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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. He looks like an 8 year old kid with that baseball cap on. He also whines like an 8 year old.
  2. They end up only preventing themselves from ever leaving.
  3. JennJiss Khan strikes again.
  4. Don't prod Pablo Revere......the whitecoats are coming!!!!! Don't shoot till you see da red in dere eyes.
  5. I had some quality posters......did anyone have the Kelly's Heroes one? That was a classic. I wish I had that one still.
  6. I believe Kelley was head honcho of the hockey writers assocation in recent years.....kinda like Felser with the NFL back in the day. It's not a surprise that Hillary Clinton Bettman and her minions acted that way. The NHL is a league that is run with complete disdain for its own history. Don't get me started on the NHL......it died in the early morning, the evening after Messier lifted the Cup with the Rangers. A league that has been dead for a decade.
  7. Ah yes, the Baltimore Colts......too bad they aren't still in existence. They could have built a modern looking Memorial Stadium and still had the bleacher bum deal in the end zone. Hell, even those saddy Houston Oilers should still be around. Effeminate oil derrick for a logo and all.....lol
  8. Tom LemmyWinks Brady?
  9. I remember her name.....Schally Heminns.....please make my acquaintance at MontehChello......lol.
  10. Her name was Sally Hammah.....er Hemings.
  11. The BIG BOOK OF BRITISH SMILES!!!!! Now THAT is funny. Ralphie Wiggam: "That's enough......THAT'S ENOOOOOOUGGHHHHH!!!!"
  12. and the game was on in Baltimore/Harrisburg as well. But I figured that was due to Pittsburgh on FOX and Ravens in the late night game.
  13. POW!!!!!!!!!!!! VEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be here all week.
  14. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars, go straight to hell, PUNK!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. I just didn't think there were many or any uppity liberals in WNY. Nothing to really be uppity about. Unless uppity means pride over outrageously high taxes, medicare and energy costs.
  16. Ridge Road in Lackawanna, nice streets in that location. Preferable being towards route 5.
  17. Did you see the local elections in Buffalo? Disgraceful. You reap what you sow.
  18. Reid from Nevada.
  19. Bush is up in Ohio by 136,000 Provisional ballots in 78 or 88 Ohio counties are 135,149 The numbers The 10 counties out still in Ohio. Coshocton - Pop. 35,427 rural county in between Canton and Columbus Darke - 53,619 rural western county Knox - 47,473 rural county northeast of Columbus Lucas - 462,361 western county of Toledo Madison - 37,068 rural county between Columbus and Dayton Mahoning - 264,806 Youngstown (This might be Kerry's "best" hope) Mercer - 39,433 rural western county Miami - 93,182 county north of Dayton Paulding - 20,488 rural western county Summit - 514,990 Akron The Average per county was 1,732 provisional ballots. Is it even possible to assume that that would follow considering, most of the 10 remaining counties are rural, and assuming that prolly the ballots would fall about 50/50 in those rural counties? If Kerry's best hope might be Mahoning or Summit, a similar county to Mahoning in population and location is Trumbull. They had 2,700 provisional ballots. 5 of these counties look to be rural area counties. Kerry's "average" in the rural counties is about 500 provisional ballots per county. So, assume 2,500 pickup in 5 counties. It just doesn't add up. Kerry has to concede.
  20. Just ripping on the exit polls. What a fraud those people are.
  21. You're correct, they were wrong.
  22. There were a lot over here too. Probably 20 in line already, and about 40 behind me. Small town mind you......when I got out, probably another 50 in line waiting.
  23. Did you poll them? I mistakenly voted for the Magic Bullet Theory boy......
  24. Lack of national exposure has certainly helped to "regionalize" this team a lot. Donahoe is full of bunk. Ralphie placed down his MNF Edict of 1994.....Vatican 3 style. "NO MORE WIRE HANG......ER NO MORE MNF GAMES EVAH!!!!!!!" Sad to see the Bills so far down on the national football radar.
  25. I think Kerry would have a difficult 4 years. Republican congresspeoples would like bi-partisanship with Bush in office. With Kerry? Why? Are the Republicans obligated to provide bi-partisan support on anything Kerry puts forth? No. Expect 4 years of gridlock.
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