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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Mr. Donahoe.......err, Mr. Barkeep, another grape kool-aid intoxicant please. Next up......the Jets......
  2. I carry the slightest notion that this is a trap game for the Patriettes. B)
  3. "Every year is getting shorrrrter..... Drew just can't seem to find the time....... Game plans that come to halt...... Viewing Mularkey's page of scribbled lines...... Sacking, Falling, Quiet...... Desperation is the Buffalo Bills way...... The time has come..... The song is over...... Time for Drew to fade away......................" "Far away, across the field........ The tolling of the Bledsoe bell............. Drops the kool-aid drinkers to their knees........ to view Donahoe's latest magic spell......."
  4. If you people have any brains up there, you'll vote every incumbent out of office who is running. You'll also run the 3 Stooges Pataki, Bruno and Silver into the Atlantic Ocean.
  5. ah, she's juss passin gas.
  6. RCP picked up on this last night: KERRY: Well, you know, when I talked about the $87 billion, I made a mistake in how I talk about the war. But the president made a mistake in invading Iraq. Which is worse? I believe that when you know something's going wrong, you make it right. That's what I learned in Vietnam. When I came back from that war I saw that it was wrong. Some people don't like the fact that I stood up to say no, but I did. And that's what I did with that vote. And I'm going to lead those troops to victory. LEHRER: All right, new question. Two minutes, Senator Kerry. Speaking of Vietnam, you spoke to Congress in 1971, after you came back from Vietnam, and you said, quote, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" LEHRER: Are Americans now dying in Iraq for a mistake? KERRY: No, and they don't have to, providing we have the leadership that we put -- that I'm offering
  7. Maybe Kerry and Chimp? Considering Bush and Kerry are 8th cousins, 3 times removed. Edmund Reade must have been the Chief Chimp.
  8. Shoulda, coulda, woulda, but dinnt.
  9. Why is it always "one or two bad games"? Amnesia setting over WNY.
  10. On any given Sunday..... Well, not this one..... Patriots 23 Bills 3
  11. Minnesota is a tie now.....Kerry's support in the upper midwest has all but evaporated.
  12. Because Kerry is a dangerous fool
  13. Please don't compare Jim Kelly to Drew Bledsoe
  14. Kerry's like the tubby, protected dork who you barely hung out with, but only cause he had the goalie equipment to get a good game of street hockey going. At least he can provide 4-5 weeks more entertainment. The polls aren't being very kind to Mr. Kerry.....I don't think the voters will be either, on Nov. 2nd.
  15. The Patriots are going to end up tearing the Bills a new a-hole. The Bills get to face a Murderers Row of defenses in the next four weeks. Patriots, @ Jets (more Martin and Pennington), Dolphins, @ Ravens. By the time they get to Baltimore, Ray Lewis will yell.....WE MUST PROTECT DIS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Bledsoe will prolly pass out when he sees that.
  16. John Kerry would love this website.
  17. I don't think the Patriots defense will be doing the Bills offense any favors on October 3rd.
  18. The Baltimore Ravens also had an offensive line.
  19. That's a diagram of Tom Clements's game plan.
  21. Everytime Bledsoe gets the boys ready in the huddle he screams...... DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! CARRRRRRRRRRRTMMAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!
  22. I was slightly shocked (other thread) that this team is 2-9 in its last 11 games. They've only gone over 20 points in a game TWICE in those 11 games.
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