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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. What part of being five miles from Ralph Wiggam Stadium did you not catch? You can BYOB and then stumble five miles to the stadium.
  2. You can park here if you like, but it'll be a 4-5 mile walk to the stadium. I'd also ask the person parking if they want a stadium in Niagara Falls, if they say yes, I tack on a $10 surcharge.
  3. They should already have an interest in the Niagara Falls, St. Catharines areas already. Two games have been placed in Toronto and I believe we've seen how well-received that was. Besides, I continually read how the Canadian fans like coming down to OP to tailgate and watch the game. I haven't read them ranting about the location of the current stadium.
  4. That would be the ultimate silver bullet project, a perfect WNYesque type thing to do. And why do you keep buttering up to Toronto??? Your concern for a new stadium seems to be completely Canadian-centric.
  5. LOL, they do that on a running loop... for Sabres games too that are televised on Versus. Obligatory shot of the falls, obligatory shot of the little trolley that could and finally the obligatory shot of someone throwing wings around in a stainless-steel bowl.
  6. he throws his money around in a manner that makes Art Schlicter drool.
  7. from what I read, Minneapolis-St. Paul, the local pols and business put together a proposal for a rather extraordinary looking stadium, but the Vikings' ownership isn't very keen on it. I do find it funny that LA would make a push for a team, yet the three franchises in that state all have stadium "issues".
  8. So, do the Raiders need to upgrade there stadium? What about the Vikings? 49ers are supposedly going to put a vote out there, referendum (whatever) for a stadium in Santa Clara. San Diego is considering a downtown stadium?
  9. Money, or lack thereof will end up the biggest factor. Should snag a billion of that "stimulus" money... may as well, not backed by anything anyway.
  10. You don't think the NFL would frown upon the idea of a stadium in Niagara Falls, NY? You don't think they would push heavily for a different location?
  11. a more feasible idea would be a renovation of the current stadium... with a new lease, long lease. Green Bay did it, KC is in the process of doing it. That would be half the price of a new stadium. With the current stadium, you have SW Blvd. right there, Abbott with at least four lanes leaving the stadium, Big Tree... Milestrip gets you a clear shot to either route 5 or 219. How many four lanes of traffic can Niagara Falls have on residentials? Sounds a lot like War Memorial Stadium or Memorial Stadium that used to be in Baltimore. And they do a little digging in Niagara Falls and start uncovering some green goo that Occidental, Hooker Chemical et al. decided to bury at one point and not tell anyone. I suppose you can have tailgating there, just call it "Isotope Alley" and give everyone a free HazMat suit.
  12. Are they coming from outer space? Is there a huge cult in Medina? If you have a problem getting in and out of Ralph Wiggam Stadium, you should probably just hand in your license. Ok, Niagara Falls is a ******* dump. You may as well put an NFL stadium in Gary, Indiana. Why in the hell would you put a stadium in Niagara County? Why are you insistent on kissing Kanada's ass??? And provide some actual, viable reasons as to why a stadium should go to Niagara Falls, NY, a glistening cesspool of toxic waste. Is it for your Kanadian friends? Is it because Jim Kelly may have uttered it once? You want to put a stadium in one of the ugliest, most downtrodden ****holes in this entire country. Fantastic. I will try and convince Jeff Lurie that he should build a new stadium across the Delaware and slap it down right in the middle of Camden, NJ. Seriously, a stadium isn't going to be built in either Erie or Niagara Co.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n97a05MTio
  14. The 290 and the Grand Island bridges aren't 15 miles away from Niagara Falls. Show me the half dozen... I saw three approaches to the Falls... Grand Island bridges, Niagara Falls Blvd. and River Rd. (I'm assuming River Rd. would be viable).
  15. Yes, Niagara Falls Blvd. has a zillion street lights, you are correct. Once you get off the 290, you're bombarded with them for quite some time. You get off the 219 at the Milestrip exit, you encounter a couple of them, then you turn left on Abbott and you're within site of the stadium. Same with Big Tree... you exit from the 219, you encounter one street light at California Rd. and then head to stadium parking lot. I don't think you're even wanting to acknowledge the kind of complete cluster**** that would envelope Niagara Falls Blvd. from the 290... how far back do you want the traffic on the 290 to pull over to the shoulder, if they weren't going to build a new lane on the right hand side (approaching from the direction of the airport)? Even if they build a new lane, that wouldn't alleviate the problem completely. How much of Grand Island gets backed up? The bridges themselves? Sounds like a recipe for disaster... considering it's the Buffalo area, that's probably why it would be considered.
  16. So you're assuming that people from Rochester are going to drive country roads westward? They're all coming down the 90 still, and they'll be merging onto the 290. And they will be using all the roads (Niagara Falls Blvd., River Rd. and the Grand Island bridges) that everyone from Tonawanda south (which is the vast majority) will be using. Now, perhaps they will have the traffic run with the police conducting it. Will still need more than two lanes heading towards Niagara Falls. You also have to account for the large amount of Tonawanda/Amherst traffic (local), which is way more than the amount that's dealt with when considering Orchard Park.
  17. Roadways... I don't believe that could all possibly handle the volume whatsoever. Not a chance. Can you imagine Niagara Falls Blvd? With all the street lights... what a cluster**** that would be. Impossible.
  18. UB should have been downtown. That was a monumental mistake. A football stadium could be placed anywhere. It gets used 8-10 times a year. A large college campus gets use 365 days a year, allows for spin-off developments in associated fields of study, etc. A football stadium sits and collects dust. re: Niagara Falls... the Grand Island Bridges, Niagara Falls Blvd. and River Rd. any other approaches???
  19. What roadways would be the main ones to a Niagara Falls stadium? Some through Grand Island... Niagara Falls Blvd. I don't have a map in front of me but it kind of sounds like a big headache. Do a lot of people exit the 290 at Niagara Falls Blvd?
  20. What the Sport Science... when you impact a morbidly obese Canadian woman.
  21. Only went to game one... it was a lot of fun. When we entered the lane that leads to the one large parking lot (this was the parking lot where if you exited the other direction, it came out to the one road that had the "Damon's" across the street)... it looked like a Bills tailgate, except it was Sabres... was nuts. Next to the 51-3 demolition of the Raiders, this ranks 2nd as the best sporting event I attended.
  22. Did you leave Allentown?
  23. or a variant of any other awesome Bills QB whose last name was Hobert, Losman, Edwards, Manucci, Darragh, Rutkowski, Mathison, Kofler, Dufek... Mmmm Mmmm BAD!
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