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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. A few of you have been seduced by a decade's worth of pansy ball. You watch Glengarry Glen Ross and cheer for Jack Lemmon's character. What this team needs is for Fewell and/or new coach/GM to do the Alec Baldwin character. **** you, that's my name!!! you can't sell ****, you are ****, hit the bricks pal, cuz you are going OUT!!!
  2. Henne's screwed... I blame his high school coach... I wonder if Chad has any pride? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BFmsOkjt_8
  3. 3-4 Corey Mace at NT. alsonotreallyatthisjuncturewouldn'tbeprudent.
  4. What if they kept Perry and spent buku bucks on a top notch GM? Fire Modrak and Guy and get better people in charge of college and pro scouting?
  5. What is the status on the contracts of both Edwards and Lynch? I would think Lynch has some trade value... the other one, they can waive him.
  6. might want to let the kids go outside and a get a bit of sun.
  7. I'll say Emmitt Smith, Jerry Rice, Cris Carter, Shannon Sharpe and Chris Doleman.
  8. I had toilet paper that needed extracting that had more value than a section of seats at Alltell Potted Meat Stadium.
  9. That sounds familiar. The Knoxes have also moved out of the area. Jacobs being tied to a Bills purchase isn't new. Heard this for at least five years now... sell the Bruins, buy the Bills. Is the interest genuine? No idea. IIRC, in the book Swados authored, Jacobs had an interest in being part of ownership for baseball expansion in Buffalo in the 60s? I think that's when Steinbrenner also had an interest there. Swados mentions Jacobs a lot in the book, with much of it being Buffalo-centric not about owning the Bruins so much.
  10. I think it's a combo... Rogers did overestimate things, maybe ego got in the way... but he got played by a 90-year-old.
  11. hey, there's a plethora of billionaires in WNY just waiting to put in a bid for an NFL team... if you find a time machine and head back to 1902. Hey, Bob Rich is still around... no, he went to Florida. He was in Cleveland once for the MLB meetings and he was waving a blank check around and when told what the expansion fee would be, promptly barfed all over the Flats. How bout that Danny Wegman character. Is the Schoellkopf family still around? How bout Tommy G. oh yeah, he also went to Florida. ARGH, me and Bobby Rich are gittin booty off da Keys...we plunder the shuffleBORED leagues for rare jewels, spices and BOOTY
  12. lol, this poll is being conducted in rural Alabammy? ay mommer we dunn gonna be on da raise.
  13. I heard the scalpers were going to try and sell some of them for $10 when they were originally $200. Can't sell Ralphie short...he can bilk with the best of them.
  14. Bill Belichiclet's mother could out-coach Hazzlitt. You guys are quickly descending into the schlubbo category for a coach... unfortunately, I believe you will be correct.
  15. what about the dude from Orchard Park? HOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN CHOP!!!!!!!!!
  16. Somewhere, Fred Rogers is rolling over in his grave... or is it Kenny?
  17. you need to sell out the "home" game... The Toronto media have reported that plenty of seats are available in all price ranges for the Bills-Jets clash. “Ticket sales are going very well, but I’m not going to get into specifics,” Adrian Montgomery, Rogers Communications’ general manager of the Bills in Toronto series, said Tuesday, calling the ticket figure a moving target. “We are pacing well for this game, and we expect an incredible atmosphere,” he added. While the number of seats available for the last three “home” games suggests concerns about the games being blacked out in Buffalo, Montgomery insisted that won’t happen with the game being played in Toronto. “There won’t be a blackout,” he said. How could he be sure? “I’m just telling you that there won’t be a blackout,” he added. Montgomery wouldn’t comment on whether the Bills in Toronto officials had some way to ensure a sellout. If not sold out 72 hours before kickoff, the game would be blacked out here, because the National Football League considers Toronto close enough to count as a home game. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/874260.html
  18. that Gilbride character had a good offensive game plan goin for the Midgets tonight. next Bills head coach.
  19. Everyone wants to be the Bills' head coach.
  20. So you have a 35k square foot mansion built in the Denver suburbs... and all of a sudden you'll be spending time about 2,000 miles away from your new mansion and putting in 12-16 hour days. Doesn't really add up.
  21. This franchise is light years from a championship. How about establishing a foundation of competence on the field and within the organization first? How about pulling a moribund franchise out of the mud, pi$$ing away a decade and giving it actual direction first before concerning yourself with a Super Bowl?
  22. National media has done a pretty good job in establishing this franchise as the court jesters of the NFL. Perhaps it goes back to Kornholeiser on MNF calling the franchise "irrelevant". Carries weight, perception or reality, a bit of both? Reality is the franchise is somewhat irrelevant... perception being tardbots in the national media that play up the old bs angles of weather, blah blah blah... wasn't it in the 50s today? 60 yesterday? Tend to find sports reporting lacking badly in this country, so I wouldn't take much of what they say too strongly. Many of them are just "new face meatheads" who just progressed from fraternity bar banter. All of the invective from the media though, should be aimed at one person... ol Ralphie.
  23. it's "merry" ?? I thought Milton said the squirrels were "married", which sounded hilarious. "Merry" is pretty funny as well.
  24. perhaps the "Two Bobs" "fixed the glitch"? Does Jauron remind any of you of Milton Waddams? In that he was almost holding his job illegitimately? Drove down Abbott Road near the stadium and saw a red stapler dangling over the curb. Did he ask the married squirrels outside his office window to devise a few plays?
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