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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. at Red Lion high school in South Central PA. Chad Kelly is a freshman. I don't have a link, just word of mouth.
  2. or the Eagles secondary is s*it.
  3. Karl Childers is the mayor of Jacksonville. The banjo boy is a ticket-taker at Alltell. That city may be in Florida, but that city has "Backwater Georgia" stamped on its forehead. Isn't the HQ for Skoal located there? That and a couple paper mills.....nice town.
  4. I'd like to know why J'Marcus Russell's stat lines were really horrid against the Chefs.
  5. Shuts that miserable Favre talk down. Gee, I thought the reason the Jesters traded for #4 was to beat the Patriettes? I thought that was a large part of the objective in the trade.
  6. All I get is a map with no colors.
  7. LOL Dale Volker won too. The exodus continues............
  8. Well.....show Kurt Cobain's blown up head. Show the dirty piggies that live out in Seattle who commit suicide in record numbers cause the sun comes out 5 days out of the year. Talk about their NBA team that left for...............Oklahoma City of all f****** places! Who cares about a bunch of coffee IV drip having, granola-eating, pansya$$ communists. To hell with Seattle, the only thing that came from there is overcast. Bill Gates, WindowsVistaThis........go take a leap off the Space Needle and take the Seahag fan base with you. Smelly, damp, depressing POS community.
  9. I'll have to get down there and meet you gents some time. Will this be for every game of the year?
  10. And here I thought the Bills were catching the Jagwaarz at the right time, with Tootin Financial Advisor Reyes on the O-Line. Those end zone tarps don't make noise.
  11. Did you see the one at the end of the game, about 55, trying to look like Dawg Da Bounty Hunter? LOL. You guys need to kidnap a Raider fan week 3 and slow-roast them on a spit in the parking lot.
  12. Makes me think Ron Burgundy works for ESPN. GREENBERG WAS A BAD CHOICE!!!
  13. Tis' true.....my Puritan ancestors would be pi$$ed off if alive.
  14. I had to mute it.....isn't that Mike Greenberg? Time for Berman to have another freak-out behind the scenes on the set.
  15. "Just give it to em" And that was before their little run! Let's hope the wheels fall off the wagon in Foxboro and the New England Patriettes can go back to that medicore team with Pat Patriette on the side of the helmet dropping a deuce........the old days of Victor Kiam and Lisa Olsen and Leonard Russell and John Stephens.....when they played in that dumpy high school stadium, Sullivan, Schaefer, whatever it was called.....when Ralphie had to float a loan for that beat up franchise.....the days when Steve Grogan had to continue playing, wearing a horse collar and Bills LB Ray Bentley saying, "If I hit Grogan, that might be it for him." Maybe the Patriettes can go back to those fantastic days.........
  16. both Jags OG are out and Drew Bennett is out for a month.
  17. Maybe Crowell will retire by Sunday..............cut him!
  18. But just a month ago the Redskins were going to win it all...just ask Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic and MASN.
  19. Isn't that the city where the judge was shot dead cause the assailant was guarded by a 60-year-old, obese, diabetic woman of the Cletus and Tubbs Nighttime Discount Security Force? Paging General Sherman...
  20. You should see attendance at Orioles games.
  21. When Ed Reed was a rookie, he made sure he watched a ton of game film with Ray Lewis, who kind of served as the mentor. They're very diligent workers. Ray Lewis gets an earned rap but he really is a big-time leader of the Ravens franchise and has been for many years.
  22. No, maybe 4 or 5 wins for Baltimore......Edgar Allan Poe and his Grim Reaper-like personality would be enjoying Baltimore sports at the moment.
  23. Only if the D&C were to budget for an off-day of training camp story.
  24. A Bakersfield, CA paper is going to dump its AP feed in two year's time. There will only be local coverage.
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