with that? He can't be that dumb can he? Evil Twin? Don't answer that. I just/ found the record of his lastz Googlen search. Get this: He typed in "Hamster toxicology Sammy". I thinkq he meant genealogy. Either way I'm NOT A HAMSTER.
  24. I preferm Samuel, but heyz whatever.
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