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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. I don't know...gonna progress against the division with the milquetoast coaching staff? Haven't beaten Belichiclets in about 100 straight...Soprano and Moltisanti are have the engine running in Miami. The Chinmeister in the Meadowlands?
  2. Ralph is the anti-Barack............hope...but no change. HALLELUJAH RALPHIE... don't shoot your eye out when eating the tapioca pudding...besides Santa hates the smell of it.
  3. Bob Irsay minus the alcoholic television rants...I think the "inner circle" is so oblivious to things, they would have hired another Jauron type had they made a move.
  4. I've read either here and/or elsewhere that Schottenheimer always wanted a chance to be the head coach of the Bills...maybe that idea was years ago and doesn't apply now, but I've seen that online more than once.
  5. They were hoodwinked on that trade.
  6. Ralph probably would hire a Raiders coach.
  7. Rex Ryan - Ravens defensive coordinator.
  8. Nobody...the other 31 teams? please... Patriettes - the Cowboys of the northeast...star player now turned gimp...franchise barely had a pulse its first 40 years... Dullphins - please. Jets - sloppy seconds of NYC...a midget fireman and no relevance since tipsy Namath prowled the fields... Browns - is that river still on fire...you don't wear brown for sportswear...besides, comatose Drew Carey's playin the feud, or the price is wrong. Ravens - no, even though I live here...kazoo calls and the harbor is overrated. Bengals - FAIL Steelers - possible, until I see their black and gold trash brigade travel with ma and pa kettle from one location to another, cause they hate their declining city so much...Unibrow capital of Amerika. Hygiene isn't high on the list at the confluence. Titans - no...looks like DisneyFootball....waiting for Mickey to lead the charges on the field. Colts - boring....sterile new stadium, boring fan base with their jerseys and the dome...wimp fans, get away. Jacksonville - tarps...Karl Childers is the Booster Club president. Houston - good organization but no...cool helmet...otherwise, rather blah. Broncos - no, I don't like John Denver, or Elway's teeth...go eat some more granola....remember when Elway passed out after the AFC championship? Raiders - drag queen wannabes in making....oooh, yer scary in black and silver Ms. little heavily painted .com loser superfan.....go back to your foreclosure home in Stockton. Chiefs - I always liked this team...they remind me of the Bills...small market, rabid fan base, early 70s oval 80,000 seat football only stadium....Hank Stram 65 toss power trap....rivalry with them when Schottenheimer was there....the tailgates are great with the BBQ they say. but.....no. Chargers? Fish tacos.......no thanks...wimpy...but good luck in the playoffs.....and we kicked your asses in the AFL championships..... NFC later.
  9. Patriettes - Belichiclets, Brady, Kraft's MegaMillions Dullphins - Parcells, Soprano, Meadow, Paulie, Pennington! Jesters - Farvah, Cowher and the ghost of Namath Bills - Harvey Johnson's friend, Skeletor Jauron and Linda Bogdan
  10. You mean watching or listening most of the time whilst laughing, with a dash of schadenfreude thrown in to complete the mixture?
  11. Rozelle....ROGER VICK ................JEFF LAGEMAN
  12. Chuck Knox arrived with a very recent pedigree of winning as a head coach elsewhere, and very few, if any of the others did.
  13. the Billieves won in Denver, besides last week...was 19 sixty freakin five??? Holy Lamonica!
  14. It's believed to have four tires.
  15. The coke trade is still good.
  16. Maybe he's Marshawn's chauffer.
  17. There's a picture of me with Tom Jolls...but he never was a football coach.
  18. I shake hands with Linda Bogdan.
  19. People tend to improve at 90.
  20. I bet he's calmed down over the years too...Cmon now, one view of Lindy Bogdan provides enough side-splitting hilarity to see coffee jettison onto the computer monitor...it has a hilarity level akin to the midget in Bad Santa getting punched in the nuts. Wilson is an inheritance whore...just don't screw up pappy's hard work...sonny does ok with his AFL venture. Actually, what Polian should have said was this..."DON'T GET IN MY F***ING WAY FATTY...any other team in the league would fire their GM at the drop of the hat to hire me." Tubsy should have looked at the bigger picture, not intervened, and therefore preventing a whining episode to jug ears.
  21. Obviously Jim Irsay isn't too concerned about Polian's foul mouth. Lindy Bogdan is just an entitlement whore thinking she can play fatnasty err fantasy football with people who run the front office of an NFL organization. If Lindy Bogdan had any common sense "she" wouldn't have tried to fancy herself as a football scout. I mean, that's some hilarious stuff right there. "Da mean redhead said mean awful things, and I fell down da stairs ann my shooz fell off." The closest Lindy Bogdan should have gotten to Polian was "hi" and "bye" or "cream and sugar"???
  22. How do we know that Polian didn't tell Ralphie to keep the hog-cow on her leash before he yelled trannyc***!!!! I'd be ticked too if I built up a top notch organzation only to have the stooge owner's "daughter" getting in the way. Polian was nice to her, I would have said much worse.
  23. No, he called her a tranny...an obese tranny...who dreams of greatness on the clay courts.
  24. I'll coach the team for a hundred grand...I'll even buy a Ford Taurus.
  25. They need the Chargers to win to get the 10th spot...so they can draft Ko-Daunte Whitman Yo Booty from Appalachian State...he's a hybrid safety-corner.
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