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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. The Expert Ambush by Marcel Marceau Matley "At least with the above you will have hopefully survived the day, and hopefully your skilll and forthrightness would have gained the judge’s approval for a continuance. But survival is the most basic human instinct; and, if you do not survive to fight another day, you will have for certain only gained your opponent’s approval. What possible comfort could that be?"
  2. There are A LOT of questions with this......I don't think it's going away. What did Rather have to gain by this? Does he like Kerry, hate Kerry? Is he going to corrupt his own career? Is Rather a Patsie? Is Clinton behind this? Friggin hilarious! Why did Rather only bring on a handwriting expert? One who has been involved with the Vince Foster suicide note? handwriting doesn't deteriorate? There's much, much more involved here.....I figure we won't hear much till Monday, considering 9.11 and NFL Sunday.....IMO Rather is hanging himself.....it's fun to watch. And will Rather ever reveal his source? Like Jimmy Griffin once told Brian Kahle on AM Buffalo......BRIAN, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! Well Dan Rather, you intellectually lazy old Dinosaur.....you shoulda done your homework too..... Anyone catch CBS News last night? Sounds like ol Danno had some major shouting sessions! Losing your voice there Dan? LOL :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: CBS :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. I just think that Dan Rather possibly sweating profusely and suffering from a nasty episode of irritable bowel syndrome is enough hilarity in its own right. Good job Dano! So what's worse, this, or being shoved around the convention floor in Chicago like a pinball, in '68?
  4. Looks like Cue Ball Carville and pet dog Paula Beagleala stepped into some mighty fine dog ****.
  6. Well, I'll be damned......she made it out of her morphine drip therapy. What did she do to break through all that duct tape?
  7. Let's make sure this thread is saved.....cause this team sure as hell won't reach 11-5. Someone guide me to the Tom Donahoe Grape Kool-Aid stand outside the stadium this Sunday. I would like to receive my indoctrination as well. Do they also sell beans that look like the Leader?
  8. I really don't see where this team is much better or any better than last year. I think this O-Line is going to give everyone headaches again.
  9. You crazy meathead, that guy changes his website everyday, and bases it on just the last poll. Of course the liberal Arabman Zogby is going to paint the town blue, er country. If Zogby could get away with it, he'd put Texas in the blue. But somehow, this is the same Zogby who gave out an 11 point adv. to the Prez in Ohio? It all comes down to Ohio, Florida and PA. Florida is a dead heat, Ohio is in the red and PA is slip, sliding away from Kommandant Kerry. "Those polls just keep coming. After 16 yesterday, we have six more today. The most astonishing one is in Missouri, where Gallup reports an incredible 14% lead for Bush, 55% to 41%. Zogby had them tied yesterday. A 14% lead the day after a tie seems very strange indeed. Take a look at the Missouri graph and see whether you believe this result. Personally, I don't, but since it came from a reputable pollster, it goes into the spreadsheet and map. In other polls, Bush has taken a 1% lead in Pennsylvania. That is entirely plausible as Pennsylvania has been zigging and zagging quite a bit recently. Gallup also reports that Bush is ahead by 8% in Ohio, also consistent with earlier polls. Arizona and Washington are also consistent with earlier polls."
  10. The liberals are acting like Bills fans after James Washington took that TT fumble back for a touchdown. Yeah, they know they're still in it, but it's headed down Ugly Avenue for the liberals and the Democratic party. Watch out John John, yer losing yer grip on Pennsyltucky.
  11. Kerry would do it differently.....and different means better, or so we are supposed to believe. We wouldn't go it alone because Kerry could do it differently and by differently we're left in the dark wondering what he would do. But Kerry at least can comfort the nation by being different and focusing on different techniques and various ways of saying how one would approach these matters in a different fashion. The problem is, the politics of indifference end up rearing its ugly collective head upon the populace as the indifferent candidate offers up his policies of indifference, causing his campaign to follow a different path, the poorly devised path, which is why a different group of people are going to run Kerry's campaign now, mainly the different viewpointed Carville, Begala and other indifferent attack dogs. Perhaps they can reign in the differing opinions of their candidate and provide some cohesion and clarity to the message. This may not sit well with the diffusing differentiating dodo of different messages aka candidate Kerry. How long will it be till a different team is in charge, promoting the politics of difference and indifference espoused by Kerry?
  12. Uh, newsflash.....the Vikings and Packers have explosive offenses.....and the Vikings even have the makings of a formidable defense too. Uh, newsflash......the Ravens have a top 2 defense, a great O-line and a quality running game. So, what's all the rumpus?
  13. Yuh can tray an bust intah one uh dem dere Grain Elevators....dey don't cost a penny to rent.
  14. Yikes, Vick has a major buyer beware tag on him. Hope you didn't draft him too early.
  15. Barely caught any of it.....Kerry said something about a wake up call.....he had 5 words......it could be 6 words......bit of a flip flop there......He said the President had a hat and maybe some cattle. This ****** is still a very tight race.....some states are moving towards the President.....PA, WI, maybe even Minnesota. Polls 2-3 weeks from now will be interesting to look at. Kerry's starting to lose a bit of a grip on the upper midwest.....Bush is doing well in polling in PA recently.
  16. Bush is/was beatable......Kerry has done nothing to place himself firmly ahead.....and Zogby is giving out a 7 point bump for Bush in the overnight..... Bush is a beatable incumbent, but Kerry has been cutting his throat, and the supply of blood is running out. Kerry is going to kill his own friggin campaign!
  17. LOL.....I have 6 words....ummmmm, give me a call and I'll wake you up....ummmmm.....no.....uhhhh, I got a big hat and I lost my cattle.....errrrr, no wait.......Reporting for Doody..........ok, that's 3 words.....
  18. No, you have it all wrong ass :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .....It's Kelly's leadership and toughness.....hallmarks of the Republican party. Jim Kelly could never be a sniveling, little weenie Democrat. GB Jim Kelly.
  19. That right eye doesn't look good either.
  20. When and where was that picture of Mickelson taken?
  21. Have a glass of grape kool-aid and STFU Karma-believing nerd.
  22. Maybe people place unrealistic expectations on this team? But McNally is here.....he can COACH this group of vagabonds to something special. Sounds like Gregg Williams left a hangover on the team. Special Teams is the enemy......Ronnie Jones, Punt Catchers, the disaster tonight.....all the same. Injuries piling up..... Better find an NFL quality backup at QB. That statue isn't going to hold up for 16 games.....not with that sieve of a line. Nice job Donahoe.....get us another gimp in next year's draft. Keep it up and you can start renting in the Doghouse that Darcy Regier currently occupies. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. Which crime family did this......Gambino? Luchese???
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