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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Bring in Rex Ryan and maybe he can convince Terrell Suggs to come along.
  2. Maybe a texas holdem game in the boiler room of the stadium? Tapioca pudding? Taurus burnouts in the parking lot?
  3. I didn't think you were advocating it...just the idea of seeing Wade' Cartman-like head makes me ill.
  4. He reminds me of Troy Polamalu...without the football talent.
  5. I have to find humor, albeit bad .... What about Linda Bogdan in a dunk tank outside the stadium? And then seal it off?
  6. Brett Farvah....4 for 14 so far...nice pick for a Miami TD Wah, mah shullder dunn hurt.
  7. Come watch Linda Boogerdan pay homage to the McGuire twins and fall off her motorcycle in Niagara Falls...after being revived she'll go mano y mano with Jimmy Arias in a 5 set match at the Village Glen.
  8. Between Ralphie and Al Davis...see who can fill their diaper the fastest. Russ Brandon will take heartily to his new role as Chief of Weights and Measures.
  9. I believe it's Daunte Whitman...Ohio University, not Ohio State.
  10. All this talk of Polian lately and his scathing remarks to Ralphie's daughter Linda Boogerdan...I can't get those images out of my head...time to puke.
  11. Ralphie's busy...he's still trying to iron out that AFL-NFL merger dealie. He has his legacy to look after...and a 500 pound daughter putting him in the poor house every time she heads to the trough.
  12. Ralphie the Huckster will have a stupid straw hat, cane and striped jacket dancing around whilst his lipstick pig tranny daughter comes out to the disgust of the crowd. Marv will come out and give a rousing speech about being a privateer under General Washington.
  13. Ralph is going to praise him for his 0-6 divisional record and 2-8 record in the last 10. Actually, Ralphie's gonna say...Jauron you old bastard, you look worse than me......YOU'RE FIRED!!!
  14. Miami would host the worst wildcard...Baltimore???
  15. Let the Patriettes drink their sorrows away on the flight back to Ted Kennedy's liver. Besides, Miami will most likely be one and done in the playoffs.
  16. and 2-8 in his last 10....awesome.
  17. I think you need to leave the mental institution and head to one of the new FEMA kamps.
  18. LOL Donte Whitner's Sampler...hand in your man card you pansy. What a horrid pick. Nice one Marv.
  19. It's also still Pilot Field.
  20. as long as you guys keep buying tickets... just like Milhouse playing the video game "Water World"..............please deposit 40 quarters.
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