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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. I haven't been following this, but as usually happens a story will pop up and you get the basics of it. They'll find the family guilty, the mother in any event. I think the looney grandmother may be an accomplice somewhere in this.
  2. the grandparents are about as bat**** crazy as the mother.
  3. Tot Mom! Glad our crime rate is going down so much that just Caylee Tot of the Mom Anthony is the only toddler tot to have been rubbed out in the past year in this country.
  4. I covered some HS games one year (central PA). Luckily I didn't run into such a problem with access to a press box, but the press boxes certainly varied. All-High Stadium should have been closed years ago. That thing looked like a bombed out monstrosity 20 years ago. Who gave that building a benediction...Bishop Timon? Was Joseph Ellicott master of ceremonies?
  5. Sections 114-119 is one seat....as long as your ass is 50 axe handles wide.
  6. Mike Shanahan's twin brother as they head to the Skeletor convention?
  7. depends on the school....some are fine, others are rickety, pathetic old relics that wouldn't pass a safety test in Bulgaria.
  8. this is the biggest cluster**** in sports that I have ever seen.
  9. Shaun Hill...happy feet, wobbly passes.
  10. forgot...sieve defenses and two squads that 90% of the nation could have an a$$ of a rat about.
  11. A microcosm of everything wrong with the league...all in this game...horrid officiating...one official a tubby **** who keeps getting in the way, other officials getting in the way...the stupid plays, offsides this, offsides that...dumb players, dumb squads, joke of a facility, joke of a fan base.
  12. This game is bland...the refs are confused and the crowd looks like wussies with their team playing in a plastic, no-atmosphere stadium. Arizona must be fun.
  13. Beast Mode on Chippewa.
  14. I like what someone said here recently, and have always thought of it myself... that ol Ralphie boy would be a 12-stepper on the River Rouge line if his daddy didn't feed him with a silver spoon... vast inheritance...where the ones who made the money often say to their children...DON'T **** THIS UP YOU JACKA$$!!!
  15. LOL...getting all excited about nothing.
  16. a bailout by taxpayers eh? save us lemmings! SAVED BY ZEEEE-WOE, SAVED BY ZEEEE-WOE... taxpayer - you are a zeeee-woe.
  17. The original version was pretty good. Damn, 1984? Where does the time go...
  18. I didn't vote. I had my voter registrations removed.
  19. They watched the Raider game yesterday.
  20. If they can find Washington on a map. They may end up in Olympia.
  21. starting to smell like the rest of the decade Jauron and pals are bringing the Mularkey karma.
  22. man did the Rams ever pee away all those draft picks...bums galore. I remember reading about the trade in the paper...seems like yesterday was the Leonard Smith trade the same year?
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