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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Lynch then mocked Vince Young for scoring lower than him on the Wonderlic.... 2-1.
  2. whatever, it's semantics...break the lock on the door if he has an office and throw all his **** to the curb on Abbott Road... I'm sure the upstanding OP waste mgmt. dept. will take care of the rest.
  3. only if they each run down a fat Canadian girl. and have a glock in da trunk on another occasion. Outside of that, Lynch is a fine upstanding gentleman... his mommy said so right after the Bills drafted him.
  4. that's the context of why this took place? some Bills players actually had the nerve to say that?
  5. can you imagine purchasing the team and going on a mass firing... lol... all the pink slips... knock on every office door...Jauron yer fired.. ....Russell K. Brandon, yer fired. I would even fire Chuck f****** Lester... I'd be like...."75 years here??? yer done, out, GET OUT!!!" send a notice to Jeffrey L. Littmann Esq. that he isn't allowed within 500 yards of Ralph Wiggam Stadium property. John Guy goodbye.... Chubsy Modrak, see ya later. Edwards AND Fitzpatrick would be waived, as would Marshawn Lynch. obviously there are dozens of more things that would need to be done, but this would be a good start.
  6. what GM? you mean that Dan Quaylesque marketing kiddie with the St. John Fisher idea?
  7. can you watch the game and invoke a sense / aura of schadenfreude???
  8. Maybin a good idea to his a$$ on the field at some point... unless Sabres' prospect Tyler Ennis is the next great hope at outside linebacker.
  9. I for one would miss all the golf claps and ths shades...
  10. I sorta thought it subsided greatly when Drew the Statue Bledsoe and pals couldn't beat Pittsburgh's 4th stringers back in 2004.
  11. Reed was yelling in the direction of the coaches... I would assume he wasn't yelling... "OWENS IS THE SUX0R, YOU BETTER RELEASE HIM NOW!!!" ... I think it was a coaching malfunction that irritated the WRs... you know, one of the dozens of coaching malfunctions that have piled up this year... along with the dozens of player malfunctions...
  12. I pretty much watched to see Chris Johnson get me a zillion points for FFL.
  13. just make sure no one is fired, waived, cut, etc. skeletor wouldn't approve.
  16. if you aren't going to fire the coach.... at least cut f****** Owens and let Steve Johnson and Hardy get in there.
  17. Bryan Scott... me play linebacker?
  18. Eric Wood, lookin good. Bad Santa kid.
  19. darrrrrrr, Terrell Owens, ah don't practice...ahm too good, where I line up coach Skeletor??? Darrrrrrrrrrr.
  20. Skeletor Jauron...darrr, goona do mah golf clap...look at mah shades... Edwards....darrr, dey ain't blockin.....
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