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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. That Chris Johnson character is going to run for about 300 yards next week.
  2. looks like he came back.
  3. not another Kalifornication primadonna.
  4. not to mention his mechanics at QB prolly aren't up to snuff anymore...he zaps err zips the ball down the field and overthrows way too many people... James Hardy is what, 7 foot 8 and Ryan Denney can be converted to WR... prolly a better idea to draft a QB... not prolly, definitely...
  5. either that or Dunjeeeeee is talking out of his ***... I could see a few teams trying to get Vick... Buffalo, Oakland and Cleveland... three teams that don't amount to **** at the end of the year anyway. sounds like a Dungy-Russ Brandon Springfield Monorail moment.
  6. that would be the jump the shark move to alienate plenty of fans for good.
  7. 3 out of 5 dentists prefer Duffs over Anchor Bar.
  8. A franchise that would have its **** together would have let last season play out completely before making a decision on giving a contract extension to a head coach with one winning season. Perhaps somebody informed Ralph the regular season was scaled back to eight games. And really, outside of the UFL, was anyone going to "steal" Jauron away from the Bills.
  9. you mean the awesome 7 million dollar man Dickery Dockery isn't holding the line together?
  10. they woke up Randy Lerner and now the sludge channel in Cleveland is moving. Ralph just took about 15 more Immodium... nothin movin...
  11. The Redskins deserve it.
  12. will he get the Global Warming Creating Domestic Terrorism Medal? I heard Saul Alinsky handed those out like jolly ranchers on Halloween.
  13. copycat the weekend is just about here, so perhaps things will calm down.
  14. I remember that game... Gary Anderson attempted an extra point or field goal and the ball went straight up in the air and stopped... and then went backwards. Garbage bags were circling overhead like vultures.
  15. if he was boiling body parts on the range... would this be the alternate version of the Cleveland Steamer??? also..... Cleveland rocks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THwOMs8Mlpc
  16. Here's a list of the attendance for the Bills at Ralphie Wiggam Stadium 1984 season 48,528 vs. Patriettes 65,455 vs. Miami 48,330 vs. NY Jets 37,555 vs. Philly ( I was at this game... the amount of empty blue seats was something else ) 31,204 vs. Denver 33,343 vs. Cleveland 74,391 vs. Dallass 14-3 win 20,693 vs. Indy
  17. but Leonard Little can drive like Mr. Magoo...
  18. she blinded me with................SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!
  19. the temerity of this old canal town to think it should be with the big wigs... I did win my FFL league last year...and I was/am the only one with Buffalo ties to it.
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