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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. This must be the Doug Flutie Fan Club when I gradyoueighted colledge, I wayed 114 pounds......or 3 stone as dey say in England......like everyone else....
  2. That is what Modell did with the Ravens. What about all that talk of Golisano, Wegman, Rich et al. buying the team?
  3. He can't even spell his last name correctly.
  4. Didn't those clowns just re-acquire David Boston?
  5. Easy with the hair there..... Create the new capitol somewhere in the Finger Lakes region. What is the name of the new state?
  6. not really finally, should have happened long ago.
  7. I believe it still retains much of that character, the whole Colden, Boston, E. Concord region.
  8. I hope London gets the Olympics.
  9. Yes, but it must remain the quaint, windy road community that it is now. I do enjoy a pizza at one of the fine ski lodges on the outskirts of Kissing Bridge.
  10. Bethlehem Steel Stadium Place some iron girders on top of the scoreboard.
  11. Time to draw up secession papers.
  12. Put the Jets back in Shea Stadium......maybe the Polo Grounds? Is that still there?
  13. She needs some time at the hair salon.
  14. I thought MAD TV called it "Rat's Nest".....maybe they should have included "Rat's Ass"
  15. They weren't going to win in New England anyway.
  16. Are those my glasses!!!!?????!!!!!!
  17. After Parcells left him.....and Pete Carroll didn't help matters.
  18. Silver is Larry Fine to Pataki's Moe and Joe Bruno's Curly.
  19. Why is he going anyway, to offer his condolences? I'll bring my new Fuji camera.
  20. and that is awesome news.
  21. They also have Chuck Foreman, Robert Smith, Darrin Nelson, and I think one more.
  22. signed, Geoffrey Tibbs Fawnsworth Fake Fat Sonny Chowsurr
  23. Preston Brooks? The attack was done by the nephew of a southern Senator.....I believe S. Carolina. There is that rather famous drawing of Sumner getting beaten with the cane.....kid had heart though, still had his feather pen in his hand while taking the beating.
  24. I think he is in for a lot of pain in week 1 vs the Chargers......nationally televised game by the way.
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