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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. where's Duke Preston and Melvin Fowler?
  2. LOL... what an awesome trainwreck.
  3. what possibly could the Jets do to them next week? XXX rated...
  4. JetBlue should keep running this promotion and expand on it... by the 2020 census, the Buffalo metro area will have 250,000 people.
  5. I think we can all agree that the best thing about L.A. was the setting for the movie "Better off Dead"
  6. Ralph burning jerseys at halftime? This is my HOF ring.....which I will now also burn.....
  7. No, Cleveland's a bigger loser town. Anyone going to the game tomorrow, rub it in at them...make fun of Drew Carey and that they promote morbid obesity...aka Dawg Pound.
  8. I'll have to find myself west of the Mississippah sometime.
  9. I've read that, heard it for a dozen years...the first part of your message. I wasn't aware of the 2nd part.
  10. (0) comments they're hyped up for football there.
  11. Kim Jong Illllll could be owner... You are useriss Dick Jauron!!!
  12. burn the McGahee jersey, in the parking lot tomorrow...place on youtube.
  13. something has to be there...to be destroyed.
  14. Whichever team wins on Sunday wins... My opinion of it is I'm checking on the FFL team more, lol. I do have Lynch, so I hope he gets a touchdown or two. Whether I root for or against, or anyone, it's just a matter of personal opinion. With this team, they have no game in the bag, not even this Sunday against the Cleveland Clowns.
  15. I think complete apathy would mean a bigger disconnect to the team then rooting against it.
  16. stay in the parking lot, grill, drink beer and go home about 3 p.m.
  17. the one year tenure in OP for Owens...that's going to rank as one of the most bizarre athlete-city combos for Buffalo sports. In 10-15 years it will provide some mighty fine fodder around the campfire... a string of jokes will be said... then someone will chime in with "remember when the Bills had Owens..." more chortle and spilled beer. Owens won't say anything...just biding his time and getting paychecks.
  18. Encourage the Cleveland fans in attendance to cheer.
  19. Cartman would have taken care of it....aRRRRRRRRRRRggh!
  20. I remember the game where Pat McGroeder had his name placed on the wall... 1984 or 85 boofest UsA
  21. this is him... weeeeeeeeeeeee waaaaaaaaaaait! http://www.dethklok.org/wp/wp-content/uplo...2008/05/cel.jpg
  22. There's one of them...Dec. 31st 2008...there's a few others as well. Now, back to those drums, Billy Barty. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...=Ryan&st=20
  23. That would take a while...must be 1,000+ pages ago. Ryan was the D-coordinator in Baltimore and the players on D loved having him as their coach. some fans think he's bombastic? yet they don't like the current coach being a mannequin... what do they want, outside of wins?
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