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Not a Hamster

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Everything posted by Not a Hamster

  1. You arem rightz to fear. You won't belivem what happened. When he was donem typingp Crayon boys door got knocked down. It was a BIGp robot with the word Google written onz itsp chest. He put upz a good fight but thenp some big dudesm came in with tranquilizerp gunsp. I was so scared I poopedp on his marble floor. I looked from the windowp and they threw him in a truck. It had a silver bag with a strawm pictured on the side of itz. I quickly decidedp to try and helpz. I crawled in through theb tail pipe and went alongp for the ridem. I am still in thep truck and he is stillm unconciousp. I thinkz we are headingq south. I sawm a sign a while backp that said "Welcome to the Bluegrass State". There are other abducteesp as well. They allm have bagsp over their headsp. I'll updatem youz when I canp. *This note was sent from Notahamster's Blackberry handheld*
  2. Rightm about then, I wasl finishing upz my lesson withm London. Next thing you knowm, I was spreadingw the gerbilz seed.
  3. I can answern that questionq. The answer involvesp a chihuahuap sizedm "light saver" and Ritneyz beingq passedm out. London gavem me a tutorialq on the humanq bodyp first.
  4. Silica enhacedm or not, I'mq hung like a chihuahuap and proud of it. Being hung like a chihuahua ism not so greatm for youz, huh?
  5. Good detectivem work. You couldp be just likem moron boyz someday. Maybe a simplerm answerp is viablem. Maybe one samplen had some gerbilq pee on itz and the otherm two didn'tq. Ever thinkq of thatm?
  6. Youz couldn't findm your assp with two handso. How do youz planq to findp me?
  7. Onel Two Threem.
  8. First of allz, it's "Hamster", not that I carem. Also, Havem you seenq their teetha? If a Hamster mauledn you, you wouldn'tp even notice. Do NOT messm with a gerbilq. We can handle ourselvesp better than you'dp think. I oncem dropped a pit bullq where he stoodp. He lookedp about as masculineq as a Honda Fit whenq I was donep.
  9. I'm 2. But in gerbil years that's likem 36.
  10. If his dots are what I thinkq they arem, doesn't this belongp in a Honda Fit threadp?
  11. I hatem to speak out of schoolz but she camek over to Crayon boy's villa to celebrateb her win. He sounded pretty happyn in there and trust me, he goesb for the ladies. He fell asleep afterwardm and is still locked in therem.
  12. Gerbilally, I can'ts wait for thel Chutes and Ladders noviem. Do you remember how coolq that game board wasl? Best meal I ever aten.
  13. Lookq at it this waym, You could havem bought a Honda Fitz and you would have gottenq a bill in the mail that saidp: You owe usm $40 and your car is gayz.
  14. Try eating silicap packets before youz play. I'm on level 129,427. Been stuckq there at least 12 secondso though.
  15. The reasonq Lance Armstrongp never got caught is thatm he never dopedm. He ate Silicap packetso.
  16. In an effortm to better understandp the Tranformersp thing, I hacked the productionq comapny's web site. You won't believe their next movie>. This Rocksp!
  17. My tailz sometimesp hits keys by accident. If I cared about you peoplem, I'd edit. If I could changem myself into a truck, I stillq wouldn't.
  18. Pardonw me if I lowered the levelz of maturityx in the TRANSFORMERS threadp.
  19. Hobbyz? He has a garage full of plasticp robotsp. To eachp his ownq I guess. It's better for me/ anyway. I'll bet he hadp four kidsm but one of them touchedp a robotq. Whammoz! 3 Kids. Viva la Silica revolutionw.
  20. Have you ever heardp of the termq "geek by association"? The termq "Get a Life" does not begina to describe your buddyz.
  21. I havem to agreem with you poojer; even though it turnsp my little stomach. People/ who want to see a plasticp robot movien make crayon boy look smart/. He looks smart even though- he is currently tapping on walls[ instead of climbing out a window,. It makesm me think my dream of a Silica revolutionq could one day be reality.
  22. He's got a new tune todayz. It's anotherm catchy one,.
  23. Even if I wanted tox, I can't reach the doorknob1.
  24. He' tappingq a new songq today. It sounds like "here'sp to youz Mrs. Robinsonq". It's another catchy one. Thisp boy has enough money anywayz but now he mayz actually earn some>.
  25. I think it's a song. He's tapping it on a wall. Maybel it's anq SOS.
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