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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. 1. Keeping the Statue for next year costs 6.5 mill......and dropping him is a 4.3 mill price tag. He wore out his welcome anyway. It will be JP's team full time next year. 2. McGahee will be in his 2nd year and should become more comfortable, more experience, a RB on the cusp of some very good things. 3. Evans will have a year under his belt, and has shown some good signs along the way. Typically it takes 3 years for receivers to break out. Opposite of Moulds is helpful. 4. The offensive line does need big time attention. I haven't heard many complaints about Villarial, so he must be at least competent. The times I have seen Marcus Price in games, he has looked good. Who is to say that he can't be the RT and shift Williams to LG. Price has ability, find a way to get him into the mix. 5. Wish we had grabbed a Jake Grove in the draft. Ice Teague needs a new address. 6. This franchise has had a phobia in getting a dominating TE. A release valve for Losman would be very beneficial. 7. How about landing some DB's who don't fall down at the worst times. How about teaching them to look back at the ball on downfield passing plays. Every team in the league does this except the Bills. 8. New kicker needed. Team has no faith in Lindell, and for good reason. Has pretty much always been a shaky kicker. 9. Maybe the new blood would re-invigorate some of these players. Losman has some bravado and cockiness? Good. The Sterile Statue sure isn't hyping his teammates. 10. The whole idea around parity in the league I think is overblown. The Bills haven't benefitted from the concept. The teams with the quality coaching staffs and the talent are going to win. Nobody is really taking a run at New England or Philadelphia. The Colts are still good cause of their talent. Pittsburgh bounced back cause of talent and coaching. The stinky teams still stink.....Oakland, Buffalo, Arizona, etc. And the flaky teams will remain flaky.....Minnesota, NY Jets. 11. Donahoe's time is up. And I hope to hell he isn't feeding Mularkey what to say. Let Mularkey get his feet wet and make his own decisions, good or bad. We already have a "caretaker" quarterback. We don't need another "caretaker" for a head coach.
  2. I don't recall watching any porn and seeing a football game break out.
  3. Advanced Game 43 out of 50 states, 86%, 11 miles, 358 secs.
  4. If JP is 100% healthy by the Cleveland game, and Bledsoe has put together 3 more consecutive weeks of buffoonery, hand the keys over to JP against the Browns. Let Bledsoe take the fall in Seattle and Miami.
  5. I think I'll go to the game this week dressed as the Statue of Liberty with a #11 "Bledsoe" on the back.
  6. The Jets just may have killed their season. At worst, it would have been 17-0 with momentum into halftime. Gilbride must be a consultant for the Jets. Just asinine.
  7. I think more should be expected out of trading away a 1st round pick. The Bills received about 8 games of quality production off the bat from Bledsoe, and then just a mere handful of decent games in the last 32 or so.
  8. I would say the Bledsoe and RJ trades rank up at the top in the annals of Buffalo sports trades. Have the Sabres had a worse one? Andreychuk, Puppa and a 1st rounder for Grant Fuhr wasn't too spectacular, albeit Fuhr played a big role in finally getting out of the 1st round of the playoffs. The Real Cloutier trade in the early 80s was also pretty poor.
  9. Drew Bledsoe is Joe Ferguson without violently snapping off the chin strap.
  10. Don't forget "coppers". That word was created along Canal St. back in the day as well.
  11. Stuck in neutral. That's been the mantra for years now. Prolly since Kelly left the playoff game against Jacksonville. What really has been accomplished since then? Very little. No divisional championships, 2 playoff appearances with quick exits. Flailing away to find a starting quarterback. Abandonment of establishing a solid offensive line. One coaching buffoon after another. I didn't even bother watching the game Sunday. There was a early Monday meeting to go to, and why bother watching a train wreck? This is @ New England during a prime time telecast. Duhhhhhhh, do the Bills get it yet? 1. You can't win on the road, and 2. You get assraped on the road during primetime and embarrass people from Buffalo and Bills fans. Why can't they try and host the one primetime game they get? Is everyone too much of a wussy to attend one friggin night game at home???? 1 night out of the year. Cmon, you mean to tell me a region teeming with raging alcoholics couldn't possibly have any interest in one night game to whoop it up at? Please.....spare me. I can't get all rattled about it anymore. Very melancholy attitude towards the team now.....they win, hooray, they lose, whatever. Maybe someday in the future the Buffalo Bills will take winning seriously once again. Something they have barely done for nearly the past decade.
  12. I missed the whole game.....I had an early meeting on Monday morning. No case of the Monday's for me.....
  13. The guy who invented the word "mugging"??? Appropriate for Bledsoe to play in Buffalo.
  14. Maybe this is a case of Mularkey playing puppet to Donahoe's strings? What does Mularkey really think? Rookie coach or not, take the reins and establish yourself.
  15. They should make that guy the new GM
  16. I would give JP a shot to start against the Rams. They're not a pushover defense, but they aren't the Patriots either. Let's see what JP can do with a full week of preparation. If the Bills don't want to go that route, if Bledsoe keep up this Lady Liberty act for three more weeks, then it's time to anoint JP the starter vs Cleveland on 12/12 and let him finish out the year.
  17. Take a look at an offense that couldn't generate yardage. That often comes back to bite a defense in the ass. A team like the Patriots can win rather easily when: 1. They are able to shut down the opposing offense and 2. Let Corey Dillon run the ball 26 times getting good yardage. Typical Belichek game. Add in 3. that Lady Liberty in Foxboro is akin to going to a Haunted House.
  18. JP's been watching Drew too much.....he picked up a few of Lady Liberty's faults along the way.....JP will get rid of them soon. Imagine your first game @ New England coming in because Lady Liberty's Foxboro Phobias were rearing their ugly head again.
  19. No, I already informed those guys I want that extra 1%.
  20. Couldn't there be multiple primary owners in the mix? Golisano and his people take 33%, Rich and his people take 33%, Jacobs and his people take 33% I'll take the last 1%
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