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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Posts posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. Decadence is the first lady Michelle Obama amazingly taking a gaudy vacation with forty of her friends and family to a five star hotel in Spain while America has a 9.5 unemployment figure and is currently going through the worst recession it it's history. Millions of people have lost their homes in foreclosure. 40 million people are on food stamps, largest ever. And the fact that the American taxpayer is on on the hook for $250,000 of it, which just adds another log to the deficit bonfire that our children and children's children will eventually have to pay off, sickens me to the core...





    She's part of the Hoi Polloi... It's unfortunate Moe, Larry and Curly aren't around to launch about 50 pies at her.

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