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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Who let Rob Corrdry ref an NFL game? Go back to Comedy Central.....PUNK! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. Read the whole article. Donahoe can suck it. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Go back to ESPN and retrieve emails......meathead. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. Is this team worse than 2001? Talent-wise, not as bad as 1984-85, but could see a similar record.
  4. A damn fine retort. The one time "DOOOOOOOOOOOOMED" actually holds value and someone tries to pawn it off as summertime sarcasm. You gotta do a better job than that Pete.
  5. Conjures up images of Bill Sherman bringing the gang into town.
  6. This isn't the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
  7. They have the right coach for the job, but the wrong personnel on the line. They belong in the Arena league. Give McNally some real NFL offensive linemen and I'm sure he'll put together a quality, cohesive unit.
  8. LOL, so true. The McNally miracle workers were out in force.
  9. I can see it now.......week 1 of the 2005 NFL season......let's go to Tubs Berman.... Boomer: "AND WE WELCOME BACK TO THE ESPN CREW......TOM DONAHOE......WHO WILL ONCE AGAIN BE RETRIEVING YOUR EMAILS......."
  10. I've seen Rothliesberger the past couple weeks. Doesn't look like a rookie to me. Yes, he has pocket awareness and can see the field. He rolled out from pressure to get the one TD to Burress. He does exhibit an awareness of all that is going on around him.
  11. If 6-12 and 60 passing yards at halftime, along with 7 consecutive punts to start the game is part of the best game in over a year.....someone let me know when the improvement starts.
  12. The fat lady was already singing at the quarter pole of the season and she shattered it.
  13. The glass is completely empty......0-4
  14. They're on ESPN alright.......for the lowlights segment.
  15. If this team wanted to make some personnel changes and change the mindset of the organization, they had their chance last year after the Kansas City debacle. Make a mid-season change. Nope, they let things fester through the whole season. The offseason, there weren't enough positive changes. And now, with a rookie head coach, they aren't going to release him or any of the staff. Fans are saddled with what they see on the field. There aren't going to be any changes. Those avenues should have been explored this past offseason. They weren't. The ESPN email hack who calls himself a GM had time and opportunity to re-structure the OLine.....he's had a few years now. I just get the feeling that many in the organization are off the hook until the end of this season.
  16. At this point, changes would probably be only cosmetic in nature, such as those described in this thread. It's going to be a 1984-85 like season, and it will get much uglier if they lose to Miami.
  17. Why I tink I am goin to git into a bunch uh scraps.
  18. An 0-4 record usually takes the irritable edge off of the fans. That obviously isn't the case for next week, especially with a loss, but now it's more of a joke commentary at the water cooler.
  19. They beat the 10 point weekly quota. Damn them!
  20. *tumbleweeds* They scored 1 more point than I expected. Now that is a positive.
  21. I watched the Jets last week. They were able to contain most of what Miami wanted to accomplish on either side of the ball. They certainly contained Miami's offense and made Operation Dumbo Drop look like a fool. Now, just how are the Jets going to treat Lady Liberty tomorrow? With the same disdain for Operation Dumbo Drop? Me thinks yes. That means Mr. Liberty needs to be on his toes and the synapses have to be firing on all cylinders. Anything less and it will be Operation Dumbo Drop Part II. B)
  22. SeanPennIAFP
  23. Didn't Penn go to Iraq and get a bad case of diarrea?
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