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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. I heard Jacksonville smells pretty bad......
  2. Depends on the job......carriers have a good union and receive a bit better pay than other workers. On the whole though, it is a pretty big cluster****. The postal service is in the red.
  3. Give him a pass......after all.....he is a boat drinker......
  4. Can't go wrong with that lineup.
  5. Do you wait till the wind changes direction?
  6. And the last time this asstool ran, he ran unopposed. Masiello makes Griffin and Gorski look like Rhodes scholars. DDAAAAAAARR, he PLAYED BASKEEETBILL at KUHNEEESHUSS...... well, gotta vote him in......he went dat dere Jezzebelluhwit school. Was that a picture of Jenna Dorkman from Darmasan Cheese & Greg? I guess she was in Buffalo for the Frank Lloyd Wright houses and stumbled upon a "Scientology" exhibit. Nice to know that 10 tons of Fun Franczak was there. That guy can't have a heart attack fast enough.
  7. Hell yes.......probably just created the best secondary on the field at the same time in the history of the franchise.
  8. When you get to 33rd degree level Mason.....you get inducted into the "Illuminati" and one of the Rothschild spawn of Satan descendants gives you your lifetime membership card. I don't care for these secret societies.....I think we shuould overthrow all of them. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  9. Beegull.......Beegall......... Linus and Snoopy: "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA YEAAAAAAAAAA" Charlie Brown: BEAGELL.......B-A-G-E-L.........Beagle Spelling Bee Moderator: WAAAAAA WAAA.....WAAA WA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Charlie Brown: ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  10. These are the new Masons.......be wary.
  11. One team will win, the other will lose, and both cities just might burn to the ground.
  12. This sounds like a road trip.......all that bathtub moonshine just waiting..... Oh, and that mail dealy......don't worry about that......trivial crap.
  13. Maybe the more disturbing thing is that Charlie Rangel sounds like Carol Channing.
  14. If you do not have ESPN Classic...... Tonight.....err, tomorrow morning.....from 12:30-2:00 am.......Super Bowls 1-3 on ESPN2. Then......Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 6th......Super Bowls 4-38......Midnight until 6:30pm.....also on ESPN2.
  15. That is true.... And if you guys really want to know how far you have to travel (from Buffalo) to run into somebody you won't be able to understand.....go about 140 miles south to around Franklin, PA. "Ah reckon we doan see yo kind rounn heeahr"
  16. Chris Farley. I kicked his ass at the Polish Villa. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: BRING IT!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  17. I might check a game out there this year.
  18. There's a Denny's right across the street from the gas station he runs from.....so, who knows what they did. I haven't seen that movie in a while.
  19. I thought the movie was ok.....if you aren't from Buffalo, no real reason to watch. What's the problem with what Gallo said? Was I the only one who read the entire article? In a way he is right......there happen to be plenty of retarded, vindictive assclowns who live in the Buffalo area.
  20. Damn......I thought I was the only one who knew that.......Didn't he go to Dennys? Across the street.
  21. That guy was a classic, that game was a classic. Picked up from the LA Rams?
  22. It was an ear hair problem, not pubic hair.
  23. He looks ticked off......must be the weight of a franchise accomplishing zilch since they were in Chicago WAY back in the day.
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