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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Can we make a game where we get to chop off Ann Boleyn's head?
  2. Didn't the women's team get raped by Conn. last night? 107-40 ring a bell? Nice to know most Buffalo teams enjoy being raped. Especially UB. What is with that program? "Let's play the most difficult team in the country and be humiliated." Good one. Who the hell is the AD over there?
  3. Leonard Little is DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!
  4. You know, if you castrated Specter, I bet all those marbles would finally fly out of his mouth. The bullet goes a this way and a that way, and a loopy-dee-loop, and nips Govnah Connolly's earlobe, and a 45 degree turn changing to an obtuse angle.....and.......
  5. Rams 34 Bills 21 Holt and Bruce are too much for the secondary. At least 2 Rams TD's are of the over 50 yard variety as Holt runs past a secondary that falls down simultaneously.
  6. Trade Moulds for who(m)? sp..... You want Tommy D Whitey to make ANOTHER trade? Yuck, let's take it easy in the trade department. 1. Moulds is a consummate professional. 2. Yeah, Brewster Drewster is throwing to #80 exclusively it seems, but Moulds is one of the more productive receivers. 3. He's very beneficial to the growth of Lee Evans. 4. You want to put JP in there with Moulds not on the field? JP's gonna be looking around in a daze.....Bobbah, where's Bobbah Shaw.....? Errrrrr.....Habibi Haddadii, get open man..... uh Mark Campbell....that's the ticket. Josh Dropsies Reed....... Moulds's contract isn't up after this season........right?
  7. Does anyone have an extra ticket?
  8. All your Statue are belong to me.
  9. I'm going to google that.....I wanted to read up on the one guy who was bashed by boulders.
  10. I could, I could put stricnine (sp)? in the guacamole.
  11. Isn't that Burrows guy the poor soul who had boulders heaped upon him? Ouch.
  12. Yes, they came to Salem Mahhs to burn witches!!!!! Yikes, my head is spinnin. Yes.....show a naked woman in a locker room.....what is this, Lisa Olsen?
  13. If you only start one QB a week it's a decent trade.
  14. I asked for no salt, NO SALT!!!!! but there was salt on the glass.
  15. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bull****. If this, if that, if this, if that. They run well he sucks, they run mediocre and he sucks. It's always about anything and anybody else except Lady Liberty Statue #11. Effective......more like defective. Did the ACME warranty from Foxboro run out yet? Can we get our money back?
  16. I think that would be Isaac Bruce. I believe he wears #80. And what did Leonard Little do? I have not heard of this situation.
  17. Anything with Jason Mewes is good...... "Yo Flo!!! Get me a bagel with cream cheese. You want one? Make that two, AND KISS MY GRITS!!!!! NOOOOOOOCH!!!!!!!"
  18. Hammer hits nail. Unfortunate to see so many unscrupulous characters roaming around this country. Just judging from what I have been reading online about this subject, there sure are a lot of pimple-faced dorks in this country getting major workouts with their hands. Like you said, there's an appropriate time and place for everything, yet that line is continually being crossed. Maybe some of you should rub one out before a football game. If I watch a porno, I don't expect to see a football game. Try and separate the two, it is possible.
  19. I like the idea of Price at RT and Williams at LG. How much is Jennings going to cost? Can he be retained?
  20. Who are the best college O-linemen and is there a player who would be a good pick early in the 2nd round of the 2005 NFL draft?
  21. Isn't the cap figure for next year result in a 4.3 million payment if Bledsoe is cut and 6.5 million if he remains? What is Lindell's salary, how much cap damage is it to cut him? We would have to keep a kicker because we paid him too much? A kicker??? Damn. I don't mind Mularkey as head coach, but he needs to cut his teeth and make the decisions. If he's just a puppet, well this team will never move forward. If St. Donahoe is throwing down edicts from his Ivory Tower, then the malaise can just settle in for the foreseeable future. Who is a member of the offensive line that should be kept for next year? Villarial, switch Williams around and get Marcus Price on the field. This is going to be a long work in progress. I don't buy into the parity thing in the NFL where the Bills are concerned. This team has been stuck in molasses for many years. I don't know how they work their way out of the mess. I'm not sure the front office (TD) knows how to either.
  22. Haven't missed it a whole lot. That seems to be the usual response I see from other people (hockey fans) as well.
  23. That coach is going to pull the few remaining hairs out of his head.
  24. Taking the idea at hand......you can kind of equate it to Sabres GM Darcy Regier and his insistence on playing favorites with Tim Connolly and Taylor Pyatt in the Mike Peca trade a few years back. Come hell or highwater, these guys are playing. These moves were made on their watches, and they don't want to look bad, even if the on-field / on-ice performances are horrific to view.
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