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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Most overrated occasion of the year. With the malaise in south Asia.....I don't know, maybe just this year people should take in a reality check for once in acting "festive".
  2. AFLAC!!!!!!!!! If you're hurt and miss work (on Sunday), it doesn't hurt to miss work.
  3. Where's Murray Head? He should be releasing a disaster-funding CD...
  4. I'm out of money......can't give anything......I'm sure Mrs. Janet Egeland of the hoity-toity UN can see to it that she hand out 5 dollars in my stead.
  5. Bryce Paup.....good choice.
  6. If any of yunz yinz go to a webpage with dialects, you'll notice that yunz Pittsburgeheses have their own yinzy dialetco.....it is quite strange. Exhibit A: Myron Cope.
  7. The worst part is the stench that will waft in from I-79.
  8. Why don't you guys beat the hell out of them during the pre-game tailgating? Stiller fans can get all nervous WHAT DIT YUNZ ALL GIT OURSELVES INTAH HEEAHR?
  9. Fire Erickson? John York is prolly going to give Erickson a 5 year extension on his contract. John York is life imitating art. I think he saw that "Major League" film a few too many times.
  10. Poor Mike Lice, I almost feel sorry for the guy...... at today's press conference he starts going "E-A-G-L-E-S"......(hoping that St. Louis would lose tonight so the Vikings could back into the playoffs) Both Ditka and Eric Allen were like on NFL Monday QB on ESPN What is with Mike Lice anyway......he puts on a seminary outfit on gameday and walks around like a cross between Slingblade and Forrest Gump.
  11. maybe you could pass this along to your Scandinavian pal...... "What is the general impression in the Twin Cities area now that the Banjo Boy from Deliverance had his contract option picked up by the Vikings?"
  12. Tizzzzz the season to be jorry......fa ra rarara....rara ra-raaaaaa..... GO KITCHEN!!!!! BRING FOOD!!!!!!!
  13. Geez, leave the man alone already. If you want to talk about gay, look at the fairy who shot him.
  14. and the NBA lawyer in charge of the proceedings to move the Braves to San Diego? None other than present NBA commissioner Dave Stern. So the NBA can go :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: itself.
  15. I was hoping those lanes were still there.
  16. not on the rug...........maaaaaan :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. Actually the game isn't much of a challenge at the moment. The way the lanes are taken care of, damn thing tracks right to the pocket. Case in point, no bowling for two years for me and I go out and have a 685 set. That REALLY shouldn't happen. You'll have to tell people what your bowling style is, in order to purchase the right ball.
  18. Someone should put stricnine (sp) in the 49erziz guacamole.
  19. Ah, I believe you are on to something.
  20. never underestimate the power of Milton Waddams.
  21. Ralph was a pennypincher. The mid-70s gives out a pretty vivid example. Ahmad Rashad is let go over a 10k dispute. Earl Edwards isn't re-signed. Robert James is injured. Several bad things happened after 1975. Suitcase Lou took off. That could have been a special team. Instead, until Knox arrived, that team was horrible.
  22. I don't believe there are any In and Out Burgers in my region.
  23. From the York PA Daily Dork: "If we get this game we clinch home and we got the bye and, going to Buffalo, I'm pretty sure a lot of people won't play." Ward said. "For whatever reason if we don't win this game and we have to win in Buffalo, then you have two weeks where we are trying to put this one win together. But this week, what better way than having Baltimore come in?" "They are playing great football right now, so you don't want to have to win that (Buffalo) game." running back Jerome Bettis said. "We need to take care of business at home. This game is going to mean everything. This is the biggest game of the year for us."
  24. The NBA: It's FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTASTIC! More like craptastic.
  25. when the Clippers move back to Buffalo and call themselves the Braves, I'll watch the NBA. Until then........rat's ass.
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