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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. The Bills are a complete reclamation project... why can't people comprehend that?
  2. No thanks... looks like Bledsoe Part 2.
  3. Did you put "return to sender" on the postcard?
  4. Those will go over real well in Cheektowaga and Sloan.
  5. Culpepper career track... Vikings... good times Dolphins... time for redemption? Raiders... oh crap Lions... yeah, it's pretty much over.
  6. Should have done it the way Christopher Walken did it on SNL. "Gee, I'm not really good with numbers... I'll say 80"
  7. I put down "1" that's all they need.
  8. Should have drafted Orakpo. He wouldn't be at Applebee's with these meatheads.
  9. Better or worse than James Buchanan?
  10. LOL @ including Roethlisberger. Bummers.
  11. All that's missing is "Lemming" in place of "Amy Sullivan"
  12. Brutal Beyond DethKlok level of brutal.
  13. There goes Fitzgerald's value in FFL.
  14. Why finally? He had football bust written all over him from the days of those shots with the hot tub. People said he was young, and give him time... kinda like the Bills. I believe the context wasn't so much about the hot tub as it was... is he taking his profession seriously? He's like a not-as-fat J'Marcus Russell.
  15. and inserts a cricket box score.
  16. They were up to paginating three papers at the time I left. Not sure if they decided to bring in anymore.
  17. This wasn't the individual from Hanover I take it then?
  18. in "burnt sienna"... or maybe "periwinkle" with a shaded background.
  19. His idea of outsourcing copy editing is absolutely brilliant.
  20. a trek to the old Morrissey's in South Buffalo was always good.
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