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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. I might go to one game, Sept. or Oct., depends on the opponent.
  2. Cornell Brown Adam Dartmouth scheduled a visit for Tuesday.
  3. If the Bills had a 300 lb. QB, he might be able to withstand the pressure.
  4. Not THAT Jared. Na, this Jared goes to Blimpie.
  5. Is Jared Lorenzen still around?
  6. How about Carlie Liverwurst?
  7. I'd like to see them trade Whitnerd for a draft pick.
  8. That would be like when the Bills brought in Ferragamo.
  9. I thought he said we're going to sign Epic Beard Man to be one of the new defensive ends.
  10. Git er done! :alsonotreally:
  11. Cloudy and depressing as hell... I wouldn't advise anyone who left to return. I give it credit for one thing only... incredible ease of commute.
  12. Can I have it? I'd like to burn it right in front of Herr Berchtold. Actually you should tell them to pay you $1,000 to watch their s***** brand of football and sue for mental anguish from watching a decade's worth of crap performances.
  13. LOLanada
  15. James Hardy gets to go back to his #81 jersey... and this guy will be happy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okhiJjuefPw
  16. I run into myself every day.
  17. Ok, who bought his jersey?
  18. I remember seeing this picture previously. http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/transf...ami/image1.html
  19. he went to Oxford for a year to study neurosurgery. "yeah, I went to Oxford and was involved with intensive studies in the field of neurosurgery"... "what did you do Mr. Tampa Bay Bucs, last place team personnel guru?" "maybe you should draft me to help fix your moribund defensive back corp... when the game is on the line, and the opposing team needs a touchdown, who do you think the fans will be praying to???" "so, Mr. Last Place man who drafted Gaines Adams... you go home and read your bible...............DENNIS!!!!!" "and if you're lucky you can go to St. Petersburg Baptist church and win the annual raffle and draft Josh Morgan Freeman for your quarterback again, but if you're looking for God... he was in room #2 at Oxford University Medical School and he doesn't like to be second-guessed...."
  20. Bring in Gramps Tennessaw Titan for one year?
  21. Be better off drafting William Bradford.
  22. or being in Maryland and watching Campbell play for the past couple years and that he looks like a slightly better version of Bills quarterbacking since 2006... Why not get an already accomplished/capable quarterback. Why bother with yet another mediocrity.
  23. LOL @ anyone thinking Jason Campbell is a "franchise quarterback". Woe the lowly Bills fan...browbeaten mercilessly for a decade and now reduced to accepting mediocrities and scraps...
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