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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. I don't mind the move...just don't give Philly too much. They have been ready to run Tubsy Reid and McNabb out the door.
  2. Has a slight Bledsoe appeal to it.
  3. 31 other teams are happy that Jauron is a nice guy...they're much happier that he's an incompetent NFL head coach.
  4. I'm out of words... Since Williams...you don't believe coaching can get worse...then with Ralph Taurus Wiggam at the commands...well, I want to know the iceberg's version of this story sometime.
  5. So, what new way will they find next week to lose to Denver?
  6. That's a lot of money to accomplish little...his father said to him...SONNY BOY RALPHIE, this is a lot of money...don't **** it up. The NFL and its television contracts...a good way to keep mediocre men wealthy. You get Ralphie, Al Davis and a few others and you have a padded room party.
  7. Is it Monday? Where's my tapioca pudding? Where's my Taurus?
  8. Hello Perry Tuttle #2
  9. Or...I should get out of the football business after 49 years of FAIL and retire.
  10. Easy to pick up a paycheck when your coach is Milquetoast FAIL
  11. How horrid is that...he looks like Jim Leontard out there...."Marv Marv....get that Haloti Ngata kid...pick him, pick him"
  12. LOL Skeletor Jauron...the Putz of Darkness.
  14. He is over 90, it won't be much longer....Ralph can't do anything right...his wife plucks out a couple daughters that look like bull trannies. Polian was right...Polian was always right.
  15. JP F***tard.........goddamn dude, start gardening again or something...sports are not your element you halfwit retarded POS.
  16. Don't question the mastermind known as Turk Schoenert.
  17. George Wilson, errr Flip Wilson? Maybe Ralph?
  18. Yes, the central part of the state.
  19. Orchard Park would kick their asses.
  20. due to the Steelers-Ravens at 4 p.m. Gotta get that Benny Hill tape and cue up the closing credits song onto a continuous loop.
  21. Build it across the street...KO ECC South. 80,000 seat, open-air, built in a similar design to the current stadium except it isn't built into the ground. Have a couple huge "lighted Bills logos" adorned to the concrete endzone structures on each side. That would look pretty cool at night. And get a team and coaching staff, and new owner. Implode da Ralphie and have that as gorgeous surface parking.
  22. Ralph gets up for some coffee and tapioca pudding.... COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS!!!!!!!!! SIT DOWN!!!! this watch is worth more than your 1993 Ford Taurus.
  23. I hear Ralphie is going to buy 50 of these new Tauruses Rexes. They should bring back the Ford Tempo...remember how every single one of those saddies had a nice rust line along the trunk opening? Quality is Job 1
  24. buy a bag of raw, frozen wings at a grocery store or Walmart...Tyson or Townshend, 5 lb. bag. Fry Daddy...put 8-10 in for about 12 minutes...mix Franks hot sauce, a bit of margerine and some Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce...mix till there's a good tang with a hint of the Jack Daniel's to take a slight edge off the Franks...Marie's Blue Cheese..............heaven.
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