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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Left in the playoffs: Patriots, Steelers, Eagles, Falcons Booted out of the playoffs: Dolts, Viqueens, Lambs 4 physical, blue collar teams with talent, and 3 prancy, dancy teams who are fans of Zandar from that Comedy Central show.
  2. That is how I have viewed Manning since last year's AFC championship. Manning is a Marino-like stat freak but weak, lily-livered wuss in the playoffs. LET'S GO INSURANCE ADJUSTERS, LET'S GO!!!!! LET'S GO ISOTONERS, LET'S GO!!!!! CALL ME DAN!!!! (as in Marino) CALL ME DAN!!!! (as in stat-freak, no playoff winning meathead)
  3. Culpepper away from Deliverance Banjo Boy Tice and Linehart would be a good move. Can you imagine Culpepper and McGahee in the same backfield?
  4. Orchard Park Quakers need that extra edge to get over the schneid.
  5. Scratch Jacksonville, I believe it is Houston instead. I would say at least 1 win, because New Orleans is bringing back the mis-firing synapses kid....aka Jim Haslett.
  6. Who is on the schedule next year? Miami - 2x Gonna take awhile for Nickey Lou Saban Jr. to get things moving. Let's see if they can patch a line together, along with some real RBs, QBs. New England - 2x Even without Tubsy @ OC, Dillon ran well, line is good, Brady knows the game. If they don't have injuries destroying their secondary, this will once again be a very formidable team. Don't forget that Looney Toons in the grey sweatshirt is giving Bledsoe nightmares. NY Jets - 2x As long as Hermie Edwards is the coach, I think the Bills can stay in any game with the Jets. Pennington doesn't scare anyone. Defense isn't too shabby though. also vs Denver @ home. Shanahan always seems to have a decent team. The KC Chefs.....should be some scoring there. The Michael Vick Experience makes a trek to Orchard Park. The Carolina Panthers......and I believe it is Jacksonville as well? On the road....travel to Oakland again........travel to Cincinnati I believe......again.......travel to San Diego, New Orleans and Tampa Bay.
  7. This is why there should be a law stating that Herman Edwards can only enter the town of Orchard Park, NY as a coach or assistant coach of any team other than the Buffalo Bills.
  8. Engberg, isn't that his name? Now, I'm confuzzled. Is anyone else tired of Grammpa Engberg's orgasmic "OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYY"zzzz......try something else Grammpa Viagra.
  9. Well, the Jets shouldn't have sat on their asses in the last minute......they had an opportunity to get another 10 yards or so. Why do teams lollygag when they have the chance to put a team away. Also, why didn't they at least run the ball into the middle of the field. None of this is to excuse Doug Brien, the goat of all goats in these playoffs. You should do what you possibly can to make the kick as automatic as possible. NEVER leave the game in the hands of a kicker, unless his name is Vinatieri.
  10. Andre Reed to kick for the Steelers.......Jake Reed holding..... My name is Bobby Engram.....I am an announcer for ESPCBS......I am making Pat Summerall sound sober. I must retire....... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! exclaims Engerberger as the intern pops up and exits the pressbox.
  11. Go Jets. &$#@ the Steelers.
  12. wasn't the lead story on the buffalonews site about dissolving the commie council and moving to a regional govt?
  13. Those are the pictures I was referring to previously. This is / was part of Brian Higgins's plan when he was working in Albany.
  14. What would really help and anchor a project like this would be a decent sized job creation plan. This could keep a community like this sustainable. The project has the right ideas, but perhaps they could revise it a bit. It seems to have a Baltimoresque flavor to it. Maybe Masiello should contact former MD gov. Schaefer.....pick his brain.
  15. That is on the other side of the skyway. across from the Aud. This location......ok, you would be facing away from the back end of the HSBC Arena.....you would be looking past the Buffalo river and the grain elevators. I believe this area is next to.......the Pier restaurant/bar. If you were approaching downtown Buffalo from route 5, it would be the area on your left before you head up the skyway. If I am wrong, someone give out the location.....but I think that is the general area we are talking about here.
  16. One of the groups involved was behind the Navy Pier concept in Chicago. That's pretty big stuff.....3 out of town firms? That particular area is obviously ripe for just the kind of plan that is being proposed. You could have this proposal anchor one end and Bass Pro et al. anchoring the other end of the inner harbor / outer harbor / waterfront dealie. Is Brian Higgins involved in any of this? I know when he was working in Albany, he proposed the elimination of the Skyway and the construction of an underwater tunnel. He also had plans dealing with the particular outer harbor area in question with more of a commercial space / office park type feel.
  17. "And he said mean, awful things. And ah fell down the stayhs, ann mah shooz fell off!" "But did you sustain an injury?" "Well, mah haid was bashed apahht."
  18. He convinced Ralphie to bring in Kelly to finally get things moving. Drafted Bruuuuce instead of the Midge. Andre Reed in the lower rounds, pulled off the Biscuit trade. Brought in Leonard Smith to make the d backfield more aggressive. Were smart and lucky enough to get the Thurminator in round 2. I'd say a lot of positive things happened on Polian's watch in a short period of time. He's the man most responsible for having gotten this moribund franchise turned around.
  19. Their plan is akin to a group of 8th graders in last period study hall on a Friday afternoon conjuring up some useless ideas.
  20. I'm going to sue you.........for punitive damages.....that you're giving me! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. As opposed to the bigger named player agents who are telling Goodenow to go :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: himself and the agents are looking to circumvent the NHLPA? Where did you get your information from, Fantasyland?
  22. Maybe they should get themselves a team.
  23. If Manning wants people to start taking his career seriously, he'll guide the Colts to a victory in Foxboro. Anything less, and he's this generation's Dan Marinoesque stat freak.
  24. Bring back the Majic Man from Cheekatawarsaw.
  25. The Geritol Gang!
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