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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. nice audio..... cheapa$$ franchise.
  2. Hey there's a microphone!
  3. spent zero dollars this year, zero dollars last year... can I still write Russell? Dear Mr. St. John Fisher, I have spent zero dollars the past two years on your football franchise. I don't feel I'm getting my money's worth. So, I suppose it would be uncalled for, for me to ask for a refund...but may I get my 3 hours each Sunday back...cause as they say, time is money... POW Sincerely, Chas. H. Gerz. IV Esq.
  4. like Jasper said before...Berchtold needs to be canned as well...these guys are hanging on nearly as long as Bobby Clarke did with the Flyers.
  5. why not...fire John Guy, Modrak, Russell St. John Fisher, the entire coaching staff... with a new owner...do you get Powerball in NY?
  6. agreed, he's been around too long as well.
  7. the melting swing seat just adds to it...
  8. Ellison has a nice case of Eddie Robinson.
  9. Maybe Ralphie was at the game...he has a home in southern Floriduh, doesn't he?
  10. he's thinking the gigantic cash register isn't going to work so well in 2010.
  11. Ralphie's at a loss for words... :mumble: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/818002.html
  12. the perfect elixir for Edwards is the Browns defense...cause last year he really lit them...
  13. he might throw the ball more than 20 yards.
  14. I doubt it was 300 dollars...that looks a 50 dollar one...I thought the video was funny.
  15. If you're a fan of trainwrecks (and most people are cuz it's tough to turn away)... 1 p.m. CBS next Sunday baby.... TrainWreck City....the battle of Lake Dreary Dredges!
  16. today's game had to be the most "I'm not paying attention to it" game ever...for me anyway...having moved I'm trying to figure out where everything goes, how to get the living room arranged the right way...and there's a football game on tv in the background... on the rare occasions they ended up getting a first down I was like "meh" it may as well have been the Seattle Seahawks vs. Frankfurt Galaxy on tv instead... they have fallen off the radar, no doubt. It's like running your washer...same repetitions... it certainly isn't exciting... you have a head coach who should be a crypt-keeper... that's a good job for those devoid of emotion or need to be tazed to get their central nervous system running again. I'll probably watch the trainwreck against Cleveland...in the hopes a 3-ring circus is what is seen... at least that's entertaining.
  17. they tried up and coming assistant...twice... why not just hire that guy from CBS who throws a dart at the map of the USA and they do a story there...just pick a coach from where the dart lands...can't be worse.
  18. There was some fraud running around in a #56 jersey today...was wondering why security never escorted the guy off the field. Miami
  19. Schadenfreude...it's time for Cleveland to get their first win.
  20. on top of that...Ralphie won the Tapioca Over-90 Open tennis tournament in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday.
  21. was talking about how to re-arrange stuff in my house, early in the 2nd quarter... lol
  22. I was worried that Russell was near 50% completions... thankfully he's back to normal... 11 for 30............. hahahahaha!!!
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