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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Bob Barker would advocate spayed or neutered.
  2. and windy does Greggahtastic still carry around the megaphone and does he have that big rolodex with the names of about 173,000 football coaches on it?
  3. Yeah, Jonathan Ogden at the age of 25.
  4. You're going to actually trade something for Troy Smith? like, a 6th round pick?
  5. the NEW Bledsoe. can we have a bash in the parking lot again?
  6. Giff lahks dem french frahd pataters.... mmmhhhhhmmmm :karlchilders:
  7. What is Kaveeka Mitchell's angle on this? PNT HZ LWN N ULL PND YR A$$
  8. why isn't Polian up there? or does he have to wait till he's retired? just cuz he called Ralphie's daughter an obese tranny doesn't mean he should be excluded.
  9. 5th best QB ever... as a max. I'd put Montana, Manning, Elway and Unitas ahead of him.
  10. Revitalizing the neighborhood without the television cameras on the scene? Do you think these people would have volunteered had there not been a television network there?
  11. are they still renovating the neighborhood at all? or will they pick that up again in the spring? can they be cajoled into doing it if the bright lights and cameras don't show up?
  12. Hi, I'm Joe *uck. I got this job cause of my daddy...
  13. This and if Marv wants to continue to sully his reputation with another defense of Jauron, well by all means, have at it old man.
  14. Marv's comment in today's paper about Jauron seemingly getting the bum's rush... Marv...go away.
  15. and they got less value out of their 1st round pick this year than the Bills did. Darrius Heyward-Meh... something like 8-9 receptions.
  16. he'd give Dan Darragh and Gary Marangi a run for their money as WORST BILLS QUARTERBACK EVER! ~ comic book guy.
  17. I was interested in seeing Kassian's offensive numbers go up with the trade to Windsor. Well, this year ends up a wash for him... kind of like Corey Tropp's season with Michigan State last year. Kassian has a lot to prove in 10-11.
  18. Don't make the bet if he's gonna welch on it. I bet the crabcakes were pretty damn good though.
  19. LT - be a bit bold, move up and draft Okung LG - Levitre C - Hangartner (draft a C who will eventually start) RG - Wood (if ready to go) RT - Free agent, Brad Butler, Jamon Meredith. Players that need new addresses: Demetrius Bell, Jonathan Scott, Seth McKinney?, Andre Ramsey, Marvin Philip. Guard backup: Incognito.
  20. http://www.wthr.com/Global/story.asp?S=11856756
  21. Gayle Channing... is that Carol's sister?
  22. An "All-Polis" Super Bowl.
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