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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. With no quarterback to bail them out. Instead the rest of the team has to bail out the quarterback. I guess I was the only one cringing every time Captain Statuesque Mannequin dropped back to pass. That's ok.....Drew really "earned" all 7 of those passing yards in the first half, LOL.
  2. Overall, that does sound like a Ralph Wilson comment after a game.....when the team ends up losing either an important game or is in the doldrums......aka 0-4 start this year, ol Ralphie let loose a bit.
  3. 23-25 record in 3 years with Bledsoe. I smell playoffs next year. Actually, could you imagine how pitiful this team would be with a mediocre defense and starting running backs not named Travis Henry or Willis McGahee?
  4. Whoa.....Ron Jaworski. Protection? You mean the Great Wall of China. The Bills should put Drew in that PopeMobile, or the rollerskates from the Bang cartoon.
  5. I have been to games at Richie Rich Stadium when the Squeelers have shown up. There were never that many out of town fans, and they sure as hell didn't wave around that little pee-stained rag of theirs.
  6. Drew happens..... The team has reached its zenith under the direction of Captain Mannequin. You think an outlandish number of kick returns and defensive touchdowns will occur next year? Don't depend on it. Drew as caretaker is about as good as it gets. Maybe his teammates have had enough of the caretaker? Bledsoe walked off the field, a wounded, lonely soul with nary a member of the Bills organization anywhere near him. Reminded me of Hasek flying off the ice in his last game with the Sabres......hint hint.....
  7. GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!! said Santa Claus to Ralphie Parker......
  8. And they smell putrid, due to their Slavic "unibrow wearing", unkempt ways.
  9. I just get the feeling Randy Cross was prolly the locker room B word back in the mid-80s.....Rice-A-Roni He looks like he should be hosting that Queer Eye program.
  10. I wish someone could lure Randy Cross to the top of an 11 story building and give him 12 stories worth of bungee cord.
  11. Drool Bedsore was also Bob Glauber's goat of the week.
  12. That has been a myth for many a year. Nearly every NFL community likes to think they have the best fans. Buffalo now falls in place of one of the NFL towns that likes to think it's shat don't stink. Bills fans will talk your damn ear off aboot how "great" dey is.....when push comes to shove? They are like FORD......Fails On Race Day.
  13. The momentum changed when they didn't go for it on 4th down. No guts.
  14. Why, that sounds a bit like my new sig line.
  15. Ok, who didn't think that Squeeler.....#25? wasn't going to strip the ball from Bledsoe. You KNEW that play had "impending doooooooooooooooooooooooom" written all over it. Of course, #92 meathead did his best Richard Seymour impersonation, and that's the season. Bledsoe's career is like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.......the same mistakes.....over and over and over and over and over and over....... I can't digest another season with the Statue. 3 seasons, 3 strikes, you're out.
  16. Mr. Vince is right.....12th man sounded like it was in a sugar coma. Camera panned shots plenty of times on 3rd and long for Pitt and some Bills fans looked like they were drooling on themselves during nap time. Where are the early 90s crowds? Ah yes, they moved to S. Cali, Atlanta, Charlotte, Blubbersburg, etc. etc. All I saw were pee-stained towlettes from the smelly opposition fans.
  17. Did you see Bledsoe walking off the field all by himself. No teammates, no coaches, nothing. Maybe they have had enough of him as well. Most of us fans sure as hell have. Get rid of him, all he does is hold this team back. 6 week winning streak, and how many games had Bledsoe as such a major factor in winning? I remember one 4 touchdown game, but every other game it was McGee kickoff return, and Spikes INT return, and blocked punt for a TD and tubsy Pat Williams for a TD and Willis with about a dozen touchdowns. Bledsoe can't even function in the role of caretaker. Get him the hell out of here.
  18. 6 game winning streak is nice, even against JV squads like Miami, Cleveland and San Francisco. But the Bills are like the middle school bully who heads to his freshman year and gets his ass kicked. There is plenty of work to be done. New kicker.....you never keep a kicker whose long of the year is 43 yards. Statue? Out.....team deserves more than a caretaker at QB. Your time here is over. Mike Williams? Not just yet ready for primetime. Ross Tucker? Goodbye. Poochillo.....horrid.
  19. Bledsoe played the role of caretaker for about 6 weeks, and today a little more was needed. And against backups for an entire half, he could barely mount anything an pissed away the season with another of his patented, lovely fumbles. Same ol shat.
  20. The bigger the game, the bigger the Depends Drew needs. I hope that was his last game with the Bills. I am sure we know it won't be. Whitey will keep him around. Drew is the Big Game Choker. Patriots fans have said it over and over. They aren't wrong.
  21. They were like little mousies who didn't want to disturb Steelers fans. As effective as the Statue himself!
  22. That's why I made mention of flipping a coin at the altar.
  23. I think you should flip a quarter when you go to the altar.
  24. How about Michael Pickles Peca......no money in 2 of the last 5 years. Anyone who doesn't like fighting in hockey IAFP.
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