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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. basketball...... zzzzzzzzzz, pass.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz dunk...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz I hope I didn't furget to bring me pillow.
  2. There's better on the weather channel. Maybe you can tell me what happened to the blond chick who became albino and rid herself of eyebrows. What's up with that?
  3. Houston is a strange team.....didn't they beat Jacksonville already this year? Kerry Collins is also strange. He could have a big positive stat day against the Jags, or he could throw 4 interceptions. Damn Green Bay.....they need to flush that Frozen Tundra cliche down the toilet.
  4. I remember when there was this old commercial and Chas Steiner was hiding under his desk and Holyfield wanted to fight him and I wonder if Taceo Spikes would like to do a commercial like that, cause you dodo think he would cause I think he should.
  5. I'm tired of that fat tub. Maybe Monday NFL QB will have some chatter aboot the game.
  6. How awful. Having to sacrifice 1 or 2 days out of 365. The Horror!!!!!
  7. Oct. 20, 1975 In a bizarre Monday night affair at Rich Stadium, the Bills were beaten by the New York Giants, 17-14, their first loss of the season. Fans acted atrociously in front of Frank Gifford, Howard Cosell and Alex Karras. One fan dangled high above the stadium on a cable that is used to support the net behind the goal posts, many were involved in numerous brawls and others took their clothes off and mugged for the national TV cameras. Dec. 20, 1975 Vikings 35 Bills 13 Chuck Foreman's four TD's game him 22 for the season, but he didn't get a chance to tie Simpson's record because he came out of the game after being hit in the eye by a snowball in the third quarter. Bud Grant: "Why don't you get Miami up here on a day like today? Our players were being subjected to a barrage of snowballs and nobody was doing anything about it. Buffalo has some of the best fans in the league, but there are a few who spoil it for everyone."
  8. If you're thinking of Monday Night Football, you might be thinking of the guy who scaled some wire over the stadium.....I believe that was either 75 or 76 against the Giants. The Foreman deal may have been in 75......Let me consult my copy of "Relentless".
  9. Wrong year, and it wasn't Monday Night Football.
  10. I was counting pins. I don't know what to make of it......doesn't make any sense. I realize the technology has improved to the point in the game that it's like that Tom & Jerry cartoon where Tom has the remote control whistle and knocks down all the pins. The game really loses more credibility if the challenge level drops.
  11. Ok, I'll try and set the stage for youse guys..... Ol Chalkie G used to be a terror on the lanes back in his youthful days at Sheridan Lanes. Well, if you consider a kid at 12 who hit a 205 and about a 530.....I suppose that isn't too bad. Had the talent certainly, game progressed some into the 170s in high school for an average. After that it was hit and miss.....went to the lanes sometimes, often didn't. Last time I was in a league was prolly 5 years ago.....finished out with about a 190 average. Finally hit a 700 series, actually twice and came away with a high game of 278. Anyway, the scores keep getting higher. I only go bowling once every year or two. A couple years ago I'm at that Voelker's place on Amherst St. and roll a 230 in my first game, well over 600 for a series. Fast forward to this past Tuesday......Haven't gone bowling in two years time and my first game is a 255, 6 pack......then a 233, and then a 197.....a friggin 685 and I haven't gone bowling in two years?!?!?!?!? The game is a travesty.....time to fire off a letter to the HQ Bowling Association in wonderful St. Louie, Missourah.
  12. David Littman.....oh wait, that might be the early 90s.
  13. Ira Albright.....converted from either fullback to nose tackle, or something. WILLIE TOTTEN!!!!!!!!! TODD SCHLOPY!!!!!!!!!! Preston Dennard Keith Moody Curtis Brown.....he didn't play for the Sabres Justin Cross Keith Willis Reggie 5th Chance at Redemption Rogers Brad Daluiso Al Cowlings DRIVE AL DRIVE!!!!! Tom Ruud Tom Cousineau draft choices Little Al Edwards Larry Kinnebrew BREW!!!!!!! Terry Miller and his 1 year wonder 1000 season Bo Cornell John Skorupan Bobby Moore......err Ahmad Rashad Brian McClure Joe Dufek Bruce Mathison Vinny Ferragamo......ah yes, the glory days of 1984-85 quarterbacking STANNNNNN GELBAUGH! Conrad Legwhippin Dobler Ray Darby the Dinosaur Bentley
  14. Frank Caprice King Richard Brodeur Bob Janecyk Greg Millen Doug Soetaert Mike Liut Mario Gosselin Don Beaupre Greg Stefan Glen Hanlon Kari Takko Pokey Reddick Cleon Daskalaskis Daren Eliot Ron Hextall John Vanbiesbrouck
  16. You better put all those retirees living off the dole back to work. That's an untapped source of labor in upstate NY.
  17. The Swingline or the Bostich? Red or black?
  18. North of Baltimore, MD Hope that helps
  19. Give it time, that will change. You think PA can keep up the costs of Tubby Rendell's grandiose buffets??? Actually, PA school taxes are going through the roof. In the limited growth areas of the state, aka Sus Q Valley as an example here.
  20. Funny how all these musicians I've never heard of keep croaking.
  21. With the pig leaving his mark in the pizza box. And then he tried to get the Betty Boop character to go along with it.
  22. I think the Manheim Mudcats of Lancaster Co. could give you a day off.
  23. OP won? Eggsellent (Monty Burns voice)
  24. Shumwon pleesh translate dis inter Engrish pleesh.
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