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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. 2002 Bledsoe looked like an All-Pro the first half of the season... then he shirked towards mediocrity. I think 2003 was pat-pat-pat KERPLUNK, if I remember right. 2004 was kind of a mirage, but interesting season nonetheless. The Bills started carving up crappy teams. Bledsoe was an o.k. game manager, the D was quite good, Takeo Spikes, London Fletcher. Running game was solid. They beat the coal miners in that last game in 2004, Bledsoe would have been on the team the following year. It's like the Bills extending Jauron, how much cold ice water do you need thrown at you, or how many slaps to the face? And then people wonder why the NFL Network people treat the Bills like court jesters??? Why would anyone be surprised.
  2. Didn't help playing against a bunch of 3rd stringers that last game in 2004, and losing the game. I didn't say they should draft Lossmann... that's their problem. But three years of Bledsoe was about enough. Remember, that schedule in 2004 was against a bunch of schlubs there for a while.
  3. They can improve if they can assemble more draft picks... more depth, more competition... younger with more talent.
  4. But they got so much value out of Bledsoe.
  5. A 2011 lockout/strike would be pretty cool.
  6. not really... put Trent Lott in at OLB.
  7. he has some spare time now... after leaving congrass. maybe Evan Bayh could chip in as well.
  8. Patrick Kennedy D-RI ???
  9. 27. Terrence Cody/DT/Alabama: Cody played well in spurts last season but, like Dunlap, his motivation toward the little things has been questioned. His physical conditioning during the Senior Bowl has been well documented. Cody is not expected to show up at the combine looking like Adonis, but he still needs to round into better shape over the next few weeks. More like Adrian Adonis.
  10. I'd puke too behind that O-Line.
  11. Too old. He'll carve a path of puke from Orchard Park to the PA border.
  12. It's What's for Dinner!!!
  13. Nobody wants Vick huh? That is quite the kick in the chiclets.
  14. He also almost beat out Kyle Boller. Yes, no?
  15. if Tim Kennedy can make it, so can you.
  16. what's Gino Torreta up to these days?
  17. They should draft some players from South Buffalo.
  18. the Stars suck. Not 1999 anymore. They haven't drafted real well and the talent level is pretty bleh. Modano is what, 60 years old now?
  19. Friday or Thursday... as opposed to Thursday or Friday.
  20. English, Irish, German, Scottish, Welsh... others if you go back further. Colonial era ancestors in some lines of ancestry.
  21. well, they are the Court Jesters of the NFL.
  22. Could point and laugh at Prairie-View. Can't even poke fun at the Cleveland Browns.
  23. It's not good when Raiders fans can point and laugh at another fan base... not good.
  24. so is this guy better than the last OT the Bills signed off of Al Davis' 3-ring circus squad?
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