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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. You should have no problem accomplishing that if you're in East. St. Louis, Illinois.
  2. And he can pimp his wife out at the same time.
  3. That may be better than getting hit in the head with a bean bag.
  4. WNY's misfortunes are 40 years old. BTW, are they going to put that Bass Pro thing in there or what?
  5. It's really more about Florida and Ohio. Bush has 198 EV locked up. Kerry has 181 locked up. Bush has about a 5-6 point adv. in Arkansas, Nevada, Virginny and West Virginny. Kerry has 6 point leads in Oregon and New Jersey. He has a 4 point lead in New Hampshire. Toss ups for Kerry are Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Mexico (TIE), and Wisconsin. Toss ups for Bush are Iowa (TIE), Ohio and Florida.
  6. Cheney was in the middle part of the state......Bush will be in the Harrisburg area on Thursday..... Speaking of craziness on November 2nd..... I'll put the over/under on major riots in the country at about 12?
  7. If Bush wins Florida and Ohio he most likely will win the election. But it could end up a tie in that scenario as well.
  8. Either them or Philly......just so Buonticonti can take that champagne bottle and uncork it in his ass.
  9. Imagine that......this message bored is one that really coins the phrase "Statue" and it goes national. Tell See BS I want mah Finders Fee. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. Speaking of cursed.....did you know that this rendition of the Boston Red Sox played their inaugural season in Buffalo?
  11. One of those Red Sux0rs stole the peat moss that was attached to the side of Kordell Stewart's head and glued it to his chin. Not good, not good at all....... 1853 called.....it wants its "chia pet on the chin" back.
  12. Rally Caps......what a bunch of twits.
  13. 1918 FOREVER.....RED SUX0RS!!!!!!!
  14. Looks like the mother, not the daughter. Big XXXXL cheap pastel suit. They eat at Wendy's alright......she eats hubbie's ambulance chasing profits.
  15. PA is certainly in play......New Jersey, prolly not.
  16. Bush has 178 EV wrapped up, Kerry has 153. Throw in the EV that is leaning (more strongly than tossups) towards either candidate.....Bush has 249, Kerry has 203. Then you have the tossups......Bush leaning ones are Iowa, Wisconsin, Nevada and Ohio. Kerry leaning ones are Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. New Mexico is a virtual dead heat. Bush's objective is to win Florida and Ohio. Both have polled favorably for the Prez. And he certainly could still grab Pennsylvania. Kerry has about a 2 point lead in PA. There could be a 269-269 tie.....Bush wins Florida and Ohio.....Kerry has to win Nevada, Iowa, Wisconsin, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Pennsylvania. I don't think Kerry is going to win all of those 8 states. The left-leaning Zogby tracking poll has Bush up by 4 points today. Kerry is in the thick of things, but he has a lot of work to do to win the election.
  17. Wasn't Elizabeth Edwards in that "Shallow Hal" movie?
  18. Settle down Mrs. Slocum
  19. Bills emergency QB this week is Brett Weir.
  20. He had no value......dat was one uh Donahooey's Schteeler kidz.
  21. Sol couldn't see so well from the Foxboro Stadium Observatory aka Lighthouse last week. He also purchased a few turnstiles for his mother's viewing which he will use as substitute OT in the game. Jonas Jennings and Mike Williams might be first time buyers.
  22. Where from Buffalo? Sloan, Lovejoy, Kaisertown?
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